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By Anthony Pires on 2024-05-26 19:54:00

Anarchy in the Arena: The Young Bucks, Jack Perry & Kuzuchika Okada vs FTR, Bryan Danielson and Darby Allin

The AEW team attacks before the bell.  It’s going to be insane. Darby Allin gets his entrance separate. They’re brawling.  Matthew gets on the mic and demands Allin’s music get cut. They play the Elite music instead. Danielson tells them to turn it off. Instead they play Final Countdown.  This is what we’re fighting over.

The fight goes across the building. Dax and Nicholas are fighting in the concession area. Allin with a coffin drop off the Budweiser sign.  Dax and Matthew have made their way to the upper deck I think.  Cash nailed Perry with a trash can. Matthew demands the music be turned off. Okada kicks Danielson in the face. Prry and Allin are now backstage.  The fans want music. Cross body by Okada to Cash. Allin shoves Perry into an ice bath. Steel pipe by Perry to Allin’s mid section. 

FTR and the Bucks were actually in the ring. Buck accidentally kick Okada.  Danielson takes weak chair shot from Okada. Jack Perry apparently runs over Allin with a bus.  Yes, a bus.  

Spike piledriver by FTR to Matthew Jackson. Elbow drop by Okada to Dax. Okada tombstones Cash. Darby reappears. Stronger than a bus I presume. Okada stomps the bad foot.  Allin with a code red. Darby gets powerbombed through chairs because he’s Darby. The Bucks drag Allin up the ramp and send him down the elevator.  Danielson gets sent into the giant poker chips. TK driver on the chips to Danielson. 

Further mayhem ensues. Cash brings out a table on the ramp. He gets laid out on it. Nicholas with a senton on it. Jack Perry attacks Tony Khan. Darby is back with the flame thrower and sets Perry on fire. You read that right. The Bucks and Perry are back in the ring. 450 by Nicholas, he misses.  Low blow by allon to Okada. The Bucks save him.  A hook comes down to the ring.  The Elite tie Allin to it. Shatter Machone by FTR for 2. Matthew nails Dax with an exploding chair.

Okada applies a sleeve with thumbtacks. Rainmaker to Cash. Okada gets the Bucks new sneakers.  They have thumbtacks at the bottom. The rope hangs Allin upside down. The Bucks superkick an upside down Allin. Danielson gets Matthews shoe off and nails the Bucks with it. Yes kicks by Danielson. Danielson with stomps. Busaiku knee by Danielson for 2 to N?icholas. Okada with the save. 

Allin is still hanging there. Perry pins Danielson.


That was…..something.

We go to credits

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