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By Anthony Pires on 2024-05-26 19:54:00

Statlander shoves Stokely. IT’S A RUSE! Statlander attacks Willow and pummels her on the ramp

AEW World Championship: Swerve Strickland w/Prince Nana vs Christian w/ Killswitch, Nick Wayne and Nick Wayne’s Beautiful Mother

Lockup. Clean break. Another lockup.  Clean break. Side headlock by Swerve.  Shoulderblock by Swerve. Cage with a reverse DDT and a choke. Swerve escapes and knocks Cage to the floor. Single stomp by Swerve, he’s in full control. He misses a dice and goes into the rail. Cage sends him into the rail. Double bicep pose by Cage. Cage chokes Swerve on the bottom rope. Swerve responds with chops. DDT by Cage. Frog splash by Cage for 2. Nick Wayne with a cheap shot. Cage gets sent into the buckles hard. Back elbow by Cage, chop by Swerve. Powerbomb by Cage. Powerslam by Swerve for 2.  They slug it out on their knees. Uppercut by Swerve. 

Neckbreaker by Swerve. Followed by one in the ropes. Cross body for 2 by Swerve. Sharpshooter by Cage.  Nick Wayne’s mom tries to throw the belt in but Nana pulls it away. Nana gets ejected. Killswitch and Nick Wayne attack while Cage has the ref tied up. Mrs. Wayne distract the ref and Swerve gets out of the way of a Killswitch headbutt. Spear by Cage for 2. Ref catches near interference and throws the PAtriarchy from ringside. Flatliner for 2 by Swerve. Action to the floor. Swerve with a suplex.  Cage tries a powerbomb on the floor but Swerve with a stomp. Pendulum kick by Cage. Swerve misses a tope and hits the steps.

Nick Wayne runs back and hits an RKO. Killswitch for 2 by Cage. Prince Nana runs out to chase Wayne away. Rollup by Cage for 2. Whiplash by Cage.  House call by Swerve as a spear was attempted. Swerve Stomp and another house call by Swerve for the pin.


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