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By Anthony Pires on 2024-05-26 19:54:00

AEW Trios Championship: Jay White, Austin & Colton Gunn vs Death Triangle w/ Alex Abrahantes

  • Pac and White kick us off. It’s a tease as Colton tags in and eats a hiptoss

  • Shoulder tackle and another hip toss by Pac.

  • Pac clotheslines him over the top rope

  • Penta works over Colton Gunn. Fenix tags in and he nails a running splash

  • Lucha Bros with a double thrust kick and chops

  • Triple Dropkick by Death Tribngle. Stomp to the lower…region by Fenix

  • Luch Bros with a double splash to the Gunns

  • White stops Pac from a dice and nails a brainbuster. 

  • White stomps and poses over Pac. Neckbreaker by White for 2.

  • Austin tags in and kicks Pac. Gunn with a choke on the bottom rope. 

  • White tags in and chops Pac, followed by another. He yells at Pac and chops him again

  • Pac gets out of the corner but he can’t tag out

  • Colton tags in but Pac with upkicks and tags in Penta. Penta works over the Gunns.

  • Running kick by Penta as all 6 battle it out. 

  • Enziguri by a now legal Fenix. Fenix with a 2 count

  • Pac tags in, he and White go face to face. Kicks by Pac. Pac with a German.

  • Austin Gunn the save.  All six fight it out. White with a uranage to Fenix

  • Pac to the top, Colton blocks him and eats a German

  • Triple Team by Death Triangle.

  • Juice Robinson appeats and throws PAc off the top.

  • Blade Runner by White and he scores the pin.


AEW World Women's Title: Toni Storm w/Luther & Mariah May vs. Serena Deeb

Lockup, side headlock takeover by Storm, Deeb to her feet. Lockup. Storm eats a slap, ankle takedown by Deeb. Paradise lock by Deeb. Dropkick by Deeb. Kneelify by Deeb. Storm sends Deeb to the apron and nails a hip attack. Dragon screw by Deeb, storm to the floor. NEckbreaker by Deeb for 2.  Back elbow by Deeb. Octopus by Deeb, Storm makes the ropes.  Abdominal stretch by Deeb, Triller TV goes out!

Back up, it’s palm strikes by Deeb. Running clothesline by the challenger. Back elbow by Deeb into a neck breaker. Counter wrestling into another neckbreaker by Deeb. Deeb seems a little rattled by the crowd cheering for Storm. Hammerlock Lariat for 2 by Deeb. Palm strike exchange. Rollup for 2 by Deeb. Powerbomb by Storm for 2.  Rollup by Deeb into a single leg crab. Upkicks by Storm. Deeb stomps the knee. May and Luther argue over throwing in the towel. Storm makes the ropes. Headbutt by Storm. German by Storm. Out of nowhere a Storm Zero for 2. 3 Dragon screws by Deeb. Pedigree by Deeb. A second gets Deeb a 2.  Deeb to the top but Storm with a pildriver and a Storm Zero for the pin.


Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta

Don Callis is back at the booth. I should also point out that Nigel McGuinnes has replaced Taz.

Hockey fight kicks us off, shoulder tackle, neither gives ground. Punches by both men, this is a fight, not the wrestling match Trent wanted. Now it’s a forearm exchange. Trent into the buckles several times. Cross Body by Cassidy. Action spills to the floor where Cassidy nails a 10 count of punches. Choke by Trent. Ground and pound by Trent. Back elbows by Cassiby. German suplex by Trent. Kick by Cassidy. Saito and German suplexes by Trent. 

Elbows in the corner by Trent, they’re getting harder and harder. Cassidy fires up.  Hands in pockets, Trent fires away. Dropkick by Cassidy. Kicks in the corner by Cassidy. . Running dropkick by Cassidy. Beretta to the apron. He kicks Cassidy and hits a piledriver on the apron.  Leg sweep on the steps by Cassidy. Beach Break by Cassidy. 

Back in the ring, Cassidy with a Michinolu Driver and a PK. Punch by Trent. ½ and ½ into a punch by Trent. Strong 0 for 2 by Trent. Right hand into a beach break for 2 by Cassidy. Gogoplata attempt by Trent into a rollup by Cassidy for the pin


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