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By Anthony Pires on 2024-05-26 19:54:00

Rocky Romero and Rene’ Paquette approach Trent. He says he’s done and walks off.

FTW Championship: Chris Jericho w/Big Bill vs. Hook vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Jericho attacks Hook, Shibata pulls him off. Hook t bones Shibata. Hook to the floor and he grabs a table and sets it up at ringside. Jericho blocks Hook suplex and Shibata throws them both to the floor. Jericho sends shibata into the rail and throws Hook back in. Jericho has a black bag full of dice and dumps it on the mat. Hook and Shibata both suplex him on them. The challengers kick away, double suplex. Northern lights by Hook on Shibata, Shibata with an immediate belly to belly. Hook and Shibata both pull out Kendo sticks. Jericho’s got one as well. The challengers lay the sticks into Jericho.  Shibata with a suplex to Hook.

Shibata gets another table out and throws it into the ring. Jericho stops a Shibata power bomb. Northern Lights by Hook to JEricho. Shibata with a Death Valley Driver, he oversot and the table didn’t break. Shibata sends Jericho through the table and nails a dropkick for 2. Chops by Shibata. Shibata with an ankle lock to Hook. Hook escapes. T Bone by Hook to Shibata. Code breaker by Jericho to Hook for 2. Redrum by Hook. Big Bill breaks it up.  Hook sends Bill through the table with a northern lights. Jericho with the Walls to Shibata, Shibate counters into the figure 4 and applies the Red Rum.

A masked man attacks the challengers. It’s Bryan Keith. Judas effect to Hook and Jericho scores the pin.


IWGP World Title Eliminator: Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita w/Don Callis

Takeshita goes immediately for the left arm. Hammerlock slam by Takeshita. Action spills to the apron where Takeshita slams Moxleys arm on it.   Takeshita tears off the tape. Moxley with punches. Running knee against the rail by Moxley. Takeshita pins Moxley’s arm in a chair and stomps it. Action goes back inside. Chops by Moxley, huge forearm by Takeshita. Running arm driver by Takeshita. Suplex by Takeshita, armbar by Takeshita. Moxley breaks it. Strikes by Moxley, Takeshita responds in kind. Boot to the jaw by Takeshita, cutter by Moxley. Eye gouge by Takeshita into a powerbomb.Armbar by Takeshita, Moxley escapes. Another eye gouge by Takeshita. Backdrop to the floor by Moxley. Moxley follows. Action spills back in the ring. Lariat by Moxley. Cradle piledriver into a German Suplex by Takeshita.

Paradigm shift by Moxley. They trade headbutts. Now they trade slaps. Chop exchange. Bull forearm by Takeshita and Moxley goes down. Knee strike by Takeshita for 2.  Choke by Moxley into a Bulldog choke. Takeshita escapes and sends Moxley into the post. Death Rider and Takeshita scores a 2. Takeshita throws chairs into the ring. Curb stomp by Moxley into a death rider for the pin.



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