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By Anthony Pires on 2024-05-26 19:54:00

Barbed Wire Cage Match: TNT Championship: Adam Copeland vs. Malakai Black

The ring is adorned with weapons. Slugfest at the outset. They swing chairs but don’t directly connect. Boot to the face by Copeland. Copelasnd pulls barb wire down. He rakes it across Black’s face. Black is bleeding buckets already.  Copeland almost gets sent into the wire. Powerbomb into cage wall by Copeland. Copeland fires away. Chop by Black. Spear by Copelsnd. Kick by Black. He sweeps Copeland’s leg into the wire. Copeland is bleeding a lot.  Roundhouse kick by Black. Black has a barb wire baseball bat. He rakes Copelands head against it. Elbow by Copeland and he nails Black with the belt to the midsection. He rakes the bat again against Black’s face. 

Copeland sets up a table. Headbutt by Copeland.  Copeland climbs the ropes but gets crotches for his efforts.  Black with a powerbomb through the table for 2. Spear by Copeland for 2. Piledriver by Copeland.  Copeland wraps Black up in wire on the table. Copeland to the top of the cage. Copeland with an elbow drop. Copeland scores a 2.  The End by Black for 2. 

Black pulls down a spool of barb wire amd kicks Copeland through the door. Black follows. Spear by Copeland. Brody King and Buddy Matthews come out. They appear to side with Copeland and then attack him. The House of Black thrpws copeland back in the ring. 

There is some religious iconogrophy going on. Lights out. GANGREL to the rescue. He lays out the HoB. Black kicks him in the face. Copeland with a spear and Copeland chokes him out with the wire. Copeland passes out.


Copeland and Gangrel celebrate.

TBS Championship: Willow Nightingale w/Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway vs Mercedes Mone’

A drumline brings out the challenger, followed by the Vegas showgirls.  Personal note: AWESOME seeing Willow in this spot. Charge by Willow, Mone’ grabs the ropes. Mone’ is taking her time. Stomps by Mone’. Knee strike by the challenger. Armdrag into a crucifix for 2 by Mone’. Chop by Mone’ Willow counters an arm drag. Chops by Willow. Mercedes sendw Willow to the floor. Kick by Mone’. Powerbomb on the apron by Willow. Back in the ring it’s a suplex for 2 by Mercedes. Backdrop by Willow. Leg sweep by Mone’ she then goes to work on the ankle of Nighingale.  Knee strikes by Mone for 2. 

Step over toe hold by Mone’. Willow escapes. Ankle lock by Mone’. They trade slaps. Dragon screw by Mone’. Another ankle lock by Mone’. Willow escapes. Backstabber by Mone’ for 2.  Octopus by Mercedes. Willow flips her over and applies an ankle lock. Willow to the buckle. Pounce by Willow. Both are down. Hip attack by Willow. Buster by Willow for 2. Clubbing forearms by Willow. Willow for 1. Slam by Willow. Fisherwoman for 2 by Willow.

Powerbomb by Mone. Ankle lock by Mone’ Willow makes the ropes. Mone’ misses a stomp and Willow sweeps her leg out and hits a knee breaker. Swinging cloverleaf by Willow. DVD by Willow. Willow misses a cannonball. Meteora by Mercedes for 2. Willow rolls out. Mone’ hits another Meteora. Mone/ shoves Statlander away. Willow with a Dr. Bomb for 2. Stokely was arguing with the referee. MErcedes blocks another Dr Bomb and applies an STF. Willow makes the ropes. Mone’ maker and Mercedes scores the pin.



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