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By Mike Johnson on 2024-02-29 18:54:00

We are back to taping more for One Upon A Time in New York!

MLW Champion Court Bauer came out and said they had something special for NYC, but CONTRA-Unit came out.  Mads Krugger grabbed Bauer by the throat and choked him it.  Security and several wrestlers ran in and helped Bauer, who was selling as if he was being sued for $20 mllion, was out.

Magnus vs. Star Jr. in another lucha espectacular is next!

Magnus controlled the match early as Star was worked over.  Star fired back with some hard chips and nailed a great dive over the corner post to the floor.  They fought on the outside.  Star was slammed on the railing. He made a comeback with a headscissors takedown, sending Magnus to the floor.  Star hit a pair of GREAT dives, the second of which elicited a massive "Holy sh**" chant.  This is great.

Magnus regained control and said he was the best.  He nailed a 619 and hit a splash for a close two count.  He nailed a Jay-Drilla for another two count.  Star came back with a double leap into a dropkick.  He nailed a Destroyer for a two count.  Lots of great stuff here.

They battled to the corner, where Star hit a big superplex.  He followed up with a springboard double stomp for the pin.

This was the most fun thing on the entire card tonight.

CozyMax (MLW Champion Satoshi Kojima & Okumura)& Alex Kane vs. Richard Holliday & Tom Lawlor & Josh Bishop

Kane and CozyMax cleaned house early, hitting triple stereo chops in the corner at the same time.

 Okumura and Holliday battled back and forth after things settling down.   Okumura took his mask off to show he meant business.  Lawlor and Kane tagged in and grappled.  WTF gained control on Okumura and worked him over for some time.  He finally made the hot tag to Kane, who cleaned house.     They cut off Kane.  Everyone battled.  Kojima nailed the lariat on Bishop and scored the pin.

Good, fun six man.

Davey Boy Smith hit the ring and WTF attacked everyone and beat them down.  Lawlor put on  Okumura's mask to mock him,

The Second Gear Crew ran out to make the save.

AJ Francis then came out and attacked Kane, tossing him onto the ramp.  They brawled to the back as WTF celebrated in the ring.T

Matt Riddle came out with a case of beer and started giving them out to fans.  He came down the ramp and offered Holliday a beer and then cleaned house on everyone, including the Bro Derek on Lawlor.   Second Gear Crew put Brett Ryan Gosselin through a table at ringside.

All the babyfaces returned to the ring and they had a beer bash to close the night.  Alex Kane paid tribute to NYC.

Thanks for logging onto tonight and thanks for all the support!!!!!!

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