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By Mike Johnson on 2024-02-29 18:54:00

Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of MLW Intimidation Games in NYC at the Melrose Ballroom!


Tonight's event is officially sold out and is the highest attended and grossing show for MLW in NYC since 2019.  There were a few people turned away at the door.  

Court Bauer commented on the sellout -"We got ourselves a super no vacancy maximum capacity sellout in the Big Apple! MLW is a hot ticket, and we thank our fans for their support and spreading the word about the best damn secret in the game. We don't enjoy this moment for the league without our fighters, talent, crew, and staff for all of their hard work in recent months. We're grateful to all of them."

The legendary George Napolitano is shooting ringside.  Vladimir the Superfan and Ringside Charlie are in the house.

Atlas Security are in the house.

There was a long line for autographs for Mistico, Satoshi Kojima and Minoru Suzuki before the show.

They are taping content for the 3/16 Once Upon A Time in New York YouTube special first.

Azteca 66 vs. Big Bad Dude Tito

Azteca was a masked guy in a suit.  Ricardo introduced Tito.

Azteca tried to fire away on Tito to no effect.  Tito slammed him for a two count.  He mauled poor Azteca and pinned him with a Steiner Screwdriver variation.

Your winner, Bad Dude Tito!

Cesar Duran came out and promised more violence than ever before.  He promised that despite Salina del la Renta, he would bring everyone the lucha that they need.  There was a big Lucha chant.  He said she tried to get her throne but he's going to spank her all the way back to Puerto Rico.  He said he was building a new temple for Azteca Lucha in Chicago.  He want to be in a city where the fans overwhelm him.  He's going to challenge Salina for Chicago to bring her best luchadors to his super lucha event and see who has the true power.

Duran said he's going to introduce a super luchadora who will take over the women's division and win the Featherweight Championship.  Zayda and Brett Ryan Gosselin came out.  Zayda said she doesn't care about any of this but she's going to run the Featherweight division.  Duran acted like he didn't know who she was.  Gosselin said she was the rightful top contender to the title.  Duran said if she disrespects him one more time, she was going to get it.  She asked why all the lucha promoter were all shady.  Salina appeared on the screen.  She accepted Cesar's challenge and said when she was done with him, he was going to be canceled like his little Underground series.  She walked off, revealing Rocky Romero beating down a masked Azteca luchador.

Gosselin and Zayda came to the ring.  Brett knocked NYC and said he was going to take down Love, Doug.

Ichiban vs. Love, Doug vs. Brett Ryan Gosselin vs. Marcus Mathers vs. Cannonball vs. Dyln McKay

Everyone attacked Goselin and the crowd lost it for that.  Ichiban and Doug squared off with Mathers and McKay.  Ichiban was spotlighted early on.  Doug nailed a nice springboard bulldog.  Lots of  fast paced action here.  Gosselin tried to return from the top rope bu was kicked on the way down.  He sent McKay into the ring post.    Gosselin worked over Doug but Cannonball slunk into the ring behind him and attacked.  Ichiban dove on his back and then teamed with Doug to work over Cannonball.  He goozled and chokeslammed them both.  Everyone went into the next gear and started hitting high impact moves.  Doug went for an elbow off the ropes but Gosselin avoided and attacked.  He almost scored a three count and argued with the referee.  He nailed a Tomakaze for a two count.  He nailed a forward roll on McKay and scored the pin.

Your winner, Brett Ryan Gosselin!

Good energy for a lot of this and some creative spots too.

MSL came out and introduced AJ Francis as the newest member of the WTF.  Francis started knocking NYC for being full of trash.  Alex Kane came out and said you can't run down NYC because they love The Bomaye Fight Club.   Francis said the elders are let down by Kane for losing the MLW title during Black History Month.  Kane said they will make Black History  Month tonight and told Mr. Thomas to go beat Francis' ass. 

AJ Francis vs. Mr. Thomas

Mr, Thomas hit the the ring and they brawled.  Francis caught him coming off the ropes but Thomas escaped and nailed a splash in the corner.  He nailed some hard chops in the corner.  Thomas went for a leaping move but was caught and powerbomb.    Francis teased a dive but instead bounced off the ropes and landed on his feet on the floor.  The crowd chanted that he still sucked.  Back in the ring, Thomas nailed a head scissor takedown and peppered him with forearms.

Francis hit what looked like a F5 variation and scored the pin.

Your winner, AJ Francis!

NJPW TV Champion Matt Riddle vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.  (with Josh Bishop)

The crowd in NYC was excited to see Riddle and chanted "Bro" at him.  

They felt each other out and grappled early on.  Smith grabbed a head scissors but Riddle broke free.  They locked up and Smith nailed a series of uppercuts. Riddle fired back and the referee checked him, allowing Bishop to trip Riddle.  The crowd HATED that.  Smith stomped and beat on Riddle, who fired back with chops and strikes.  Smith cut him off and tossed Riddle to the floor, where Bishop nailed him.

Back in the ring, Smith worked over Riddle and nailed a snap suplex for a two count.  He cinched in a side chinlock, trying to wear down Riddle.  Riddle fired back with kicks but was nailed and almost pinned by Smith with his feet on the ropes.  Smith went for a suplex but Riddle landed on his feet and hit a leg lariat.  Bishop got on the apron but Riddle nailed him.  They allowed Smith to attack.  Riddle fired back with kicks and strikes.    He nailed a charging forearm in the corner and nailed a back senton splash.

Riddle nailed a back suplex with a bridge for a two count.  He went to the top but Bishop distracted him.  Riddle was caught by Smith.  They battled on the top.  Smith nailed a big superplex for a two count.  The crowd chanted for Riddle, who was the most over talent so far tonight.  They battled back and forth on their knees.    They were really laying it in as they fought to their feet.  Riddle and Smith exchanged near falls and bridged out into a Riddle backslide.

Matt Riddle used a victory roll for a two count.  Smith turned a pinfall attempt into a Sharpshooter and then into a crossface.  They went into a series of near falls and Riddle finally caught him and scored the pin.

Your winner, Matt Riddle!

Riddle took out an attacking Bishop after the bell with a leaping kick.

Really damn good match if you like grappling and striking.

Coverage continues on Page 2!

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