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By Mike Johnson on 2024-02-29 18:54:00

Delmi Exo vs. Zayda

The winner will be the top contender to the MLW Featherweight Championship.

Exo had the control early on, maintaining control over Zayda.  Zayda avoided a charge in the corner and attacked her with rapid-fire punches. She followed up with a running knee strike to the back in the corner.    She scored several two counts and argued with the referee.    Exo went for a package piledriver but Zayda escaped and went for a Tomakaze.

Zayda caught Exo with a Codebreaker out of the corner.  An Azteca Luchador distracted her, allowing Exo to hit a package piledriver and score the pin.

Your winner, Delmi Exo!

Cesar Duran came to the ring.

Zayda said she didn't lose, she was screwed.  She said she can beat Exo or the "Karate Kid wannabe" Janai Kai.

Kai came out and attacked Zayda from behind.  Salina de la Renta and Ricardo came out with her.  

Duran asked if they wanted to see a true Luchadora win the title tonight.  NYC loved that.  Salina said they aren't going to do it the way he wants.  Cesar called her a $2 whore.  Ricardo nailed him.

Delmi and Janai began brawling.  Security broke them up.  Kai began taking everyone down.

It is really packed in here.  By far, the biggest crowd MLW has ever had in this venue.  Lots of standing room filled everywhere.

We are now live for the Intimidation Games PPV on Triller+.  Since Richard is doing play by play, I will, slide into blogging for the live broadcast!

The first bout is MLW Middleweight Championship.  Cesar Duran introduced Mistico.  He is challenging Rocky Romero.  Ricardo gave Romero a big introduction.

Mistico  got a big pop and fans were chanting "This is awesome" before they ever locked up.   Mistico used a surfboard early.  Romero escaped and  locked on an anklelock but Mistico broke free.  They faced off and got a big pop.  They did some nice back and forth lucha spots before Romero cut  him off with a hard chop.  Romero was the menacing heel working him over as the crowd chanted for Mistico, who came back with some great twisting springboard spots.

Mistico teased a dive but was dropkicked to the floor.  Romero nailed a tope suicida.  He dropkicked Mistico in the corner on the floor and then back in the ring, ripped apart his mask.  The crowd was ALL OVER Romero for this.  The crowd was willing a comeback and finally Mistico came to life with a superkick and a twisting headscissors takedoown.  He used a 619, which got a massive pop  and then hit a dive to the floor.  NYC was loving the hell out of this.  

Mistico continued to loook great as they battled on the apron but was cut off and hit with a suplex.  Romero nailed a twisting sliced bread for a near fall.  He went to the top but Mistico cut him off with a kick to the head and a rana off the top for a close near fall.  NYC clapped for Mistico but he missed a charge and was hit with a series of running clotheslines in the corner.  Mistico finally avoided one and hit a superplex.

Mistico kept kicking out of Romero's big moves, getting a pop every time, but Romero remained on offense.  He went to the top but again was caught with a kick.  Mistico nailed a Spanish Fly off the top but Romero kicked out at the last second.  The crowd was popping for this.  Lots more big moves and near falls.  There was a nice electricity here live.

Romero nailed Sliced Bread #2 off the top for another close two count.  Mistico nailed a Destroyer at ludicrous speed out of nowhere for another close pinfall.  He spun into  a hammerlock takedown and forced Romero to top.  NYC loved that!

New champ!

Duran knocked Salina and declared he was the only one out of the two of them to have any balls.

Next up was the NYC Street Fight with The Calling (Rickey Shane Page & Sami Callihan) vs. AKIRA & Jake Crist

Everyone brawling!  Everywhere!  I know you are shocked!

Akira and RSP battled inside the ring.  RSP hit a hell of a swanton for a guy so big.  He scored a two count.  Akira came back with a Northern Lights suplex.  Callihan brought a chair into the equation.  Callihan nailed an exploder onto a chair on Crist.  NYC chanted for tables.    Crist looked great going for a shoulderblock but Callihan smashed him with a forearm in mid-air.

Multiple doors were brought into the ring.   The Calling hit a double hiptoss through one, which exploded.  RSP elevated and kicked Akira.  They smashed him through another door.  The man brought a puppy with him to the show, have some mercy.  They beat the hell out of him with remnants of the door.  Crist looked great with his spots, hitting a bodypress and then a leaping ace cutter.

THE BLUE MEANIE came out from under the ring and brawled with Cannonball, which the place popped for.  The Calling still double teamed Akira and pinned him and then kept beating him.  Akira took a hell of a beating here.

Jimmy Lloyd hit the ring to make the save.  The tide of battle turned, they worked over The Calling but security broke it up. 

Callihan dared them to return to the ring.

Raven appeared on the screen.  He said the civil war has begun and it will be anything but civil.  He said Daddy has come home and the pain will follow.  He said they've taken The Calling, so his faction is now The Response and it will be deadly...quote the Raven, nevermore.

Callihan said if he wants war, he will get one.  My guess is they just set up the War Chamber in Tampa. 

They announced the return of Timothy Thatcher.

They aired a vignette with the WTF where Davey Boy was peeing in the background and then he put his hands on their back.  NYC groaned.

More on Page 3!

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