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By Mike Johnson on 2024-02-29 18:54:00

Next up was Alex Kane vs. the debuting Bobby Fish, who is now bald.

Some nice grappling early.    Kane had a choke on Fish, who battled out of it and nailed a series of kicks before focusing his attacks on the legs.    Kane went to the floor to re-assess the situation.  Fish grabbed the referee, which allowed him to kick Kane low.  He talked trash at Kane's entourage, which allowed Kane to catch him with a suplex.  They battled back and forth.  It was OK.  Kane finally choked out Fish.  The referee stopped it.

Kane took the mic and said he was getting back to business.  

AJ Francis came out and said the people don't care about Kane.  He knocked the fans and said that they don't know Boyame and don't know what it really means.  He said it came from Muhammad Ali and the people would have persecuted him.  He said Kane was a bum.  He said he spoke to the ancestors and it's going to come down to ritual combat.  He implied Kane couldn't trust his own people in the Bomaye Fight Club. Cliffhanger!

Next up was the MLW Tag Team Champions The Second Gear Crew vs. The WTF.  The fans chanted "Wash Your Hands" at Davey Boy Smith Jr.  Manders chopped Tom Lawlor pretty damn hard.  WTF cut him off and double teamed Manders.  Manders was worked over for  a long time as WTF tagged in and out.

SGC made a comeback and double speared Smith but Lawlor pulled the referee out.  Manders hit a dive to the outside and pulled a table out.  The crowd WOKE UP for that.  They nailed a stacked tornado DDT through the table for a close two count.   MSL tried to interfere with a motorcycle helmet he was wearing.  He got struck and dropped it. Lawlor nailed Manders with it and Smith scored the pin.


More MSL for you and me and everyone!

They aired a Krule promo.  I couldn't hear it.  Sorry!

NJPW TV Champion Matt Riddle vs. Bad Dude Tito was next.  They had a good back and forth, spirited bout with Riddle scoring the pin with the Bro Derek.  They worked super hard in this one.  

MLW Featherweight Champion Jai Kanai's open challenge was next.  Zoey Cannon answered and was quickly beaten.  Thanks for coming Zoey!

They aired a Cesar Duran promo.  He invites Salina to send her luchadors to face his in the War Chamber.

The MAIN EVENT for the PPV is  Minoru Suzuki challenging for the MLW Championship against Satoshi Kojima.  Everyone is excited for this one live, clapping and singing Suzuki's song.

Streamers, not bread, tossed for Kojima.

The crowd was chanting this was awesome before it began.

Suzuki was all over Kojima early and the crowd was loving it.

They ended up in rhe ropes.  They broke clean but Kojima chopped him and Suzuki loved it, because he's a sick SOB.

Suzuki grabbed a hanging armbar over the ropes on Kojima.

They battled on the floor, attacking each other with strikes.    They ended up on the apron outside, cinching leglocks on each other.

Suzuki ripped at Kojima's leg and hit him with chair.

Back in the ring, the torture continued as Kojima had his leg stomped on.

The match continued to be all Minoru as he slapped and mocked Kojima.

Kojima fired back but was taken down into another submission.

Kojima finally cored with the rapid fire chops, which Suzuki loved, because he's a sick SOB.

Suzuki came back with a sick kicks to the side and underarm of Kojima. 

They battled back and forth until Suzuki measured, sauntered over and drove him to the mat with a hard forearm.

Kojima went for the lariat but missed.  He was kicked back down and Suzuki attacked the foot again, twisting the boot.  The crowd was reacting big  time to the holds.

NYC chanted for Kojima.  Suzuki took him down with a choke and scored a two count.  

Suzuki went for a piledriver but Kojima escaped and nailed the lariat but only garnered a one count.

Kojima nailed another lariat and this time, got to a two count.

He nailed the trifecta and scored the pin.

Satoshi retains in an entertaining physical bout!

More on Page 4!

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