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By Cory Strode on 2024-09-07 19:26:00

Welcome to's coverage of AEW All Out 2024.

Zero Hour is the pre show for AEW All Out at the NOW Arena in Chicago IL.

Renee Paqueete, RJ City and Jeff Jarrett do the sales pitch for the first half hour.

The Acclaimed (Max Caster and Anthony Bowens) w/Billy Gunn vs The Iron Savages (Bronson and Boulder) w/Jacked Jameson.

Tony Sicanvone, Matt Menard and Excalibur are on commentary.

Bronson and Bowens start the match by tying up and Beronson forces them to the corner. Each gets chops in the corner and then run the ropes. Bowens gets a sling blade and tags in Max. Boulder tags in and The Acclaimed doube team him, knockign him out fo the ring, but Bronson is able to get a doubel clothesline.

MxM Collection is watching the match backstage and posing. Boulder whips Max into the corner and goes to the apron. Max goes after Boulder’s eyes and then sweeps Bronson’s leg.Max iis then slammed into the Savages’s corner and they work him over with quick tags. Bronson eventually misses a diving headbutt, and Max tags Bowens in, and he cleans house.

Max is tagged in and they go for the Mic Drop, but Boulder intercepts and catches Max and Bowens, slammoing them both. Bronson gets on Boulder’s shoulder for the Avalanche Drop on Bowens for two, broken up by Max.

The Savages double team Bowens, and then stack the Acclaimed in the corner amnd try for a two man cannonball. The Acclaimed move out of the way, while Gunn attacks Jameson on the floor. The Acclaimed hit the Arrival and the Mic drop with Max covering Bronson for the pin and the win.
Winners: The Acclaimed

Sammy Guevara, Dustin Rhodes, and Hologram vs The Premiere Athletes (Tony Nese, Ariya Davari, and Josh Woods) w/Mark Sterling 

Sammy and Nese start out with arm bars and then run the ropes. Sammy gets a dropkick and Nese shoves him into the Athletes corner where Ariya works him over in the cornerer with quick kicks. He then gets a quick clothesline for a one count. Ariya tries a back body drop, but Sammy escapes out the back and we get Hologram and Nese. 

Hologram gets a series of quick leaping kicks and as all of the Athletes get in the ring, he takes them all out. Hologram goes for a springboard off the top, but Woods gets a leaping knee strike for two. Woods gets a back breaker lariat combo for two. Ariya tags in and keeps up the work on Hologram. The Athletes work over Hologram with quick tags.

Hologram is finally able to get the hot tag to Dustin, who the crowd has been chanting for. Dustin cleans house. After a pin attempt on Dustin, the tag team siren goes off and everyone is in the ring fighting, and they spill onto the floor. Then we get each person gtetting a big move on the last person. Starling gets on the apron, he is pulled into the ring by Hologram and Sammy, and Dustin hits Sterling with a Crossroads. Dustin hits the Final Reckoning on Woods for the pin and the win.

Winners: Sammy Guevara, Dustin Rhodes, and Hologram

The Bang Bang Gang (Austin and Colton Gunn, and Juice Robinson) vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, John Silver, and Alex Reynolds)

Alex and Austin start and they run the ropes with Austin getting a swinging neck breaker. Silver and Juice tag in and Juice gets a senton. Uno comes in and gets slammed by the Gang. The Dark Order go to the top and the gang hit the ropes to crotch them all. All six men brawl in and out of the ring. Eventually, Juice is alone in the ring, and the Dark Order work him over with quick tags. 

Juice is able to stack all of the Dark Order in the corner, and hits a cannonball into all three. Austin is tagged in and is cut off by Dark Order working together. Colton is able to tag in and he gets to run wild and tag in Juice. Everyone hits a clothesline until everyone is down in the middle of the ring.

Alex and Colton get leaping clotheslines on each other. Austin and Silver take each other out. Juice gets a series of strikes and the Juice is Loose on Uno for the pin and the win.

Winners: The Bang Bang Gang.

We then get the Costco Guys with RJ and Renee.  I have no idea who they are.

Tony Schiavone is on the stage who brings out the injured Skye Blue. She says this building is special to her and she is doing everything she can to come back, but recovery is a waiting game.  Mariah May comes to the stage and says she came out to have the AEW Women’s Title celebration…

…but she’s not going to do it in Chicago and heels Chicago and Blue. She then kicks out the crutch from Blue and knocks her down, and then lays in a series of strikes and starts to go after Blue with the crutch, but Queen Animata saves Blue before the crutch is used.

Top Flight (Action Andretti, Dairus and Dante Martin) w/Leila Grey vs Shane Taylor Productions (Shane Taylor and Lee Mortiarty) and the Beast Mortos vs Undisputed Kingdom (Roderick Strong, Mike Bannett, and Matt Taven) 

Andrretti, Bennett and Taylor argue about who will start the match and Taylor knocks Bennett out of the ring. Taylor tosses Andretti to the corner and works him over. Taylor goes to toss him again and Andretti is able to land on his feet. Taylor tags in Lee and they trader waistlocks. Darius Martin tags in and Dante tags in as well and they double team Lee. Daris tags in and he covers Lee for two.

Darius and Lee struggle to get control and Darius is whipped into the Kingdom’s corner and Strong tags in. Mortos is tagged in and he wipes out the entire Kingdom. Martin leaps onto Mrtos and gets an airplane spin and both men are dizzy. Dante avoids a charge from Mortos and gets a drop kick, but it allows Taven to tag in and he gets a monkey flip on Dante. Taven gets a big slam on Dante for two and Bennett is tagged in.

They keep Dante in the Kingdom’s corner to work him over. Taylor is able to get a tag on Taven and he and Taven have words until Taylor gets rid of Taven and works over Dante in his corner. Dante gets worked over by quick tags by Taylor’s team. Dante gets a tag to darius, who runs wild. Darius and Andretti are able to knock everyone to the floor and we get lots of brawling all over the ringside area. Mortos is able to get a tornado dive onto the men at ringside.

This is followed by all of Top Flight hits dives. Taylor is rolled into the ring and all three of Top Fight work on him until Andretti pins him for two, broken up by Taven. And it’s time for everyone to get a big move on the last person. 

As the ring is cleared, Mortos hits Andretti with a spear. Strong gets a blind tag and steals the pin from Mortos.

Winners:  Undisputed Kingdom

It is now time for the Pay Per View Proper. Our commentary team is Excalibur, Tony Shiavone, Matt Menard, and Nigel McGuinness

MJF vs Daniel Garcia

Garcia attacks MJF from behind as soon as MJF gets into the ring and when the bell rings, MJF is able to pull Garcia into the turnbuckles and stomps him down. Garcia whips MJF into the corner and stomp him down. MJF shoves Garcia into the turnbuckle to block the pile driver and both men are down. 

Garcia gets a running drop kick. MJF snaps Garcia’s neck on the top rope and then hits a neck breaker in the ring. MJF gets a hammer throw into the corner. MJF then slows the pace and works over Garcia. MJF hits a DDT on Garcia for two and goes back to work on Garcia’s neck. MJF flips off the crowd and then puts Garcia in a stalling vertical, but Garcia starts to fight out and they both go over the top rope. 

MJF rolls into the ring and Garcia barely makes it into the ring at nine on the count. Garcia blocks MJF’s punches and gets in a series of blows and then gets a big clothesline. Garcia gets a pair of swinging neckbreakers and after MJF blocks a third, he is able to get a twisting neckbreaker. Garcia goes for a pile driver and MJF makes it a back body drop.

They run the ropes and MJF gets a power bomb onto his knee for two. Garcia’s head bandage is ripped off and he’;s busted open. MJF pulls up Garcia and sets him up in the corner. MJF sets for a pile driver from the second turnbuckle. Garcia fights his way free and rips and MJF’s face. Garcia gets a diving DDT on MJF from the second turnbuckle. 

Both men are down and Garcia crawls for the cover and gets two only when MJF gets a foot on the rope. Garcia tries for another pile driver attempt, and he’s not able to lift MJF. MJF gets a mule kick and goes to the turnbuckles for a destroyer for two. MJF starts kicking Garcia and Garcia starts to power up. MJF spits on Garcia and Garcia hits a flurry of elbow strikes. MJF stops him with a thumb to the eyes. 

MJF grabs him and Garcia gets a rollup for two. MJF reverses it for two and MJF nails Garcia and both men are down. They run the ropes and Garcia gets a rollup for two. They go into the ropes. Garcia gets a pair of suplexes and again, both men are down. Garcia is up first and goes for a pile driver again and MJF reverses it into a Boston Crab. Garcia escapes by rolling through and is able to get the Lebell Lock. MJF rolls backwards for two.

MJF gets a crossface. Garcia is able to escape and gets a sharpshooter. Garcia leans too far back and MJF grabs his arm for the Salt of the Earth arm bar. MJF traps the other arm and then grabs one of Garcia’s legs. Garcia’s free leg makes it to the ropes for the break. MJF goes up to the second turnbuckle and Garcia falls backward so that MJF can’t get a Panama Sunrise. 

Garcia grabs a quick jack knife for two. He then lays in slaps on MJF and locks in a front chancery. He then puts MJF into Piledriver position and hits a jumping piledriver for two. Garcia drags MJF to the corner and puts MJGF on the top. He joins him there and sets for the piledriver from the second turnbuckle. MJF kicks free and knocks Garcia down. 

MJF tries to beg off and pulls the ref in front of him. He hits a low blow when the ref can't see and gets a jack knife pin for the win.

Winner:  MJF

Coverage continues on Page 2.

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