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By Cory Strode on 2024-09-07 19:26:00

Mercedes Mone TBS Champion vs Hikaru Shida - Kamille is barred from ringside.

Mone gets an ankle pic and goes with blows on Shida. Mone is going after Shida’s knee. Mone works over Shida in the corner. Shida is able to escape and hit four drop kicks for a two count. Mone goes for a drop kick, but Shdia catches her in a stretch muffler. Mone gets to the ropes for the break and Shida holds on until the four count.

Shida gets a kick on Money’s knee and then a low drop kick and they go to the apron, which I  hear is the hardest part of the ring. Shida gets the running rising knee for two. Shida tries to bring Mone in the ring the hard way and Mone gets a power bomb into the ring for two. Mone gets a second cover for two and then grinds Shida’s face with her arm. Mone works over Shida in the corner again and then gets a rear chinlock.

Shida is able to work to her feet and backs Mone into the corner to force the break. Mone is able to pop Shid a in the jaw and then hits double knees into Shida’s midsection for two. Mone gets another rear chinlock. Shida gets to her feet, picking up Mone. She pulls Mone over the top and then hits a hurricanrana and a knee strike to Mone’s back. 

They move back to the corner where Mone gets a series of elbow strikes. Shida reverses a whip and slams Mone into the middle turnbuckle face first and follows with a drop kick. Shida gets nine in the corner and Mone tosses her off. Shida charges into a rear chinlock from Mone, who takes her to the mat. Shida gets a foot on the ropes for the break.

Shida is able to get a  big clothesline when Mone pulls her to her feet and both women are down. When they get to their feet, Mone runs her mouth and Shida lays in blows. Shida beats Money down to the mat and then gets a big knee to drop Mone to the mat. Shida goes to the top and Shida dodges a charge from Mone. Mone gets a lung blower, a sunset flip into the corner, and then double knees for two.

Mone is near tears in frustration. Mone hits some dismissive kicks. They then become serious kicks. Mone calls for the Three Amigos, hitting all three suplexes. Mone goes to the top and tries for a frog splash, but Shida gets her knees up. Shida gets three Falcon Arrows for two. Shida tries for the Katana, and Mone catches it with a knee breaker, a dragon screw and then a back stabber. 

Shida is able to get up and hit a German suplex and a running knee for two. Both women are slow to get up. Shida gets a katana “but she didn’t get all of it”. She then nails Mone with two mone katanas for two. Mone rolls to the floor and grabs the Kendo stick. Shida grabs it as well and they have a tug of war. Shida wins and Mone’s shoulder is pulled into the ring post. Shida brings the Kendo stick into the ring and Mone struggles to get up. As she tosses it Mone grabs Shida. Shida gets a question mark kick and leaps, but lands on her knee. Mone is able to get the Money Maker for the pin and the win.

Winner and still TBS Champion: Mercedes Mone


We get an entrance video of Jack Perry driving to the arena and coming in with the Young Bucks.

 Bryan Danielson (AEW World Champion) vs Jack Perry 

Jim Ross joins commentary. 

Anthony Pires, who is there, says the building is shaking. 

They lock up and Perry gets an arm drag and poses. They lock up again and trade waislocks. Bryan locks up again with a side headlock and then hits Perry with a shoulder tackle. Perry gets an arm drag and goes to the floor. 

Bryan waits in the ring for him. When Perry returns to the ring, they go for the greco roman knuckle lock and Perry gets a kick on Bryan and they work the arm bar. Bryan gets a pair of arm drags and they run the ropes. Bryan grabs Perry’s leg when Perry leaps. He pulls back on Perry’s head when wrapping the legs. He then puts Perry in the surfboard. Bryan pulls Perry’s head back and sets him down and lays in punches in Perry’s head. 

Bryan then goes to stomp Perry’s head in and Perry escapes to the floor. When Perry tries to get in the ring, Bryan dropkicks him to the floor and then springboards onto him. In the ring, Bryan gets a shotgun drop kick from the top. Perry is knocked to the floor and when Bryan leaps at him, Perry gets a super kick and then hits a DDT. 

Perry lays on the ground with his hands behind his head, smiling. Perr ships Bryan into the barricade and then hits a running drop kick into Bryan into the barricade. Bryan is rolled into the ring and covers for one. Perry then gets nine in the corner. He works over Bryan in the corner and gets a neck breaker for two. Perry keeps up the chops and strikes in the corners. Bryan starts to power up and Bryan starts chopping back much harder. 

Perry goes to the eyes and then puts Bryan on the top. Bryan sneaks out and crotches Perry on the top. Bryan is able to get the hammer and anvil elbows on the top and then gets an avalanche back suplex. Bryan gets a series of Yes kicks. Perry dodges the last one and gets a jack knife pin for two. Bryan is able to get the Labell lock and Perry crawls to the ropes for the break.

Bryan lays in chops in the corner and then kicks. Bryan lays in ten in the corner. Bryan vaults over when whipped to the ropes, but Perry gets a drop toe hold and tries for the snare trap, but instead gets cattle mutilation. Bryan is able to roll over and hits elbows but can’t escape. Perry makes it into a dragon suplex. Perry gets a second dragon suplex. The fight moves to the apron and Bryan blocks the dragon suplex. Bryan then gets kicks and Perry answers with chops. Bryan then gets a butterfly suplex from the apron to the floor. 

Both men struggle to get up. Perry tosses Perry into the ring and goes to the top. Bryan gets a guillotine knee drop. He yells “You wanna be top” before laying in more kicks on Perry. Bryan goes for the psycho knee, but Perry dodges and gets the snare trap on Bryan. Bryan is able to get a rope break and Perry gouges his eyes when he breaks the hold. Perry goes to pick up Bryan and Bryan makes it an inside cradle for two. Perry pulls the ref into Bryan's path for a psycho kick. Bryan gets a snap suplex and follows by setting to stomp perry head in, but the Bucks hit the ring and take out Bryan with the ref down. 

The Bucks hit the TK driver and leave Bryan lying. They go to hit an EVP trigger, but Yuta and Claudio hit the ring to drive them off. Perry wakes up the ref and hits a running knee for two\. Perry stomps Bryan’s head in. He then mocks Bryan with a Yes chant and runs right into a psycho knee from Bryan. Bryan powers up and crawls to Perry. They throw hands as they work to their feet. 

Bryan’s neck gives out on him and when Perry slaps Bryan, Bryan does the “slowly I turn” and becomes immune to Perry’s slaps. Bryan then beats him down with slaps and kicks. Bryan gets a suplex, but Perry lands on his feet. Bryan gets the psycho knee for two. Perry is left laying and Bryan pulls him to the middle of the ring. Bryan kicks his head in. Bryan revs up the crowd and does it again.Bryan waits for Perry to get up.  Perry opens himself for it and Bryan gets the psycho knee for the pin and the win.

Winner and still AEW World Champion: Bryan Danielson 

After the match, Killswitch hits the ring and takes out Bryan. K9illswitch goes face to facd with Perry and we get Christian Cage’s music.

Cage comes to the rign with Nick Wayne, Mother Wayne, and his contract. All of a sudden, Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli and Pac show to stop Cage from entering the ring, and Cage and his entourage back away. Mox hugs Bryan after they all raise hands, 

Claudio attacks Bryan and Mox puts a plastic bag over his head. Pac holds back Wheeler and Marina Shaif hits the ring to keep the doctors and refs away. Bryan passes out. Mox, Shafir, and Claudio leave the ring through the crowd. 

Mox is stretchered out and the commentary team is angry about what has happened. 

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