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By Cory Strode on 2024-09-07 19:26:00

The sanctioned portion of the show is now over. 

Swerve Strickland vs "Hangman" Adam Page - Lights Out Unsanctioned Cage Match

Swerve’s gear has pictures of the burning house all over it. 

Swerve attacks Page before the cage is lowered and beats him outside the ring and Nana is tossing plunder into the ring. Swerve hold Page’s head on the apron so that the cage will lower onto Page’s head. They break before the cage finishes lowering. They brawl and try to shove each other into the cage. Swerve gets a leaping flatliner and a house call. Nana yells at Page as he is recovering on the mat. 

Page is able to start fighting back and then Page gets to the plastic container. He grabs a staple gun and Swerve takes it with a smile. Swerve takes it from Page, fires a bunch of staples into Pages’ skin and gives him a back breaker. Swerve then pulls the staples out of his skin. Swerve pulse out pictures of his family and staples them to Page. 

Yeah, this is just gonna be a brutal death match. Swerve then staples one of the pictures to Page’s face.  JR says it is too much and I agree. These two men are just insane with the level of violence they bring to their matches. Page goes up to the top of the turnbuckles and Swerve nails him with a chair. Tony says “He burned down his house. And it was a nice house!”

Swerve slams Page into the cage. They get on the ropes and right while hanging onto the cage. Page’s head is slammed into the cage and Page is busted open. Page lays in blows when he is able to get back and slams Swerve into the cage. Page grabs the barbed wire and wraps it around his arm. He hits Swerve with a clothesline and Swerve drops to the mat.

Page runs Swerve into the cage repeatedly. Page strings the barbed wire in the cage. Swerve blocks being tossed into it and hits a comeback clothesline. Page is able to send him into the with the second try. Swerve is now busted open. Page rakes Swerve face across the barbed wire. Page gets a big boot on Swerve. 

Page realizes he can’t do the buckshot lariat because of the cage. Swerve gets a few running blows, but Page runs Swerve into the cage with a flapjack. Page goes after Swerve with a chair. The ref tries to stop Page from using the chair, and while Page is yelling at him, Swerve gets a running kick on Page. Swerve lays into Page’s back with the chair. Swerve wedges the chair between the ropes and he lawn dart’s Page into the chair.

Swerve covers for two. Swerge crawls back to the box and pulls out a cinder block. Swerve tries to tombstone Page onto the block. They go back and forth and Swerve gets a deadeye onto the block for two.  Swerve sets up the table. Swerve goes to the top and Page joins him there. Page rams Swerve into the corner of the cage. Swerve starts firing shots back and hits a meteora through the table for two. 

Swerve charges at Page who gets a deadeye for two. Page pulls out a spike of burnt wood we are told from Swerve house. Swerve is able to wrest it away from him and then just jabs at Page over and over with the spike. Swerve starts to cry and Page hits him with a low blow. Page then slams Swerve into the cinder block for two.

The crowd chants this is awesome, and all I can think about is how much pain these two guys will be feeling for a long time over these bumps. Page mounts Swerve and starts to pound, but Swerve pulls him out and slams Page into the cage and then runs him into it again. Swerve hits the House Call and covers Page for two. 

Swerve climbs the cage and Page meets him there and hits a power bomb. Both men get up and Swerve drops back down and Page gets a deadeye for two. Page yells at Swerve to beg and goes at him with a chair. Swerve starts laughing. He stands up and then falls to the mat. Page picks him up and yells at him to beg for mercy. Page pulls Swerve’s grill out of his mouth and goes back to the bag. 

Page pulls out a hypodermic needle ansd sticks it into Swerve’s mouth. Page then nails Swerve in the head with a chair and the camera pulls back.  The bell rings and the ref calls the match.

Winner by knockout: Hangman Adam Page

If you like death matches, you would like this, but it was like many of Page and Swerve’s matches in the past, it took things too far and wasn’t entertaining to watch. It made me sick and if I weren’t covering it, I would have turned it off halfway through. I have no idea why they have to go so far in their matches. 

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