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By Cory Strode on 2024-09-07 19:26:00

MJF calls for a handshake and Garcia finally accepts. When MJF goes to attack Garcia, Garcia gives him a low blow and looks to the corner. He drags MJF to the corner and sets him up on the top. Garcia joins him, spits in his face and gives him the pile driver. Garcia then takes off through the crowd.

The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) AEW Tag Team Champion vs Claadio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta

Yuta and Nick start with arm bars, then move to dodging each other in the corner. They go back to arm bars, Yutas gets a scoop slam for two. Claudio tags in and Nick is able to  get an escalera on both Yuta and Claudio. They wait until Nick is done celebrating and hit him with a shoulder tackle followed by a pair of wishbones. Matt tags in they do the same to Matt. They then do that to both Bucks at the same time.

Matt takes an atomic drop from Claudio and a Manhattan drop for Yura. Matt reverses a whip into the corner by Yuta and they begin to double team Yuta in their corner. Yuta is able to get clothesline on the Bucks and all three men are down. Yuta crawls to the corner and tags in Claudio, and Claudio runs wild. 

Claudio goes for quite a while getting uppercuts on them in opposite corners. The Bucks go to the outside and Claudio does the same on the ringside area. Matt is rolled into the ring and Claudio gets a flying cross body for two. The crowd chants for the Giant Swing, but Matt cuts him off with kicks. Yuta i s tagged in and he tossesNick into Matt. Yuta gets a slam followed by the seat belt pin for two. 

On the floor, Claudio is knocked over the barricade. Yuta fights off both Bucks and gets a German suplex on Matt for two. Yuta puts on cattle mutilation, but Nick hits a senton onto Yuta to break it up. Claudio makes it into the ring, but is taken out by Nick, who gets a hurricanrana on the floor. All four men are down. The Bucks hit an assisted face slam for two on Yuta. 

Claudio is not on the apron and the Bucks try to set up for more bang for your buck, but Yuta gets a rollup for two. Claduio gets into the ring and gets a clothesline on Nick. The Bucks are able to get the EVP trigger on Claudio for two, broken up by Yuta. Yuta is tossed to the floor. The Bucks pump up their shoes and hit superkicks. They go for a second EVP trigger, but he grabs their feet. 

Claudio is able to hit a double suplex and Yuta takes Nick to the floor with a clothesline. Claudio gets the giant swing on Matt. Claudio covers for two. Yuta dn Claudio set fo4r th fastball special but the Buck break it up. Matt goes to the top with Yuta and Clauiudio gets an uppercut on Matt. He grabs Matt for the superplex over Yuta, and then hits the fastball special, but Matt gets his knees up and covers Yuta for the pin and the win.

Winners and still AEW Tag Team Champions: The Young Bucks. 

Will Ospreay (AEW International Champion) vs Pac

The crowd gives a standing ovation when the bell rings. Pac rolls out of the ring to slow things down. They then lock up and run the ropes with Pac getting a shoulder tackle. Pac gets a snap mare and Ospreay lands on his feet. Pac gets a side headlock takeover and they run the ropes again. Pac gets a hurricanrana and Ospreay lands on his feet.

Ospreay goes to the floor and Pac hits a twisting leap from the top turnbuckle onto Ospreay. Ospreay then does the same thing to Pac. They return to the ring and kick each other down. They lay in slap on each other as they work to their feet and Pac drives his boot into Ospreay in the corner. They go to the floor and Pac whips Ospreay into the barricade. Pac dominates the fight on the floor and then rolls Ospreay into the ring. 

They go to the top and Pac is able to make it into a brain buster on Ospreay. Ospreay calls the ref over and Pac covers for two. Pac grabs a side headlock. They work to their feet and move to throwing hands. They go to the corner and Pac rolls to the floor and they fight in the ringside area with Ospreay getting an elbow strike off of the barricade. Ospreay goes to the ring and waits for Pac to get to his feet. Ospreay hits a dive onto Pac on the floor.

Pac is rolled into the ring and Ospreay gets a handspring corkscrew kick for two. Ospreay goes to the top and Pac sweeps his legs. They struggle on the top and Pac knocks Ospreay down and Ospreay tries to escape but Pac makes it a DDT. He follows with a Liger Bomb for two. 

Pac goes to the top and Ospreay rolls away. Pac comes down and then runs into a Spanish fly from Ospreay for two. Ospreay goes for an Oz cutter, but Pac blocks it. Ospreay misses a hidden blade. Pac gets a kick to the back of Ospreay’s neck, but Ospreay is able to get an Oz cutter for two. Both men are slow to get up. Ospreay puts his hands behind his back and Pac lays in forearms. Ospreay hits a question mark kick and Pac drops to the apron. Ospreay gets another kick on the apron and then leaps into Pac;s suplex. 

Pac hits a poisonrana on the apron. Pac rolls him into the ring and puts on the brutalizer. Ospreay is able to get a foot on the bottom rope for a break. Pac gets a big kick in the corner and Ospreay drops to the mat. Pac goes to the top and goes for the Black Arrow and Ospreay gets his knees up and gets a small package for two. 

Ospreay goes for the hidden blade, but Pac gets a backslide for two. Pac gets a German suplex followed by a hurricanrana for two. Pac’s stuff looks incredibly brutal because of how he snaps off every move. Pac gets a poisonrana for two. Pac grabs a brutalizer. Ospreay struggles to his feet, picking up Pac and gets a poisonrana of his own, followed by a hidden blade for two.

They fight in the corner, up to the top and Pac gets an avalanche poisonrana and Ospreay lands on his feet and hits a hidden blade for two AGAIN. Ospreay gets an Oz cutter and Pac counters the storm bringer with a hurricanrana for two. Ospreay hits the styles clash and then another hidden blade for the pin and the win.

Winner and still AEW International Champion: Will Ospreay

Holy cats, that was an incredible match. Hard hitting, crisp and todl a fantastic story in the ring.  Go out of your way to watch this one. 

Willow Nightingale vs Kris Statlander w/Stokely Hathaway in a Chicago Street Fight

Willow gets a powerbomb into the corner and then a cannonball in the corner for two, trying to end it early. Willow grabs the chair and puts it on the apron. They then fight on the apron and Kris grabs the chair and waffles Willow with it. Kris then puts Willow through the Spanish Announce table. 

Kris and Stokely Hathaway set up a table. Kris then slams Willow’s head into the apron. Willow is placed on the table and goes to the top. Kris dives and Willow gets out of the way and Kris goes through the table. Willow then pounces Kris through the barricade. They fight up the ramp to the stage with Kris getting a suplex on the stage. She yells at Hathaway to get the stuff. A garbage can of plunder is bought out. 

Kris beats on Willow with the trash can. Kris hits another suplex, missing the trash can. Kris swings at Willow with a barbed wire bat, misses, and Willow hits Kris with a bundle of light tubes. Willow chases Hathaway away. Kris and Willow fight and spears Willow off the stage through tables. Kris beats Willow down the ramp to the ring. 

Kris lays in kicks and chops. Willow tries for a body slam, but Kris reverses it and gets on. Willow gets one, and then both drop to the mat. Kris is busted open and the grab plunder from under the ring. Willow has a chain and Kris has a black bag. Willow beats down Kris with the chain. Kris is able to get a German suplex and crawls for the bag, emptying the thumbtacks on the mat. 

Kris puts Willow on her shoulders, but Willow is able to escape. They fight and Kris’s axe kick misses and she hits the tacks in the splits. Willow gets a Death Valley  Driver into the tacks for two. They fight to the top and Kris gets a Spanish Fly from the top and then grabs the chain. Kris gets a discus lariat with the chain for two. 

Willow rolls to  the floor and Kris screams “Not like this” and rolls her into the ring. Kris grabs a dog collar and wraps it around Willow’s wrist. Kris puts the other end on her own wrist. Willow pulls Kris in and hits a spinebuster on the tacks. Willow lays in forearms and Kris fires back with wild shots. They fall to their knees. Kris is able to get a tombstone and wraps the chain around Willow’s face and the ref calls the match.

Winner: Kris Statlander

Hathaway comes to the ring and he helps Kris to the back. 

Lexy Nair is with Ospreay and says that Pac can get a rematch any time. Ospreay calls out Ricochet to get some wins lined up so he can come for the title. Ricochet says he has them all lined up and he’s coming.

Kazuchika Okada (AEW Continental Championship) vs Mark Briscoe vs Orange Cassidy vs. Konosuke Takeshita 

Nigel leaves commentary and Taz joins. Don Callis joins as well for this match.

Takeshita and Okada get rid of Cassidy and Briscoe. They go to face off and Cassidy joins them and they stop him from going for his pockets. Casdidy gets a double hurricanrana and then a DDT on Okada after diving onto Takeshita. Bricoe comes in and goes after Okada. Briscoe gets a leg lariat and Okada rolls out. Bricoe and Takeshita throw hands and Bricoe gets a clothesline in the corner, and Takeshits echoes that. Bricoe gets chops in the corner and Takechita gives it back to him. 

They trad waistlocks and Bricoe gets an insigiri. Cassidy gets in the ring with Bricoe and when Okada gets in, they toss him. When Takeshitaa gets in they toss him. Briscoe gets an elbow drop onto Takeshita and Cassidy gets a lazy one on Okada. Okada and Takeshita are rolled into the ring and they are covered by Cassidy and Briscoe for two. Cassidy takes a suplex and rolls to the floor.

It’s then time for each man to get a suplex on the last person. They go around a few times with Cassidy not able to get anyone up. Cassdidy finally gets stundog millionaire on Takeshita and follows with a suplex, finally. Okada drop kicks Cassidy off the top and then Bricoe knocks Okada off the top. Takeshita gets a back elbow on Briscoe and then leaps onto Cassidy and Okada. Briscoe gets the chair assisted dive and Briscoe has been busted open. 

Briscoe and Casdidy trade soft chops. Then a high five. They then trade real blows. Takeshita and Okada hit the ring and get German suplexes on Cassidy and Briscoe. Takeshita and Okada throw hands. Okada ends it with a drop kick. And goes for a rainmaker, but Takeshita stops him with a blue thunder bomb for two. 

Because no one wins with a blue thunder bomb.

Okada charges into a boot from Takeshita. Takeshita puts Cassidy on the top and hits an avalanche super plex. Briscoe hits froggie bo on Takeshita for two, broken up by Okada. Okada gets an elbow drop on Briscoe. Briscoe dodges a rainmaker and Briscoe tries for a Jay driller, but Okada escapes into a short arm clothesline from Brixscoe. Takeshita knocks Cassidy into Briscoe and Cassidy tries for the spinning DDT and Takeshita blocks it for a package piledriver and a German suplex. 

Briscoe gets a Jay driller for two and Okada pulls Briscoe out of the ring and Briscoe drops him. Briscoe goes to the top and leaps into Takeshita’s knees for two, broken up by Cassidy. Cassidy gets a beach break on Takeshita and Takeshita counterstrikes the Orange Punch and clotheslines Cassidy. Okada breaks them up and everyone gets a quick succession of near falls until Okada gets a rainmaker on Cassidy for the pina nd the win.

Winner and still Continental Champion: Kazuchika Okada

Coverage continues on Page 3!


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