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By Mike Johnson on 2012-03-10 00:15:00

Smith James vs.  One Warrior Nation

James is a Taz dojo student.  OWN is well, not Warrior, although he pretends to be.  He came out with a WCW World title replica.  The crowd chanted for Papa Shango, who was signing earlier tonight.

Not-Warrior began badly shaking the ropes.  Like, really, you can't even do THAT?  James attacked him from behind and worked him over.  He slammed Not-Warrior for a two count and then began working over his back with axehandles.  Smith covered him for another two count.

James cinched in a rear chinlock and not-Warrior began mounting a comeback to the apathy of the audience.  James cut him off and jumped down on Not-Warrior's back.  Not-Warrior began to mount a comeback and nailed a leaping shoulderblock while rebounding off the ropes.

James backed off, then sent Not-Warrior into the buckles before putting the boots to him.   He began running Not-Warrior into the buckles.  The crowd began chanting for Cena and catcalling.  Smith began slamming OWN into the buckles but he no sold it and began firing back.

Smith cut him off but was caught with a clothesline in the corner.  Not-Warrior teased doing the slam but James kicked him and slammed him.  He missed a splash, allowing Not-Warrior to hit the work splash in the history of wrestling.

Your winner, One Warrior Nation!

James stole the front plate of the replica belt and walked out with it.

Poor James.  That's my only comment.

The building booed the Warrior wanna-be out of the building as he left.

PWS Tag Team champions The Long Rangers (John Silver and Pat Buck) vs. The Powers of Pain

Yes, it's The Warlord and The Barbarian!  The Powers of Pain attacked the champs and tossed Buck to the outside.  Silveer tried to fight off Barbarian but was pressed and dropped atop the turnbuckles, then nailed with a side slam for a two count.   Buck tagged in and charged the Warlord but was shoulderblocked down.

Warlord and Buck locked up but Warlord shoved him down to the mat and posed.  He driled Buck hard in trhe corner but missed a running charge.  Buck grabbed an armwringer and worked him over, then tagged Silver, who came off the ropes with an axehandle.  He locked on an armwringer, but being so small, Warlord easily slammed him.

Barbarian tagged in and continued working over Silver.  Warlord tagged in and powerbombed Silver hard.  Buck tried to rally Silver but the Powers continued to wreck him.  Barbarian viciously powerbombed Silver down.  The crowd chanted for another.  Buck's facial expressions as the concerned partner on the apron were really good.  Silver ate another powerbomb.

Barbarian went to the ropes for an elbow but Silver moved out of the way.   Silver tagged Buck, who worked over the Powers with forearms and shots, but was soon overwhelmed by the duo.   He ducked a clothesline and went for a double clothesline, to no effect.  He then went to chokeslam both but they stopped him and chokeslammed him.

The Powers then laid out the referee.

They declared it a  no contest.

Warlord destroyed Silver with a no contest then asked the fans if they wanted some more.  A manager (didn't catch his name) asked where the competition was.  He praised them as one of the greatest teams of all time.

Match was OK for what it was.  Powers still look impressive as hell physically and Silver can take a hell of a beating.

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