John Cena celebrated and they blew a lot of sh** up.
WWE Champion Cody Rhodes made to the ring.
Cena said it would be him and Cena at Wrestlemania for the championship.
They shook hands.
Travis Scott came out, accompanying The Rock.
They get in the ring and mug with Cena and Cody.
Rock says he wants his answer. He tells Cody to hug him and give him his mind, body and soul. If he does the Nightmare lives forever. If not, the Dream dies again.
Cody says he wants it all. His soul no longer belongs to him. He gave it to this ring and these people a long time ago.
Cody said, "Hey Rock, go f**k yourself." I wonder if they will sell THAT t-shirt.
Man, what a pop for that. Cena was all excited and jumped around.
Cena hugged Cody, then made it clear he was in cahoots with Rock and kicked Cody in the groin. Yes, Cena turned heel and joined The Rock. Cena pulled Cody's rolex off and beat him with it. The announcers said it was brass knuckles. He then beat Cody with the ring mic. Cena then drilled Cody with the WWE title belt as Rock preened and Travis Scott...Scotted I guess?
Cody was out on his feet but Cena nailed him again. Cody was bleeding a gusher by this point. Cena choked Cody with his own tie. I'm guessing Cena won't be fired like Bryan Danielson was.
Travis Scott even got involved in working over Cody with a HARD punch to the face as he and Cena held him down for The Rock to whip with the Cody weightlifting belt Rock gifted him on Friday. Cody was left laying as Rock and friends left, but not before Rock pointed at the Wrestlemania sign.
Well, after years of fans pushing for John Cena to turn heel, he just did. On the surface, it felt like it came out of nowhere, but I am sure they will try to retroactively explain this somehow. The physical angle was fine, but if you really think about this, the logic falls apart. What if Cody agreed to turn? Why would John - the bastion of hustle, loyalty, respect - do this? Did Hollywood corrupt him? We need some answers but right now, this remains some "Last Jedi Sh**" for me. I get the idea of casual fans who come back for Wrestlemania seeing ROCK AND CENA TOGETHER AS BAD GUYS VS. CODY as some unique hook, but I think the story could have been stronger setting all this up. We will see if they can convince the doubters among us whether this will work or not. But, here we go!
For the record, our own Terrelder called the turn earlier this week - as Dave Scherer and I discussed on Wednesday's WDNNSNS. I guess Paul Levesque can offer him the book now!
They went off the air and came back to bloody and beaten Cody laying in the ring. He slowly recovered.
Michael Cole, Pat McAfee and Wade Barrett checked on him. The crowd gave him a standing ovation and cheered as he recovered and left the ring. They went off the air again.
Richard Trionfo, TJ Parsons and I are jumping on to record the Post Game Show for you Elites.
To everyone else, thank you so much for supporting You are our lifeblood and we appreciate every single one of you.
Onto The Road to Wrestlemania, which looks to be Rocky...yeah, I can't believe I wrote that either!
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