Welcome to my live, ongoing Elimination Chamber blog!
This should be an interesting night. We'll know where WWE is going for the Wrestlemania main events not yet announced and we'll get to see if WWE can course-correct this Rock-Cody Rhodes stuff, which, to be kind, has not been great the last two weeks on Friday Night Smackdown. This is the arena where Rock faced off Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 18, so hopefully he can summon some of that energy here, because the story so far desperately needs it, in my opinion.
I'd like to dedicate my blog tonight to a great friend, Ray Ricafort, who passed away last year after valiantly fighting cancer. He truly LOVED going to Wrestlemania every year. He's missed and loved and while I am sure he knows it, I want to write it anyway. We all love you Ray. Life hasn't been the same without you.
The American national anthem was booed. The Canadian national anthem got a big pop. Not really a shock the U.S. anthem was booed as it has happened at other sporting events in Canada of late.
They showed all the big players tonight walking through the arena and preparing for their matches tonight.
After the opening video, LOTS of pyro.
Michael Cole, Wade Barrett and Pat McAfee will be our announcing team. McAfee called out Canada for booing the American national anthem. Maybe someone should call out why that anthem was being booed...the tarriffs are coming.
We are kicking off with The Women's Elimination Chamber!
The first competitors are Naomi and Liv Morgan.
Alexa Bliss' jacket read F(r)IENDS FOR ETERNITY as she came to the ring. Nice Bray Wyatt tribute.
As the match began, out came Jade Cargill. She teased hitting Liv but instead attacked Naomi. She beat Naomi down as the crowd chanted "Holy sh**.": Hey, I reported all along the Cargille injury was storyline....
Bianca Belair was beside herself as Naomi was just decimated and hit with a pump kick into one of the pods. Naomi tried to escape the chamber but Jade slammed the Chamber door onto her. Cargill left her for dead and walked out. Naomi was stretchered out. They announced she has been eliminated and put a neck brace on her.
Liv Morgan was awesome as she mocked Bianca over all this.
The Canadians, showing so the empathy you might expect, sang "Na Na Na Nah Na, Hey Hey Hey Goodbye."
I thought Canadians were kind people!
They released Bianca from her pod but she went to check on Naomi. This allowed Liv to attack her from behind and sent her into the pods. The smashes into the pods sound insanely evil. Liv Morgan was absolutely awesome here being a trash villain mocking Belair as she was in control. Bianca caught her and elevated Liv into the buckles, scoring a two count.
Roxanne Perez was released and controlled the ring. It is ridiculous how great she is in the ring at just 23. She and Bianca battled outside until she caught her with a Side Russian Legsweep into the chains. Best use of that move since Brad Armstrong days. Liv and Roxanne battled and left each other wiped out after a double clothesline. Bayley was released and brawled inside her pod with Perez, who she left laying. She hit the Bayley to Belly suplex into the chains on Perez. Love the old school moves into the chains. Cool twist.
Bayley drilled Bianca with some forearms and hit a sunset flip bomb into the buckles. Perez attacked Bayley with a powerbomb from the top to the outside. She scored a two count with a frog splash. Morgan snuck in and nailed a Codebreaker on the former Rok-C.
They released Alexa Bliss, so all five remaining competitors are now in. Bliss battled Morgan, then Bayley. The crowd was super into Bliss entering the fray. Perez attacked her and tried smother Bliss against the chains with her boot. Bliss got the better of it and went for a bodypress into the ring on the battling Bayley and Bianca, but was caught and slammed. Pretty physical match so far. Perez locked on a crossface on Bayley, who rolled out of the ring but Perez held on. Perez told her she was never her role model and snapped her throat across the middle rope. Perez got a knee to the face and was dumped over rudely over the top.
Distracted by Perez, Bayley was hit with a springboard bulldog and pinned by Bliss, so she's eliminated.
Bianca was chasing Morgan and they battled atop one of the chambers. Morgan grabbed Bianca's hair to hold on but was whipped, causing her to fall down to the area outside the ring. Belair hit a big bodypress from atop the pod down onto everyone. Fun spot. Morgan was bleeding from where she was whipped with the hair. You couldn't pay me enough! They all set up a Tower of Doom spot from the ring.
Perez controlled the ring but was hit with a series of moves by all three in tandem and was pinned after Twisted Bliss. I liked that it took three main roster stars to take out the NXT star. It showed she was a force to be reckoned with and protected her. Great showing from Perez.
Bianca went for the KOD but it was broken up. Bliss stomped on her. Morgan hit her with The Three Amigos. Morgan nailed knee to the face. She teased hitting a 619 but Bliss went for Sister Abigail. Morgan escaped and rolled her up for two. Morgan and Bianca battled. Bliss nailed Bianca with a Sister Abigail but Morgan grabbed Bliss and pinned her, stealing the win. Then there were two!!!
Morgan covered the prone Bianca but she kicked up. Morgan shoved her again and again into the chains. Great sequence. The crowd was behind Bianca and chanted for her. Morgan hit a hell of a Codebreaker but Bianca speared her for a CLOSE TWO COUNT. Great sequences. Bianca brutally flung her upside down into the pod and chains before powerbombing her into the ring. Bianca was in BEAST MODE here. She went for a top rope 450 splash but Morgan pulled her knee up. They went back and forth countering big moves before Bianca nailed her with the KOD. Bianca wins!
This was a great match. Liv Morgan took a BEATING. Everyone worked their asses off. The Jade storyline twist will certainly be followed up on in future TV episodes. Perez was great. Bliss had a good showing. Bianca was awesome. Everyone came out of this stronger, except poor Naomi, who was the victim at the beginning of a Law & Order episode.
Rhea Ripley and IYO SKY (who has a title match in Buffalo on Raw) both came out to stare down Bianca.
More on Page 2!
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