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By Cory Strode on 2024-10-19 19:49:00

McKenzie meets Shaw in the parking lot and Shaw says Miyu will not win tonight and not get what she wants. Tonight will show she belongs with the best. 

Gisele Shaw vs Miyu Yamashita — If Yamashita wins, she is added to the Ring Of Honor Women's Championship on Night Two.

They trade arm bars, and then move to headlocks. Miyu gets a rollup for two after they trade holds and counter holds. They fight in the corner, and Shaw is put on the top and Miyu gets a kick on his midsection. Shaw is knocked to the floor, but she sweeps the leg on Miyu and Miyu lands face first on the apron. Miyu is able to send Shaw face-first into the ring post and then gets a PK kick from the apron.

Miyu calls for Shaw to get in the ring and Miyu kicks her repeatedly when Shaw rolls into the ring. Shaw gets a back elbow, but Miyu sweeps the leg and lays in kicks to Shaw’s back. Shaw gets a back elbow and then a stomp on Miyu who was laid across the second turnbuckle. Shaw lays in chops and then gets a running uppercut in the corner. Shaw drops Miyu and covers for two. 

Shaw gets a rear chinlock and Miyu escapes with elbows and a snap mare. Miyu goes to the rope and Shaw gets a kick, but Miyu is able to block most of it and get a tarantula. Shaw pulls her off and hits a power bomb for two. Both women are down and crawling toward each other.

Miyu and Shaw trade attacks in the ring with runs, and Miyu gets an insigiri and both women drop. Miyu is up first and pulls Shaw up. Shaw gets a back elbow and a springboard cutter for two. Shaw gets a backbreaker into a flatliner for two. Shaw powers up with anger since she can’t seem to get it put away. Miyu dodges a charge and gets a German suplex and covers for two.

Miyu starts hitting Yes kicks and Shaw grabs on and gets to her feet. They trade strikes and Shaw is the first to knock someone down. They then trade speed blows and Miyu is knocked down again before calling for more. Shaw hits a series of forearms and Miyu gets back up. They then trade kicks and both women are down again.

Shaw hits a running knee strike she called the Denouement for the pin and the win.

Winner: Gisele Shaw so it will be one and one with Athena tomorrow night. 

We then get a taped promo from Athena. 

Next is a rundown of tomorrow’s show.

Speedball Mike Bailey vs Konosuke Takeshita AEW International Champion — If Bailey wins, he gets a title shot. 

Crowd is chanting holy $#!t before they lock up. As former tag team partners, they shake hands and Mike doesn’t let go. 

They run the ropes and Mike hits a shoulder tackle, but Taskeshite does so as well and knocks Bailey to the mat. They each hit kicks on each other as they run the ropes. Bailey gets a tejaris and then sweeps Takeshita’s lead. He then leaps into a tejaris onto Takeshita followed by a Moonsault from the top to Takeshita on the floor. Crowd is solidly on Bailey’s side.

They brawl on the floor with Bailey running Takeshita into the barricade and when they return to the ring, Bailey hits the kick flurry on Takeshita. They fight on the apron and Bailey gets a back kick and then leaps into a Death Valley Driver from Takeshita on the apron. I hear that is the hardest part of the ring. They roll into the ring and Bailey grabs the rope on the other side of the ring to get a break.

Takeshita gets a flying shoulder tackle. Takeshita then gets a neck twist on Bailey. He follows with a rear chinlock on the mat. Bailey works to his feet and fights out with elbows. Takeshita grabs a sleeper as Bailey comes off the ropes. He turns it into a DDT for two. Takeshita pulls him up, but Bailey drags them both to the ropes. Takeshita can't pull him out of the corner, so he gets a big chop. Bailey escapes and gets a tejaris, sending Takeshita into the turnbuckles. 

Bailey lays in kicks and Takeshita is on the mat. Bailey gets a shooting star press on the mat for two. Bailey gets a PK kick and when he goes for a moonsault, Takeshita kicks him away. Takeshita gets a release German suplex, tossing Bailey into the air. Bailey blocks a second and elbows his way out. Takeshita turns it into a bear hug and Bailey fights his way free. Takeshita gets another German, but Bailey lands on his feet and gets a kick, a moonsault and after they trade setups, Bailey gets a moonsault landing with his knees on Takeshita’s body.

Bailey tries for a power bomb, but Takeshita blocks it. Bailey lays in kicks instead. He tries again and Takeshita gets a back body drop. Takeshita pulls up Bailey and hits him with a pop-up forearm. Takeshita charges toward Bailey into the corner, but Bailey dodges it and Takeshita tumbles to the outside. Bailey hits a double springboard corkscrew from the ring into Takeshita on the floor.

Takeshita is rolled into the ring and Bailey goes to top, but misses the Ultimo Weapon. They struggle for control and Takeshita gets a big kick and then blocks a hurricanrana and tosses Bailey over his head into the turnbuckle. Bailey is put on top, but Bailey escapes out the bottom for a Liger Bomb for two. Bailey goes to the top and hits a shooting star leg drop from the top for two.

Bailey hits a Canadian Destroyer for two and Takeshita goes to the floor. Takeshita stays on the floor and Bailey goes to the floor to try to roll him into the ring, but he can’t do it. Takeshita is finally rolled into the ring and he nails Bailey with a forearm when he tries to get in the ring. Bailey climbs up to the top and Takeshita meets him there. Takeshita chops him into the ring and then kicks him to the mat. Takeshita picks up Bailey, but Bailey escapes with a knee and hits a Frankensteiner. Bailey goes for a kick and Takeshita catches him in a blue thunder bomb for two. 

They throw hands on their knees and work to their feet. Takeshita runs into a big series of kicks. Takeshita fires back hard, but runs into the green tea plunge for two. Takeshita gets a big German suplex and a clothesline for two. Bailey escapes a brain buster with a knee and gets a poisonrana, a superkick and a tornado kick in the corner. Bailey goes to the top for an Ultimo Weapon, but didn’t get all of it for two.

Bailey gets a super kick and then puts Takeshita on top. Takeshita reverses a pickup and hits an inhuman driver for two. They trade open hand strikes and Takeshita knocks Bailey’s mouth guard out. Takeshita gets a big knee and then hits a V Trigger for two. Takeshita gets the Raging Fire for the pin and the win.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

Hard fought main event to a great independent show.  Well put together show top to bottom and a fantastic opener for the promotion.  

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