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By Cory Strode on 2024-10-19 19:49:00

MackRohan Raja vs Jake Something to crown the first PWA Champion's Grail Champion.

They lock up and Jake forces them to the corner, but Raja slaps him hard as they break. Jake tosses Raja from the ring and calls for him to come back in. They trade headlocks and Jake is shot into the ropes where he runs through Raja repeatedly. They move to fighting in the corner and Raja leaps off the top, holding onto Jake’s arm to ram it into the top rope. Raja starts working over the arm he just injured.

Jake can’t hit an Irish whip due to the arm injury. Raja is able to ground and pound Jake and keeps going after that arm. Jake fights his way up one armed, but Raja goes back to working the arm. He stomps Jake down and keeps him down with kicks as Jake slowly works to his feet. Raja whips Jake shoulder first into the turnbuckle and then covers for two.

Raja gets a neckbreaker for two. Jake works to his feet again, and Raja gets another neck breaker after working the arm. Raja tries for a swinging DDT, but Jake blocks it and clotheslines Raja. Jake puts Raja on the top and Raja gets a big kick. Raja leaps into a big punch from Jake. Both men are down as the ref counts to 6 before they crawl to each other and they fight on their knees.

Raja keeps throwing hands and Jake calls for more before Jake plants Raja on the mat. Jake hits a series of lariats and then hits a double axe handle. Jake clotheslines Raja down again and calls for the Something Bomb, and he hits a side slam for two. 

Raja blocks the Something Bomb and Jake gets a big forearm. Jake gets a one-armed Something Bomb for two. Jake pulls his arm on the ropes and the announcers say he has popped it back in place. Raja gets a forearm and follows with a backstabber. Raja hits a brainbuster for two. 

Jake gets a big clothesline and then hits a back elbow after Raja dodges the Charge. Raja gets the haymaker and follows with a seek and destroy for the pin and the win. 

Winner and getting the PWA Champion's Grail: Rohan Raja 

Loved this match. Told a great story, felt very old school, and took us on a great ride. 

Raja cuts a promo with McKenzie that he will take the grail all over the world and he wants to face the best. He is nwo to be known as Ravenous Rohan Raja.

Bully Ray cuts a promo about how he is the man who makes this promotion successful and he has no idea why anyone would be a table match with him. And Raj will never put him through a table. 

Tables Match: Raj Dhesi (the former Jinder Mahal) vs Bully Ray

Bully tells people to sit down and shut up and then asks Sam to tell them the same thing. They do not comply. He says if the crowd keeps chanting Raj’s name, he will get back in his car and go back to the US.  They again, do not comply. Bully then has Sam tell them to shut up and sit down again. Bully starts talking to Raj and the crowd “What’s him, which he dislikes. He says no one will ever put him through a table.

The match starts and Raj beats Bully pillar to post. Bully is knocked to the floor and the fight continues there. Bully pulls Sam in front of him to keep Raj from attacking. Bully nails Raj with a mic and then he is distracted by the crowd so that Raj can fire back. Bully yells at Scott D’Amore’s mom and Raj is able to attack him from behind before pulling out plunder.

Bully gets a rear headlock and then rakes the eyes. Bully then grabs the cane and goes to work with it. Bully goes back to work on Raj’s eyes and yells at Scott’s mom. Bully and the ref have words and then shoves him down. Raj grabs the cane and nails Bully when he turns around after threatening the fallen ref. Raj slams Bully and tells the ref to get up. Raj tells the ref to get on the top turnbuckle and holds him for the flying headbutt to Bully’s swimsuit area. 

The ref then tells Raj to get the tables. Raj puts a table in the ring as Bully yells about his nether regions being hurt. Bully knocks Raj into the ref, but Raj choke slams Bully through the table.

The ref didn’t see it.

QT Marshall hits the ring, nails Raj with a chain and then drags Raj into the remains of the table. The ref revives, sees Raj in the table’s remains and calls the match for Bully.

Winner: Bully Ray

QT holds Raj and Bully grabs a chair. We hear music start and Bully looks confused, but Bhupinder Gujjar hits the ring, and takes out QT. Bully bails from the ring. 

Good old Sports Entertainment.

We get a promo for the next TNA PPV and a rundown of AEW’s upcoming shows.

Don Callis says he has a surprise for Mike Bailey.

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