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By Cory Strode on 2024-10-19 19:49:00

It’s the first show for the reborn Maple Leaf Wrestling coming from St. Clair College in Windsor Ontario, Canada. 

Our commentary team is Mauro Ranallo and Don Callis. 

Josh Alexander, Stu Grayson, and El Phantasmo vs Trevor Lee, Rocky Romero, and Alex Zayne

Josh and Rocky start off and they work arm bars until Josh gets a backdrop. Josh drops Ricky with a chop as Stu tags in and Trevor both tag in. Stu gets a waistlock takedown and Trever turns to arm bars and takes Stu down. They run the ropes and Stu gets a big drop kick. Alex tags in, which brings in ELP. ELP is able to get a bow and sorrow after they do some quick mat wrestling. ELP lays in chops and goes up the ropes with a triple jump into a flying head scissors. 

This sets off the tag team siren, everyone is in the ring, and Josh’s team puts all opponents into sharpshooters. The ring clears and it’s back to Alex and ELP. ELP gets in a few blows before Trevor trips ELP.  His team then works over ELP with quick tags.   ELP is able to escape and Josh gets the hot tag.

Josh works over Trevor. Trevor is able to hit snake eyes on Josh, cutting him off. Trevor’s team is able to take over again, keeping Josh in the ring with quick tags. Josh is finally able to get a snap suplex on Trevor and both men crawl to their corners. Rocky tags in first and cuts Josh off from making the tag until Josh suplexes Trevor while Rocky is on his back, taking them both out. 

Stu tags in and runs wild. Stu misses a 450, but lands on his feet, tagging in ELP. ELP hits a spinning neckbreaker on Rocky for two. Rocky gets a tag, and nails ELP with blows as Alex is able to get into the ring and get a Dragonrana on ELP, who had put him on the top. Stu gets a V trigger, puts Alex on his back and drops him onto a back breaker. Josh tags in and gets a German suplex on Treveor. Rocky hits the ring and gets a hurricanrana and an arm bar. Josh picks him up in the arm bar and hits the C4 spike for the pin and the win.

Winners:  Josh Alexander, Stu Grayson, and El Phantasmo

In the back, Sam Laterna is with Mike Bailey talks about how he is facing Konosuke Takeshita, and he’s scared, but he was also scared when he left his home to travel the world to become a pro wrestler. 

Bret Hart narrates a video about the history of Maple Leaf Wrestling.

QT Marshall (with Harley Cameron) vs Bhupinder Gujjar

QT is in a USA themed robe, so he’s gonna be the heel. Harley asks the crowd to cheer for Sam Laterna and then heels her and Windsor. QT said he got here early to learn about the city and he was not impressed. He then heels Gujjar for being a graduate of the college here in Windsor.

Gujjar comes out in a Canada Hockey jersey. 

QT gets an arm drag after they lock up and celebrates. QT then gets a snap mare and celebrates again. They trade arm bars. Gujjar gets an arm drag and they move to running the ropes. Gujjar gets an insigiri. Gujjar then gets a tejaris and clotheslines QT to the floor. Gujjar gets a dive and then he rolls QT back in the ring.

QT sweeps Gujjar’s feet as he tries to climb to the top, and gets a back elbow into a two count. QT gets a handspring insigiri but doesn’t follow it up. QT slaps Gujjar, mocking him. Gujjar blocks QT’s blows and fires back. Gujjar gets a flying forearm, a kick, and a spine buster for two. 

QT gets a pop-up forearm into a power bomb for two. QT calls for the Diamond Cutter, but Gujjar grabs a backslide for two. Gujjar is tossed over the top, but skins the cat as QT is not looking and they trade blows. Gujjar gets a beautiful dropkick for two. Gujjar gets a pump kick, a jumping knee and then goes to the second turnbuckle. Harley grabs his foot as the ref is distracted. Gujjar leaps into a forearm and QT gets the Diamond Cutter for the pin and the win.

Winner: QT Marshall

McKenzie Mitchell is in the back with Kylie Rae who says she has been there for three months and got to the building at 6 am even though it opens at 10 am. She then talks about how excited she is for everyone on the show.

Laynie Luck vs Taylor Rising vs Kylie Rae vs Aurora Teves

Kylie shakes hands with everyone until she gets to Taylor who kicks her and the match kicks off. 

Taylor gets an O’Conner roll on Luck and we then get a quick series of roll ups and two counts. Taylor leaves the ring and then trips Teves and they fight on the floor. Kylie and Luck trade waistlocks until Kylie gets the cover for two and Taylor breaks it up. Taylor beats down Kylie in the corner. Taylor gets a spinebuster into a jackknife for two. 

Taylor smacks around Kylie and yells at her. Kylie throws hands and follows with a clothesline. Teves hits the ring and she works over Taylor and Luck, followed with a Northern Lights suplex on both for two. Luck gets on the apron which leads to her and Kylie fighting on the floor. In the ring, Taylor tosses Teves to the floor and goes for a dive on her and Kylie but doesn’t get all of it. 

Lucks dives onto all three from the top. They get into the ring and each woman hits a finisher on the last one in the ring. Kylie is able to get a superkick on Luck and then falls on Teves for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kylie Rae.

The Intergalactic Jet Setters (KUSHIDA and Kevin Knight) IWGP Junior Tag Team Champions vs Aiden Prince and El Reverso vs Rogue Squadron (Rohit Raju and Sheldon Prince) vs Brent Banks and Johnny Swinger

This will have to be bullet point coverage with these guys.

Raju and Prince knock people off the apron, and they leave when everyone recovers and gets in the ring. 

Knight and Banks start off with running the ropes and lots of leaps. They pause when they catch each other’s leg and slowly put them down.

Swinger tags in and he takes an atomic drop for Knight and goes to the wrong corner and Reverso tags in

Aiden tags in and hits a double team superkick brainbuster on Knight.

Aiden and Reverso dive onto the Jet Setters

Squadron tags themselves in and work over Sheldon with quick tags

Sheldon is able to tag in Kushida. 

The Squadron and the Jet setters fight in and outside of the ring. 

Raju yells at Banks, which allows Banks to tag in and he gets a suplex on Kushida.

Raju gets a blind tag and the Squadron works over Kushida. Kushida gets a flatliner on Sheldon into the second turnbuckle and then tags in Knight.

Knight gets a springboard into the Squadron. 

Knight gets a frankensteiner off the top on Raju

Knight then slams Reverso and Aiden is slammed onto him, and Knight hits a frog splash on both of them. 

The Jet Setters take everyone out with quick moves 

Jet Setter and the Squadron take each other out and Johnny Swinger tags in.

Swinger takes too long to attack and we set up for everyone to fight in the corner.

The Squadron try for a double suplex from the top, Swinger takes them out with a low blow, but he slips and gives himself a low blow on the top.

Time for people to start diving.

Raju gets a double stomp from the top onto Aiden, then Reverso, then Knight and covers Knight for two, broken up by Kushida

Banks gets a springboard corkscrew into Sheldon

Banks and Raju run the ropes until Banks gets a leaping kick’

Reverso gets a series of high-flying dodges and then a leaping kick onto Sheldon

Knight takes out Aiden and Reverso with a double Pele

More dives

Swinger gets a sneaky rollup on Kushida for two. 

Jet Setters hit the diving crossbody neckbreaker combination on Swinger for the pin and the win.

Winner and still IWGP Junior Tag Team Champions: The Intergalactic Jet Setters (KUSHIDA and Kevin Knight)

More coverage on Page 2!

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