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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-07 17:56:00

Lexis King has some words for Eddy Thorpe and he says he will win the Heritage Cup on Tuesday.

We get Tony D'Angelo's response to Lexis.

Match Number Five:  NXT Men’s Championship Match: Trick Williams versus Ethan Page versus Je’Von Evans versus Shawn Spears

Page goes to the floor to watch but Evans with a suicide dive.  Trick with a slam to Spears while Evans punches Page on the floor.  Trick sends Spears to the floor and he chops Spears.  Page with a punch to Evans.  Spears sends Trick into the ring post.  Page does the same.  Spear sends Trick into the ring steps and Page tries to one up Spears by doing the same to Evans.  Spears and Page go into the ring.  Evans with a springboard round kick to Spears and he catapults Trick to his feet and he kicks Page to the floor.  Evans with an arm drag and a springboard rollup for a near fall.  Evans with a drop kick and a slingshot head scissors.  Evans with a rollup on Trick.  

Trick with a flying clothesline and a slam to Evans.  Evans with a slingshot move but Trick escapes and hits a drop kick.  Spears misses with a chair and Trick with a jumping side kick to Page and Spears.  Trick with a flying clothesline to Page when Spears moves.  Trick with a double flapjack to Spears and Page.  Evans with a springboard cross body to Page and Spears.  Trick with a uranage to Evans for a near fall.  Spears sends Trick over the top rope to the floor.  Page with a suplex to Evans onto Spears hanging in the ropes.  Page with a punch to Evans.  Page kicks Trick and he sends Evans onto Trick and Spears with Iconoclasm.  Page with a slam to Spears for a near fall.  Page goes up top and Spears chops him a few times.  Spears sets for a superplex but Evans stops Spears and he gets on the turnbuckles and knocks Spears to the mat.  Trick gets Evans on his shoulders and Page with a springboard shoulder tackle an Trick with an Electric Chair drop while Spears gets hit with a DDT.  Trick and Page get near falls.

Trick with punches and Spears hits Trick and Page with a chair.  Evans with a springboard move and Spears hits Evans in the back with the chair.  Spears puts the chair against the turnbuckles and he gets Evans up for C4 but Trick makes the save and he hits a pop up uppercut.  Spears with C4 to Trick into the chair for a near fall.   Spears gets Trick up and Evans with a super kick.  Evans kicks Spears and then he kicks Page.  Spears with a super kick to Page.  Everyone is down in the ring.

Page rolls to the floor.  Trick with a forearm to Page and he sets up the announce table but Page stops Trick and sends him into the ring post.  Page sets for Ego's Edge but Trick escapes and sends Page into the ring post.  Trick punches Page and Evans with a flip dive over the ring post and he sends Trick through the ringside barrier.  Spears goes up top and Evans goes up top and Spears gets him on his shoulders for C4 off the turnbuckles and Page gets a near fall after getting Spears out of the way.  Page pulls Evans into position and he goes up top.  Spears with a punch to stop Page.  Spears with a chop and he sets for a superplex.  Trick comes under for a power bomb but Spears sends him and Trick to the floor.  Evans with Spanish Fly and a double jump cutter but Trick breaks up the cover.

Trick and Evans exchange punches.  Trick with a kick and Evans with a spinning thrust kick.  Trick with a cyclone kick while Evans hits a rebound thrust kick and both men are down.  Spears stops a springboard move from Evans and he goes to the turnbuckles to try to superplex Evans onto Trick and Page on the floor.  Spears with a punch and head butt.  Evans leaps to the turnbuckles and he hits a cutter off the turnbuckles.  Evans with a double jump twisting moonsault for a near fall when Trick breaks up the cover.  

Trick stops Evans on a springboard move and pushes him off the ropes and he lands on the announce table.  Trick is conflicted about what he just did  Trick misses the jumping knee and Spears with a  Sharpshooter.  Trick goes for the ropes but that means nothing.  Page with a kick to Spears and Ego's Edge to Trick and Evans puts Trick's foot on the ropes and the referee stops the count when he shouldn't have.  Page punches Evans.  Trick with a knee to Evans that knocks Spears off the apron and then one to Page.  Page falls onto Evans and Spears trips Trick and Page gets the three count.

Winner:  Ethan Page (new champion)

We go to credits.

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