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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-07 17:56:00

We see Gallus respond to what Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont did to them on NXT.

Ava congratulates Arianna and Karmen and she says they made a good team.  Arianna says the results would have been catastrophic if Karmen was out there alone.  Karmen says she got the pin.  Grace says she was the MVP of the match.  Grace says they won't be team any more.

Ava makes a match between Karmen and Arianna.

Arianna says it is sick to put two tag team partners against each other.

Match Number Three:  NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Axiom and Nathan Frazer versus Chase U

Axiom with a wrist lock take down to Chase and he gets a near all.  Axiom holds on to the cravate.  Axiom with a side head lock take down but Chase with a head scissors.  Axiom escapes and works on the legs.  Axiom with a bow and arrow but Chase escapes.  Axiom with a waist lock and Chase with an elbow.  Axiom with an arm drag off the turnbuckles followed by a drop kick for a near fall.  Axiom counters a rollup with a rollup of his own for a near fall. Chase gets a near fall.  Frazer tags in and Chase with an arm drag into an arm bar.  Frazer floats over on an Iris whip and connects with an enzuigiri.  Duke tags in and Frazer avoids Duke.  Duke catches Frazer on a leap frog and hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  Duke chops Frazer in the corner.

Chase tags in and the connect with a series of strikes and Chase gets a near fall.  Chase pulls Frazer from the mat and Frazer lands on his feet and hits an enzuigiri.  Axiom tags in and he gets a near fall after a DDT.  Axiom with a head butt to the midsection followed by a forearm.  Chase with a sunset flip but Axiom rolls through and hits a Northern Lariat for a near fall.  Axiom with a reverse chin lock and Frazer tags in.  Frazer kicks Chase and Axiom with a German suplex.  Frazer and Axiom with stereo super kicks for a near fall.  Frazer with a rear chin lock.  Chase with elbows but Frazer trips Chase.  Frazer with a springboard move and he catches Frazer and hits a Side Effect.

Axiom tags in and he stops the tag.  Axiom goes for a cross arm breaker but Chase blocks it and gets a near fall with a rollup.  Axiom with a heel hook.  Axiom grapevines the leg to add more pressure to the hold.  Chase rolls through and Frazer and Duke tag in.  Duke with punches and clotheslines.  Duke with jabs but Frazer stops the U Elbow so Duke with punches to Frazer and a double U Elbow.  Duke charges into the corner and Axiom floats over.  Duke with a uranage and then he tosses Frazer into the air.  Duke with a double knee gutbuster to Frazer while hitting a back senton on Axiom and he gets a near fall on Frazer.  Frazer with a drop kick that sends Duke to the floor.  Duke with a forearm to stop a dive by Frazer.

Duke with a slingshot into the ring for a German suplex.  Duke sets for a Razor's Edge but Frazer counters with a rana that sends Duke into the turnbuckles.  Axiom tags in and hits a head scissors take down.  Axiom with a suicide dive to Duke and Frazer takes care o Chase.  Axiom goes up top and hits a frog splash.  Frazer tags in and he hits a 450 splash for a near fall.  Axiom goes up top and he is caught with a boot.  Frazer tags in and he blocks a uranage.  Frazer goes up top and Duke with a handstandcanrana to Frazer.  Duke with a uranage side slam for a near fall.  Chase tags in and he slaps Frazer.  

Chase sets for a superplex and Duke tags in.  Chase is knocked off the turnbuckles and Duke punches Frazer and goes up top.  Frazer with a head butt to send Duke to the mat.  Frazer with a springboard drop kick.  Axiom tags in and they put Duke on the turnbuckles.  Axiom with an enzuigiri.  Axiom sets for Spanish Fly and Frazer tags in. Axiom hits Spanish Fly and Frazer with a Phoenix Splash.  Chase breaks up the cover with a Destroyer off Duke's back to Axiom.  Axiom tags in and so does Chas.  Chase with a forearm and Axiom fires back.  They go back and forth.  Axiom with kicks but Chase blocks a kick and he clotheslines Axiom.  Frazer blocks a kick and Chase with an enzuigiri to Axiom.  Frazer accidentally super kicks Axiom and Chase with a rollup for a near fall.  

Frazer sends Duke into the ring steps.  Chase with a side Russian leg sweep and the C-H-A-S-E-U stomp.  Chase goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall.  Chase sends Frazer to the floor and Axiom escapes a Tiger Driver.  Frazer tags in and he misses a move off the turnbuckles but rolls through.  Chase kicks Frazer.  Frazer with a superplex and Chasing the Dragon.  Frazer with a flip dive to Duke.  Axiom with the Golden Ratio for the three count.

Winners:  Axiom and Nathan Frazer (retain championship)

Wes Lee is asked about his match tonight. 

Lee says tonight was about him regaining the North American title.  He failed.  He traveled the world and then had one of the best singles runs.  Tonight was for him to regain his title.  Wes says he failed.  Oba Femi was the better man tonight.  He says he is at a loss for words.  He says he needs some time to figure out what is next.

We have a Josh Briggs video package.

We have a Carlee Bright video package.

We have a Dante Chen video package.

The Great American Bash will be on August 6th on SYFY.

Match Number Four:  NXT Women’s Championship Match: Roxanne Perez versus Lola Vice

They lock up and Perez backs Lola into the corner and Perez slaps Lola.  Lola with a side head lock take down.  Lola with a shoulder tackle and she blocks a hip toss.  Lola goes for a cross arm breaker but Perez with a rollup for a near fall.  Perez with a wrist lock and uppercuts to the arm.  Lola with a take down and knees to the midsection.  Lola tosses Perez to the mat.  Lola with a waist lock and Perez with an elbow.  Lola misses the spinning back fist but Perez goes to the floor.  Lola with a clothesline off the apron.  Perez kicks the ropes when Lola goes back into the ring and then she sends Lola throat first into the ropes.  Perez sends Lola into the turnbuckles and she chokes Lola.  Perez gets a near fall.

Lola sends Perez into the turnbuckles and she gets a near fall.  Perez pulls Lola to the mat by the hair.  Perez chokes Lola in the ropes.  Perez with an uppercut into the corner followed by a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall.  Perez with an arm bar and chin bar.  Lola blocks a side Russian leg sweep and connects with a knee to the midsection.  Lola with more knees and Perez with a rollup for a near fall.  Lola with kicks to Perez followed by Speedball kicks.  Lola with running hips into the corner.  Lola gets a near fall.  Perez with a sunset flip for a near fall.  Lola with a punch but she misses a splash into the corner.

Perez with an uppercut into the corner and Lola blocks a second one and applies a sleeper.  Lola with a rear naked choke but Perez rolls to the floor.  Lola holds on and Perez backs Lola into the announce table to get out of the hold.  Lola misses a spinning back fist and hits the ring post.  Perez stomps on the hand.  Perez with a hammer lock Northern Lights suplex.   Perez hyper-extends the arm and gets a near fall.  Perez stands on the arm and Lola kicks Perez and Perez misses a knee drop to the arm.  Lola with a kick and Perez blocks a clothesline.  Perez with a Saito suplex.  Perez misses a double jump moonsault and Lola with a triangle.  Lola blocks a back fist and Lola with a spinning back fist but Perez falls to the floor.

Lola rolls Roxanne back into the ring and Perez gets her foot on the rope to stop the count.  Lola with forearms and the referee warns Lola.  Perez wraps the arm in the ropes and connects with a knee to the arm.  Perez sends Lola shoulder first into the ring post.  Lola with a spinning round kick and more spinning round kicks.  Lola pulls Perez up like the End is near.  Perez blocks a back fist and Perez with Pop Rox for a near fall.  Perez sends Lola to the floor.  Perez pulls off the hood of the announce table.  Perez puts Lola on the announce table for Pop Rox on the table and she hits it.  They return to the ring and Perez can only get a near fall.

Perez with forearms and she applies the crossface  Perez kicks Lola away when Lola goes for the ropes.  Perez with a few more Pop Rox for the three count.

Winner:  Roxanne Perez (retains championship)

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