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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-07 17:56:00

Your announcers are Booker T and Vic Joseph.

Match Number One:  NXT Men’s North American Championship Match: Oba Femi versus Wes Lee

Lee with a kick to the leg.  Oba with kicks to send Lee to the mat.  Oba tosses Lee into the corner and he gives a clean break but Lee kicks Femi.  Femi pushes Lee and Lee slaps Femi.  Lee with punches to Femi.  .Femi tosses Lee into the turnbuckles and Oba misses a kick.  Lee with kicks to Femi and Lee with a springboard round kick tot he back of the head.  Lee goes to the apron and he tries to come back but Femi catches Lee and puts him on the turnbuckles.  Femi slaps Lee off the turnbuckles to the floor.  Lee with a springboard drop kick and Femi stays on his feet.  Femi with a forearm and then he gets Lee on his shoulders and he whirly birds him.

Lee grabs the ring skirt and he kicks Femi.  Femi pushes Lee over the top rope to the floor and Lee hits the announce table.  Femi sends Lee into the edge of the apron.  Lee gets back into the ring and he hits a running uppercut into the corner followed by a back breaker.  Oba with an Irish whip and he hits a running shoulder into the corner.  Femi with a boot to the back and he stands on Lee's back.  Lee pushes up and Femi with a boot to the back.  Femi with a European uppercut and a punch.  Oba with a back breaker and he tosses Lee aside.  Lee with punches but Femi with a forearm to stop Lee.  Femi with an Irish whip and Oba with a knee to the midsection.  Lee goes down when Oba tries to Irish whip him.  Oba sends Lee into the turnbuckles and he lands in the tree of woe.  

Femi goes for a shoulder but Lee pulls himself up and Femi goes into the turnbuckles.  Lee kicks Femi against the turnbuckle and Lee tries for a sunset flip but Femi blocks it.  Lee sends Femi over the top rope and Lee avoids a leg sweep but Oba chops Lee.  Lee with punches but Femi with a uranage back breaker.  Oba stretches Lee over his knee.  Femi with a chop and he gets a near fall.  Femi pie faces Lee and he has some words for Lee.  Lee with a kick to Femi that staggers him.  Lee kicks Femi in the jaw and he gives him a leg sweep and Lee follows with punches.

Lee with a kick to the back of the head and another kick in the corner.  Lee with another kick and he goes to the turnbuckles and hits a tornado DDT for a near fall.  Lee with a suicide dive to Femi and he hits a second one.  Lee goes back into the ring for a third one and he sends Femi into the announce table.  Femi gets back in the ring and Femi catches Lee trying for Meteora.  Lee blocks a power bomb into a rana for a near fall.  Lee with a kick an Meteora to the back of the head.  Lee goes to the apron and he goes for a springboard clothesline but Femi with an uppercut for a near fall.  Oba gets Lee on his shoulders and he goes to the turnbuckles.  Lee with elbows to stop Femi.  Lee goes for a rana off the turnbuckles but Femi blocks it and goes for a super power bomb but Lee counters with an X Factor.  

Lee with a Cardiac Kick for a near fall.  Lee goes up top and hits a frog splash but Femi grabs Lee by the throat and Lee avoids a clothesline.  Lee kicks Femi from the rope and goes for an Asai Moonsault but Femi catches Lee and hits a shoulder breaker.  Lee with a kick to Femi and a double stomp to the back.  Femi blocks a Cardiac Kick and Lee lands on his feet and he hits kick to the back.  Lee has a Cardiac Kick blocked and Femi tosses Lee to the mat.  Femi with a sit out power bomb for the three count.

Winner:  Oba Femi (retains championship)

Match Number Two:  NXT Women’s North American Championship Match: Kelani Jordan versus Sol Ruca

Jordan with a take down and Sol with a head scissors.  Sol walks on her hands and she gives a handstand rana but Jordan lands on her feet.  Jordan tries to take Sol down and she lands on her feet.  Sol with a side head lock and Jordan with a take down.  Sol sends Jordan to the turnbuckles and Jordan floats over.  Sol floats over.  They go to a standoff.  Sol with a side head lock.  Sol lands on her feet on a hip toss and Jordan lands on her feet on an X Factor.  Jordan with a Tiger Feint arm drag and a back slide for a near fall.  Sol with an X Factor for a near fall.  Sol with a reverse bow and arrow.  Sol goes for a surfboard and she gets Jordan up.

Sol sends Jordan face first into the mat.  Jordan with a kick and forearm.  Sol with a chop and Jordan with a forearm.  They continue to exchange forearms.  Jordan with a Tiger Feint arm d rag and a head scissors take down.  Sol goes to the floor and hits a twisting pescado.  Jordan with an X Factor for a near fall.  Jordan goes for the split legged moonsault but sees Sol move.  Sol with a kick and a springboard cross body followed by a second one.  Sol with a round kick and Sol with a springboard 450 clothesline for a near fall.  Sol with a forearm and Jordan fires back.  Jordan blocks a thrust kick and Jordan with a step over spinning heel kick.  Jordan with a poisonrana and Sol rolls to the floor.  Jordan goes to the apron and hits an Asai Moonsault.

Jordan goes to the floor to break the count even if it appeared that Sol might not gets back into the ring before the ten count.  Sol with a kick on the apron and a moonsault off the ring post.   They both get back in at nine and change to beat the count.  Sol gets Jordan on her shoulders and Jordan with elbows.  Jordan with a victory roll to counter a slam for a near fall.  Jordan with another near fall.  Sol gets a near fall.  They exchange near falls and Sol gets a near fall after a power bomb.  Sol puts Jordan on the turnbuckles.  Jordan knocks Sol to the mat and Jordan goes for a 450 splash but Sol gets her knees up.

Jordan blocks Sol Snatcher and she gets a near fall with a rollup.  Sol stops Jordan from going for the split legged moonsault.  Sol gets Jordan on her shoulders and Sol blocks a poisonrana and she sends Jordan into the turnbuckles.  Sol holds on and goes to the turnbuckles with Jordan on her shoulders.  Jordan with a super poisonrana.  Jordan with a split legged moonsault for the three count.

Winner:  Kelani Jordan (retains championship)

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