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By Cory Strode on 2024-10-20 19:28:00

It’s the second show for the reborn Maple Leaf Wrestling coming from St. Clair College in Windsor Ontario, Canada.  Our commentary team is Mauro Ranallo and Don Callis.

Rohan Raja (PWA Grail Champion), Rohit Raju, and Rocky Romero vs Aiden Prince, Kushida, and Kevin Knight

Prince and Raju start with arm bars and Prince sweeps the leg. They run the ropes and Raju then sweeps the leg. Prince gets a tejaris and then he tags in Kushida. Rocky tags in and Kushida gets an arm drag. Kushida and Knight tag in and out to work over Rocky’s arm. They do a double knee drop onto Rocky’s arms. Rocky gets a kick in the corner and Kushida is brought into Rocky's corner. Raja gets a body slam on Kushida. He grabs a surfboard stretch and Kushida works to his feet to reverse it.

Raja reverses back and Kushida reverses into a roll up for one. Knight tags in and gets an uppercut. Raja gets a sidewalk slam and Prince gets in the ring and takes a brain buster from Raja. Raja gets a backstabber on Knight. From here, Raja’s team works over Knight with quick tags. 

Eventually, Knight gets a back elbow in the corner and dives through Raju’s legs to get the hot tag to Prince, who runs wild. Prince ends his flurry with a Michinoku Driver on Raju for two. Prince goes to the top and he is pushed off the top. Prince is able to get a swinging neckbreaker on Raju and both men are down. Rocky and Kushida are tagged in and they run the ropes which sets off the tag team alarm. Kushida and Knight double team Rocky. 

Knight is sent to the floor and Rocky tags in Raja and his team hit the endless clotheslines. Raja power bombs Kushida, and everyone else dives into them to break up the pin. Raju misses a double stomp. Prince charges into Raju and Raja runs into Prince. Prince slides out of the ring and Knight gets a double springboard clothesline front he top on Raja and Rocky. 

Kushida and Knight hit Perfect Timing on Raju for the pin and the win.

Winners:  Aiden Prince, Kushida, and Kevin Knight

Classy Ali (QPW Qatar Champion) vs. El Reverso.

Ali forces them to the corner and they break clean. They lock up again and Reverso forces them to the corner, but they come back to the middle of the ring and run the ropes. Ali gets a side headlock and then he gets a shoulder tackle. Ali can’t get a hip toss, so he goes for a go behind rollup for two. Reverso gets a small package for two and Ali rolls to the floor to regroup.

Reverso chases Ali out of the ring and when he returns to the ring, Ali stomps on him and hits a slam and a drop-kick, followed with a flying clothesline for two. Ali hits a vertical suplex and covers for two. Ali slams Reverso again and Reverso is able to get Ali tied to the Tree of Woe and stands on his swimsuit area. Reverso gets a two count. Reverso charges at Ali in the corner, but Ali dodges. Ali drags him across the top rope. Ali then works over Reverso in the corner. 

Reverso is tied in the Tree of Woe and he counters by getting a sliced bread from that position. When they recover, they throw hands and Ali puts Reverso on the top. Reverso knocks Ali to the mat and then hits an avalanche moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner and NEW QPW Qatar Champion: El Reverso

In the back, Raja is complaining about his loss and blames it on Rocky and Raju. He then says he will defend the title on December 21st at Oceana Pro Wrestling.

Laynie Luck and Harley Cameron vs Miyu Yamashita and Kylie Rae

Miyu and Harley start the match. Harley then demands Luck start the match and they argue as Rae gets in the ring. Harley stays in to face Rae. Harley gets a snap mare and Rae responds with a rollup for one and then an arm drag and holds on. They run the ropes and Rae gets a shoulder tackle for two and grabs the arm bar again. 

Miyu tags in and she and Rae work a double arm bar. Miyu gets a cover for two and Harley tags in Luck. Luck stalls before calling for the greco roman knuckle lock and Miyu catches the sneaky kick and Myiu then takes her down with a kick. Rae tags in and she and Miyu charge into Luck in the corner. Rae gets a cannonball for two. 

Rae is whipped into the ropes and Harley kicks her in the back. Luck covers Rae for two and Harley tags in. They work over Rae in their cover with quick tags and double teams. Rae gets a flying head scissors takedown to get to her corner and Harley is tagged in. Miyu runs wild on Harley. Luck is able to stop Miyu by grabbing a full nelson from the outside and Luck gets in the ring and they whip Miyu into the corner, but Miyu shrugs it off and nails kicks on both Luck and Harley.

Miyu covers Harley for two. Harley gets a series of kicks and Luck tags in and hits an inside out suplex for one. Luck tries to beat down Miyu, but that just annoys her and she grabs a German suplex with a release. Rae is able to superkick Harley, who tried to interfere. Luck hits Rae with a superkick and Miyu is able to nail Luck with a skull kick for the pin and their win.

Winners: Miyu Yamashita and Kylie Rae

We then get a promo from Josh Alexander in the back.

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