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By Cory Strode on 2024-10-20 19:28:00

In the back, Mackenzie Miller talked to Bailey, who said he is proud to be Canadian, and Josh Alexander is going to beat Konosuka Takeshita.

Athena (ROH Women's Champion) vs. Gisele Shaw

They lock up and go to the corner and break clean. They lock up again and move to mat work. When they get to their feet, Shaw gets a hard shoulder tackle. Athena answers with one of her own and then hits a baseball slide, knocking Shaw to the floor. Shaw catches her when she dives and slams her onto the apron, which I hear is the hardest part of the ring. Shaw beats Athena around the ring on the floor.

Athena is rolled into the ring and Shaw gets a kick and a pin for two. They fight in the corner and Athena picks the leg and beats her down on the apron. Athena drives Shaw into the ringpost face first and gives a kick for good measure. Athena then poses and smiles in the ring. Shaw gets into the ring at 9 and Athena stomps her down and then batters her on the mat. Athena then gets on Shaw’s back when she is draped on the middle rope.

Athena yells at Shaw and Shaw slaps her. Athena uses a forearm and then holds a foot on Shaw’s throat. Athena pulls up Shaw and kicks her in the head while holding a side cravate. Shaw gets a snap mare, but Athena recovers with a knee to the Shaw’s midsection. Shaw gets a curb stomp in the corner and then a modified hurricanrana for two. Athena gets a senton to take control back and grounds and pounds Shaw. Athena then holds a chinlock on Shaw while grape vining the leg before slamming Shaw down. Athena misses a senton and Shaw grabs an arm bar.

Athena powers out of it and Shaw recovers with a Liger Bomb and both women are down. They get up at the count of 7. Shaw gets a clothesline and a series of uppercuts and kicks. Shaw gets a spine buster for two. Athena gets a backdrop driver and a big boot. Athena gets a power slam for two. Athena starts slapping Shaw and then sets for a pile driver. Shaw escapes out the back. Shaw gets a power slam for two.

Shaw pulls Athena up and lays in chops. Athena gets a roll up and Athena gets out of it. Shaw gets a leaping cutter, but Athena blocks it and gets a springboard cross body for two. Shaw lays in strikes. Athena lays in a few of her own and beats Shaw down to her knees. Shaw gets a fireman’s carry into a Michinoku Driver for two.

They run the ropes and Athena gets a shotgun drop kick into the corner. Shaw dodges the charge and gets a pair of uppercuts. Athena dodges a corkscrew and gets a big kick. Athena gets a running punch to the face and then gets a straightjacket backbreaker into a power bomb for two. Athena gets a crossface and Shaw rolls over and reverses the hold. Athena is able to reverse the hold and gets a knee bar. Shaw rolls through and gets a modified sharp shooter. 

Athena rolls through and goes back to the crossface. Shaw rolls onto her back and pins Athena for two. Shaw is able to get6 to her feet and comes off the ropes with a spear. She gets a flatliner on Athena for one. Shaw gets a hard forearm and a springboard stunner for two. Shaw charges at Athena and Athena rolls to the ropes and holds on. 

Shaw stomps Athena and pulls her to her feet. Shaw puts Athena on the top and Athena gets a Victory Roll, but instead shoots Shaw into the turnbuckle. They both go to the top and they fight on the top. Shaw is knocked down and Athena hits the O Face for the pin and the win.

Winner and Still ROH Women’s Champion: Athena

Well worked Championship match that made Shaw seem like a serious threat. Antoher fantasic match on this card.

And now, the Main Event of this weekend’s pair of shows.

Konosuke Takeshita (AEW International Champion) vs Josh Alexander.

Josh is in pink and black as a tribute to Bret Hart.  

They move quickly to mat wrestling, trading the advantage back and forth. They work to their feet and trade arm bars, going back to the mat. They break and reset. They lock up collar and elbow and Takeshita forces them to the ropes. Josh gets a side headlock takeover after they break and they move to running the ropes and shoulder tackle each other, but neither go down. Josh finally knocks down Takeshita when he drops out of the corner. 

They then trade chops with Josh knocking Takeshita down and grabbing an ankle lock. Takeshita gets to the ropes for the break. Josh gets a scoop, a slam, and a knee drop for one. Josh grabs another ankle lock and Takeshitaa rolls through to try to kick free. Josh turns it into a sharpshooter and Takeshita gets to the ropes for the break. Takeshita gets forearms and then rakes the eyes. 

Takeshita gets a big drop-kick. They fight on the apron and Takeshita gets a DDT on Josh on the apron. Takeshita runs Josh into the barricade. And then sends him into the steel steps. Josh is rolled into the ring and Takeshita rakes the eyes and holds Josh on the mat. Josh is whipped to the corner and Takeshita nails him and then hits a scoop slam and senton from the second rope for two.

Takeshita gets shoulder thrusts in the corner and then whips him hard into the corner. Josh blocks a suplex, but Takeshita gets a brain buster for two. He then gets a reverse chinlock and holds Josh down. Josh is able to escape and he gets a big body drop on Takeshita when Takeshita comes off the ropes and Josh grabs another ankle lock. Takeshita easily gets to the ropes. Josh then releases by flipping Takeshita over the top rope to the floor.

Josh hits a kick when Takeshita tries to get in the ring and Josh hits a cross body onto Takeshita on the floor. They get into the ring and Josh gets a Finley roll and then a knee from the second turnbuckle for two. They take their time to re-engage and Josh picks up Takeshita, but can’t hold it. Takeshita gets a frankensteiner and Josh is rolled to the floor and Takeshita gets a Terminator dive onto Josh on the floor. 

Josh is rolled into the ring and Takeshita gets a running big boot in the corner. They go to the top and Takeshita gets an avalanche superplex for two. Takeshita goes to the top for a frog splash and Josh gets the knees up. Josh goes to the top and misses a moonsault and both men are down. They are up at the count of 6.

They throw hands and Josh picks the knee into an ankle lock and Takeshita gets a lariat to escape. Josh gets a backbreaker for two. Josh grabs yet another ankle lock. Takeshita rolls through, running Josh into a turnbuckle. He then hits a poisonrana and tries to follow up with a clothesline, but Josh catches him for an exploder suplex. They run the ropes and Josh gets the big clothesline and drops the straps. Josh gets a pair of German Suplexes. Takeshita is able to get two of his own. Josh reverses and Takeshita goes to the ropes. Josh then gets a German suplex on the apron and they roll to the floor. Josh is still holding on and Takeshita gets a brain buster on the ramp after they block suplexes from each other. 

The ref is counting as they both lay on the ramp. They get into the ring at the 9 count and collapse on the mat. They crawl toward each other and fight on the mat. They slowly work to their feet and Takeshita gets a knee to Josh's head. Josh gets a small package for two. Takeshita gets a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. They run the ropes and Josh gets a F5 for a two count. Takeshita gets a hard forearm and Takeshita pulls him up. 

Josh’s blows have nothing behind them and Takeshita knocks him down again. Josh calls for him to keep fighting. Takeshita drops him again, but Josh grabs an ankle, pulling Takeshita down. Takeshita fights free and hits Josh with a German suplex. Takeshita hits a C4 spike for two. Josh starts to power up.

They reverse holds until Josh gets a spinning tombstone for two. Josh gets the C4 spike and Takeshita gets a foot on the rope at two. Josh grabs a traditional ankle lock and kicks at Takeshita at the same time. Takeshita rolls through, but Josh holds on. Takeshita rolls over and kicks Josh off. Josh suplexes Takeshita into the turnbuckles. 

Josh puts Takeshita on the top and Takeshita gets an avalanche clothesline from the top for two. Takeshita gets a V Trigger and follows with the Raging Fire for the pin and the win.

Winner and still AEW International Champion: Konesuke Takeshita

Don Callis cuts a promo about how great Takeshita did this weekend and how they came to Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling to win. Callis says no one can beat Takeshita. Callus and Takeshita attack Josh and he is saved by Ricochet showing up to drive them off. 

What a fantastic match. Felt like an old school hard fought Championship match between two masters of the ring. Great topper to a pair of excellent shows. Go out of your way to order these shows. I look forward to their next show. 


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