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By Cory Strode on 2024-10-20 19:28:00

Jake Something vs Trevor Lee vs Stu Grayson vs Psycho Mike Rollins vs Sheldon Jean vs Alex Zayne

This is a six-man scramble, so….bullet points

All six men start fighting at the bell and we are left with Jake just running through whoever is the ring.

Jean attacks Jake from behind and then gets a leg lariat on Jake.

Lee takes Jake’s place and gets a Manhattan drop and the big kick. 

Rollins is next in and he is NOT able to get the body slam. 

Zayne knocks Lee from the ring and takes out Rollins

Stu gets in the ring and he and Zayne trade chops, run the ropes until Stu gets a frankensteiner, and then a drop-kick and a dive onto Zayne on the floor.

Jake beats people down at ringside.

Rollins and Jean are in the ring running the ropes. 

Jake pulls Jean out of the ring, but Jake is run into the ringpost and then fireman’s carry into the post again.

Jean gets in the ring and Stu tries to get in, and Jean knocks him down when Stu jumps to the top rope

Jean beats down Rollins on the mat. Lee gets in the ring and is able to get a few strikes before he is whipped hard into the corner.

Jean beats down Rolls on the mat again and then gets a rear chinlock followed by hammer and anvil elbows.

Zayne gets in the ring and Jean gives him a big boot

Jean struts and Rollins comes up behind him and gets a ripcord pickup, but Jean escapes the body slam.

Lee gets an insigiri on Jean, 

Stu and Jake get belly to back suplexes on Zayne and Jean

All four of those men brawl in the ring and Jake and Stu get belly to belly suplexes again

Stu and Jake face off and Stu keeps firing shots and Jake tries for choke slams. 

Stu gets an insigiri, but Jake follows up with a forearm. 

Stu is able to get a brain buster, and Lee gets a flurry on both of them as well as Zayne

Lee hits an Orange Crush on Rollins on the apron

Lee goes to the top, is cut off by Stu and they fight on top.

Zayne gets a dragonrana on Stu off of Lee’s back and then gets a German suplex on Stu, covering for two and broken up by Jean

Jean gets a big boot and then a falcon arrow for two

Jake gets in the ring and gets a chokeslam on Jake. 

Stu gets a torture rack on Jake into a backbreaker. Rollins is the only man standing.

Everyone takes a body slam from Rollins

Rollins body slams people into a pile and lays on top of the pile, broken up by Jake

Jake tosses Stu into people on the floor

Zayne dumps Jake and Rollins sneaks in for the rollup for the pin and the win

Winner: Psycho Mike Rollins

Speedball Mike Bailey vs. El Phantasmo

They run the ropes with quick takedowns and get a double kip up before pausing. They fight in the ropes and this moves to throwing hands. Bailey gets the kick flurry and ELP goes to the floor. ELP gets in the ring and then climbs the ropes and he then takes Bailey down with a spinning back breaker. ELP slams Bailey again and does jumping jacks. ELP takes him down again and ELP does push ups. ELP lays in stomps. 

ELP kicks Bailey hard into the corner and then stomps him down there. ELP then lays in blows. Bailey reverses a whip to the corner and Bailey follows up with a missile drop kick. Bailey gets a series of kicks and then misses a running shooting star. ELP lays in kicks and then tries for a back breaker, but Bailey gets a hurricanrana for two. ELP rolls through for two and Bailey gets a PK. Bailey goes for a standing moonsault, but ELP gets the knees up.

Both men take time to recover. ELP pulls Bailey up and nails him with a hard strike. They throw hands, moving to slap until both men are down again. Bailey is selling the leg he hurt on the moonsault. Bailey gets a crane kick and then a series of further kicks. He puts ELP on top, but ELP counters the takedown. ELP gets an airplane spin slam. Bailey rolls to the floor.

ELP dives onto Bailey and rolls him into the ring. Bailey dives onto ELP. Bailey goes to the top and ELP gets an insigiri, knocking Bailey to the floor. Bailey gets a springboard moonsault onto ELP on the floor. They take time to recover and get back in the ring at 8.

ELP is rolled into the ring and Bailey goes to the top. Bailey misses an Ultimo Weapon and ELP gets a springboard crossbody. Bailey goes to the floor and ELP hits a tornado DDT on the floor. Bailey is rolled into the ring and ELP gets a springboard swanton, and then a lionsault for two. Bailey gets a PK with his bad leg. He then hits a standing moonsault onto ELP’s back. Bailey goes to the top, misses the Ultimo Weapon misses again, and ELP gets the CR2 for two.

ELP gets a pair of kicks for two. ELP goes to the top for Thunder Kiss 86 for two. ELP climbs the ropes and Bailey kicks him off the ropes and tries for a moonsault, but ELP dodges and Bailey lands on the apron, knees first.

ELP goes to the top for a moonsault from the post to the floor. Bailey is rolled into the ring and ELP misses a dive from the top. Bailey gets a tornado kick. Bailey gets the flamingo driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mike Bailey

That was an incredible match. Great spots, Bailey sold like a champ, and the story they told was a high level roller coaster. Bailey is just incredible in the ring and should be a much bigger star.

Bully Ray and QT Marshall w/Harley Cameron vs Raj Dhesi and Bhupinder Gujjar.

QT says Bully kicked him out of his school for being selfish and now he’s selfish enough to team with Bully. Harley then does Bully’s “Do you know who I am?” and leaves. Bully asks what happened here and QR shakes his head.

Bully and Raj start the match and Bully spends time antagonizing the fans. Before they lock up, Bully tags QT. QT and Raj lock up and go to the corner. When they break, they throw hands in the corner. Raj gets an arm drag followed by a scoop slam. Gujjar is tagged in and Raj slams him on QT for two. 

They run the ropes and Gujjar gets a drop-kick. Gujjar whips QT into the corner where he and Raj work him over. Gujjar tags back in and trips QT and covers for two. Gujjar is whipped to QT’s corner and after Bully yells at him, Gujjar gives him a back elbow. Gujjar gets a big boot on QT, but Bully trips him and pulls Gujjar crotch first into the ring post. 

Gujjar is kept in QT’s corner with quick tags. Gujjar finally gets a jawbreaker and gets to the corner, but QT pulls Raj off the apron. 

Bully has been running his mouth the whole time, antagonizing the crowd old school. I love it.

Bully lays in a lot of blows until Gujjar gets an insigiri and both men are down. Both teams make the tag and Raj runs wild on QT. Bully tries to charge into him, and Raj dodges so that he runs into QT. Ray gets the Sands of Time for two. Ray is knocked to his corner and Gujjar gets a ripcord. Gujjar goes to the top and Bully knocks him to the mat. Gujjar and QT go over the top to the floor. Bully gets in the face of Scott D’Amore’s mom. She is pulled aside by Darrin McCarty who holds Bully for Momma D’Amore to slap him.

Bully is rolled into the ring when he gets a scoop slam on Gujjar. He holds Gujjar for the headbutt to the swimsuit area and Harley goes up top. Gujjar reverses it and Raj pushes her off the top into Bully’s crotch, and they both scream and freak out. Bully rolls to the floor and QT takes a big boot and Gujjar gets the Gargoyle spear from the top for the pin and the win.

Winners: Raj Dhesi and Bhupinder Gujjar.

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