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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-09-23 23:00:00

Your announcers are Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett.

Bron Breakker exits an elevator.

Jey Uso walks in a parking lot.

Drw McIntyre walks to the arena after a gate opens.

Dominik Mysterio arrives at ARENA in an Eddie Guerrero tribute vehicle with Liv Morgan.

We see a merchandise stand in the backstage area and there is a blur in front of Dom and Liv.  We see that it is Braun Strowman and Bronson Reed.

Liv and Dom continue their walk into the arena.  Dom carries Liv around the ring

Liv says you might not know what they just did but it was a victory lap and she says everyone are losers.  She says her revenge tour is going as planned.  We take a look at a video package of what happened at the end of Raw.

Liv said she promised she would take everything from Rhea and she did.  The Women's Title . . . The Judgment Day . . . and the most gorgeous man in the entire world, Dominik Mysterio.

In two weeks . . . 

Rhea Ripley's music interrupts and she tells Liv to shut up.  She tells Liv she is not going to hit her so she can take it easy.  Rhea says she has something she needs to tell Liv.  

Dom stands between Rhea and Liv and she says Dom found his cajones.  She asks what is she going to do and she tells him to move.

Liv says Dom would have stayed with Rhea if she cared about him half as much as she cares about Damian Priest.

Liv wants to know if Rhea is going to say she isn't cleared to compete at Bad Blood.  She says she is going to beat Rhea, not because she is bigger than Rhea or stronger than Rhea, but because is smarter than Rhea.

Liv wants to know what did Rhea have to say.

Rhea says when it comes to Bad Blood, she is fully cleared.  This message is for both of you.  Since Dom wants to stick his nose in the Women's World Title since he is the reason she won the title from her and the only reason she retained the title, Adam Pearce has decided that Dom will be where he deserves to be . . . behind bars.  Dom will be hanging in a shark cage.  Rhea tells Liv when there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide and there is no one to help you, she will win back her Women's Championship. 

Rhea says she takes back what she said before . .. . and she head butts Liv.

We take a look at what happened last week with Gunther, Ludwig Kaiser, and Sami Zayn.

Match Number One:  Sami Zayn versus Ludwig Kaiser

Sami tosses his shirt at Kaiser as the bell rings.  Sami slaps Kaiser when Kaiser tries to lock up.  They lock up and Kaiser with punches in the corner.  Sami with punches and he sends Kaiser into the turnbuckles and he follows with many kicks.  Kaiser goes to the floor and Sami rolls out to the floor but he is met with a punch.  Kaiser sends Sami into the ring post.  Kaiser with a punch and he sends Sami into the ring steps.  Kaiser with a running kick to the chest and he gets a near fall.  Kaiser sends Sami into the ring post and hangs him in the ropes for the baseball slide.  Kaiser runs into a few boots and then Sami with a double sledge off the turnbuckles.  Sami clotheslines Kaiser to the floor.  Sami goes to the floor and he chops Kaiser.

Kaiser reverses an Irish whip on the floor and Sami leaps to the ringside barrier for a moonsault attempt, but Kaiser knows what is coming so he pushes Sami off the ringside barrier into the timekeeper's area.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kaiser kicks Sami in the corner.  Kaiser puts Sami on the turnbuckles and he chops Sami.  Kaiser goes for a superplex but Sami blocks it and sets for a sunset flip power bomb and hits it for a near fall.  Sami with an exploder into the turnbuckles and he sets for the Helluva Kick but Kaiser rolls to the floor in time.  Kaiser punches Sami and sends him into the ring steps.  Kaiser returns to the ring to break the count and then he goes to the floor for the Wacky Drop Kick against the ring steps.  The referee makes his count and Sami struggles to get back into the ring but he does beat the count.

Kaiser punches Sami and he tells Sami to stay down.  Kaiser tries to punch Sami but Sami blocks it and he punches Kaiser.  Sami leap frogs over Kaiser and punches him in the midsection.  Sai goes for the Blue Thunder Bomb but Kaiser blocks it.  Kaiser with a rollup with his feet on the ropes and the referee sees it and stops the count.  Kaiser argues with the referee and Sami wtih an exploder into the turnbuckles.  Sami goes for the Helluva Kick but Kaiser with a flying kick for a near fall.  

Kaiser sets for the reverse DDT and Sami with a German suplex and a Helluva Kick for the three count.

Winner:  Sami Zayn

After the match, Gunther makes his way to the ring dressed for combat.

He takes a mic and he says for weeks Sami has been begging him for a title match.  Gunther says he has seen enough.  Gunther enters the ring.  He says if Sami wants this more than anything else, Ontario California is the right place and tonight is the right time to step up to Sami and tell hm . . . 


Gunther leaves and smirks at Sami and the crowd's gullibility.

We take a look at what happened with the New Day last week.

Xavier Woods ponders in the back and Kofi Kingston shows up and Kofi says he has been doing a lot of thinking.  Woods says it was his bad.

Kofi says they need to get the New Day on track for their 10th Anniversary and he has some props.  Kofi wants to get it done again.

Woods says they need to get serious since they haven't won the titles in a while.

Kofi says Woods is right.  He says he will let Woods call the shots for the next few weeks.

American Made show up and they laugh at what they see.

Chad says he told them what to do as champions and what not to do.  He says don't bring out toys and sugar to get over.

Woods and Kofi scare Chad by suggesting Wyatt is near.

Woods says they will show American Made what they are made of and why they are twelve time champions.

Chad says they would be better off playing their video games than facing the Creeds.

A production assistant walks up behind Woods with pancakes and he tells him to leave before Woods sees him.

We go to commercial.

We have a video package for the Intercontinental Title Match.

Liv and Dom are arguing with Adam and Pearce is telling Dom and Liv why he is going into the cage.  Pearce says the decision is final.  

Liv asks Pearce if he cares about the cheap shot that Rhea gave her and he says no.

Carlito and JD show up and Carlito says he finally takes care of Dragon Lee.  

Liv says that Dom and JD will be out there with him tonight.

Ilja Dragunov walks in the back and they bring up what happened last week.

Ilja says JD will do nothing.  

JD says he will see Ilja around and he tells JD to keep walking.

Carlito comments on Ilja's tie (which he is not wearing).

Match Number Two:  Dragon Lee (with Cruz Del Toro, Zelina Vega, and Joaquin Wilde) versus Carlito (with JD McDonagh and Dominik Mysterio)

Lee with a drop kick and a suicide dive.  Lee kicks Carlito and hits a super kick.  Lee runs into a clothesline from Carlito.  Carlito with a kick and punches.  Lee avoids a lungblower by dropping down and he hits a head scissors and gives Carlito a leg sweep in the corner followed by a slingshot kick.  Lee with a hesitation drop kick and then he goes up top to force JD onto the apron.  Dom attacks Cruz while JD takes care of Wilde.  Rey with a seated splash to Dom and Lee with a rollup for a near fall.  Lee with Destino for the three count.

Winner:  Dragon Lee

Miz is in the back and Karrion Kross shows up.  Miz says he has Bronson Reed next.

Kross talks about what the people are saying about the match and Miz says he asked for this match.  Kross says he cannot believe the way that people are showing him no respect.  Kross says he wants to see the Miz who does anything to win.  Monsters come in all shapes and sizes.

Miz walks away and Kross smirks.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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