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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-09-23 23:00:00

Jey Uso is in the back and Sami Zayn tells him he has a big night.  He says the Intercontinental Championship meant the world to him so he needs Jey to make it his.

Match Number Four:  Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods versus Julius Creed and Brutus Creed (with Ivy Nile and Chad Gable)

Julius and Woods start things off and they lock up.  Woods with a side head lock.  Julius with a side head lock.  Julius with a shoulder tackle.  They lock up and Woods with a side head lock.  Julius with punches and Woods with chops.  Julius with a punch and Woods with chops.  They go back and forth with punches.  Woods floats over but Julius catches him.  Woods goes for an O'Connor Roll and Julius holds on to the ropes.  Woods with a forearm.  Woods with a splash into the corner and Kofi tags in and hits a pendulum kick followed by a springboard splash for a near fall.  Kofi with a wrist lock into a hammer lock.  Julius with an elbow and Brutus tags in.  Julius with an elbow drop and Julius with a gutwrench suplex of Brutus onto Kofi for a near fall.  Brutus with a Gator roll followed by a forearm.

Brutus with a shoulder tackle but Kofi with a jumping back elbow.  Kofi with a splash for a near fall.  Woods tags in and they kick Brutus and hit a double bulldog for a near fall.  Woods with a fist drop and kick.  Kofi tags in and Kofi with a moonsault off Woods' shoulders for a near fall.  Woods tags in and Kofi with an Irish whip and Woods with a forearm into the corner.  Woods with chops to Brutus.  Brutus with a forearm and chops.  Brutus with another chop.  Woods shows anger after being chopped and Woods chops back and he goes to the turnbuckles for punches.  Woods with a punch off the turnbuckles to Julius.  Julius puts Kofi on the turnbuckles while Woods does the same to Brutus.

Julius with a superplex to Kofi and Woods with a superplex to Brutus.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Woods tries to make the tag but Brutus keeps Woods out of the corner.  Both men are down and Woods is to his feet first.  Julius goes after Woods but Woods moves and Julius goes to the floor.  Kofi tags in but the referee did not see it because of Gable's distraction.  Brutus kicks Woods while Gable has the ring skirt over Woods' head.  Woods is choked in the ropes but Woods with forearms and chops.  Brutus with a forearm.  Wodos with a chop and Brutus with a forearm.  They go back and forth.  Brutus with an Irish whip and he connects with punches to the midsection.  Brutus puts Woods on the turnbuckles.

Woods with punches and forearms to send Brutus to the mat.  Brutus gets to the turnbuckles again and Wodos with a head butt to send Brutus to the mat.  Woods with a missile drop kick and both men are down.  Julius and Kofi make the tag.  Kofi with a springboard chop and another chop to Julius.  Kofi with a drop kick and then he hits a spinning back heel kick to Brutus.  Julius catches Kofi and Kofi sends Julius to the floor.  Kofi with a kick to Brutus and then he goes up top and hits a trust fall.  Kofi sends Julius back into the ring and Kofi goes up top for a cross body and he gets a near fall.  Kofi with a kick and a Boom Drop.  Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise.

Kofi misses Trouble in Paradise.  Julius goes for a Doctor Bom but Kofi escapes and he kicks Julius.  Woods tags in and Kofi with a dive to Brutus.  Woods hip tosses Gable into the ring and Chad begs for mercy but Woods punches Gable Julius with a jumping knee.  Kofi misses a springboard move when Julius moves.  Kofi is sent to the floor.  Brutus tags in and hits the Brutus Ball for the three count.

Winners:  Brutus Creed and Julius Creed

Damian Priest says growing up there was a saying he would use.  Am I my brother's keeper.  Everyone knew that people were willing to stab you in the back to take what you have.  Life brought him to The Judgment Day.  A crew that became a family and a brother for him to keep . . . Finn Balor.  When you joined him and Rhea, they talked about running the WWE and that was what they did.  They put everyone down and ran it.  You always wanted it to be about you.  Then what happened?  Rhea became the champ and he shed a tear because he was proud.  You were in the corner being envious.  Then he won the title and on camera you were happy but you were still envious.

Am I my brother's keeper?  You are damn right he is and he will always be.  You are not my brother.  At Bad Blood, he will take care of Finn.

We have a Wyatt related video.

We go to commercial.

Sonya Deville says every group seems to be created for survival.  They found other pathetic losers to be failures together.  Put on our sparkly outfits and do our dances.  Things will be okay.  Shayna says they fight for dominance and for everything taken from them.  Zoey says they are the future of the division.  If you want to step up, shoot your shot.

Kofi and Woods are in the back and they talk about the loss.

Rey shows up with the LWO to explain what happened last week.

Woods says they don't want an apology unless it comes with a title match.  Woods tells Rey maybe he should give advice to his son.

Rey says he has to deal with Finn next week.

Woods says that Finn is a former champion like him so he can wait and that Rey is a former champion.

Rey tells Woods that Finn can wait so he will face Woods next week.

Woods complains about people not showing him any respect.

We quickly cut to Jey Uso in CONCOURSE as he makes his way to the ring.

Next week on Raw, Braun Strowman versus Bronson Reed in a Last Monster Standing Match.  Kofi Kingston faces Chad Gable.  Rey Mysterio faces Xavier Woods.  

Match Number Five:  Jey Uso versus Bron Breakker for the Intercontinental Championship

Jey with a waist lock into a side head lock.  Bron with a shoulder tackle.  Jey with a side head lock.  Bron sends Jey into the corner and Jey floats over.  Jey punches Bron to the floor and Jey with a suicide dive that sends Bron into the announce table.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jey punches Bron but Bron with a power slam on a leap frog.  Bron with shoulders in the corner.  Bron with a hard Irish whip and the referee checks on Jey.  Bron with a hard Irish whip.  Jey with punches but Bron with a knee.  Bron with a suplex and he chokes Jey in the ropes.  Bron with a chin bar into a front face lock.  Jey blocks a suplex and Jey goes for a suplex but Bron blocks it.  They continue to block suplex attempts until Bron drops Jey on the top rope.  Bron punches Jey followed by an Irish whip and back breaker for a near fall with Bron doing push ups like his uncle.  Bron pie faces Jey and Jey runs Bron into the corner.

Jey with a shoulder and an enzuigiri followed by a clothesline to send Bron over the top rope to the floor.  Jey goes for a suicide dive but Bron with a punch to stop him.  Bron sends Jey's head into the announce table many times.  Bron goes to the apron for the bulldog onto the announce table.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bron with a rear chin lock.  Jey with punches and the spit punch.  Jey with a running hip into the corner and he gets a near fall.  Jey goes up top but Bron moves and Jey rolls through.  Bron with a double knee gutbuster for a near fall.  Bron grabs Jey by the throat for the press slam but Jey escapes and he hits a pop up Samoan drop for a near fall.  Jey goes to the turnbuckles and Bron stops him.  Jey with punches and a head butt.  Bron with a Frankensteiner for a near fall.  Jey pushes Bron and Bron pushes back.  Jey with a forearm and Bron fires back.  They go back and forth.  Jey with a super kick and Bron with a flying clothesline.  Bron grabs Jey for the press power slam and he hits it for a near fall.  

Jey goes to the floor and Bron with a Wacky Spear.  They return to the ring and the straps come down.  Bron sets for the Warp Spear but Jey counters with a spear.  Jey goes up top and hits the frog splash for a near fall.  Bron is to his feet first and he kicks Jey to the floor.  Bron goes back to the floor for the Wacky Spear and Jey with a super kick to stop Bron.  Jey with a spear through the ringside barrier.  Jey sends Bron back into the ring for a spear.  Jey goes up top for the frog splash and he hits it for the three count.

Winner:  Jey Uso (new champion)

Jey celebrates in the crowd as 

We go to credits.

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