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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-09-23 23:00:00

Sheamus is with Cathy Kelley and she asks him about what happened last week and if he is done with Pete.

Sheamus says Pete hit him for six last week and he heard people chant 'Call him Butch' and he says it enough times until the crowd chants it.  He says there is a score to settle with Pete.  He says don't make this an English/Irish thing but he wants to make it an English/Irish thing . . . Butch.

Match Number Three:  Miz versus Bronson Reed

Braun Strowman attacks Reed as he makes his way to the ring and Braun choke slams Reed onto the apron.  Miz yells at Strowman and Reed with a suicide dive.

Security gets into the ring as Reed sends Strowman into the ring.  Reed with a head butt and he tosses a member of security onto the one he head butted and Reed with a Tsunami onto both men.  Strowman with a double choke slam.  Strowman tosses someone else over the top rope to the floor.

More security people show that there isn't an IQ test to get a job as they get punched and thrown aside.  

Reed and Strowman clothesline each other.

Reed goes to the floor and Strowman is covered by many members of security and he powers them off.  Strowman stops Reed on the turnbuckles.

Strowman sets for a superplex and security stops Strowman from hitting the superplex.  

Strowman drop kicks Reed.  

Strowman assaults more members of security.  Strowman sees Reed being held by security and he goes to the turnbuckles  Reed sees Strowman start to climb and he backs up.

We go to commercial.

Drew McIntyre makes his way to the ring.

Drew says repeats what Punk said last week about making him bleed, having to kill him, and if he is ready for the end of Drew McIntyre or CM Punk.  Drew says he was thinking about what Punk says and it was real.  He says both of them are ready for this to end.  Drew says he always told the truth and he has always been honest.  He says he tries to keep the personal stuff private.  Drew says he doesn't want to go back inside Hell in a Cell.  He says it has broken things in him that have not been fixed.

Your sisters begged you not to do this match.  Your wife begged you not to do this match.  Drew says his family begged him not to do this match because they have gone too far.  Drew says his wife has begged him for months to get away from Punk because she has seen what it has done to her husband mentally.  It doesn't matter what you think or what our families think or what they think, this match will happen at Bad Blood.

Drew promises that he will make Punk bleed, a lot.  He will make Punk suffer and feel more pain that he has ever felt in his existence.  You compared yourself to the devil again because this has been good versus evil.  You have seen yourself as a Godlike figure, but you are just a man.  A man who has been broken in the past and a man that Drew will break permanently inside Hell in a Cell.

Jackie Redmond is with Adam Pearce and she asks him about the Bronson Reed and Braun Strowman situation.

Pearce says he knew this would be chaotic.  It has gone too far with Bronson and Braun.  A regular match will not solve this.  It will happen next week in a Last Monster Standing Match.

We hear screaming in the back and Pearce sees Pete Dunne choking Sheamus with the cricket bat and he hits Sheamus.

We go to commercial.

Kairi Sane and Iyo Sky are in the back and Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill show up.  

Bianca says that her and Iyo had one for the ages and she will win next time.  Iyo says the next time, they are coming for the tag titles.  

Jade says not to come after the titles because they won't get them.  Bianca says Iyo and Kairi better focus on Isla and Alba.  No matter who wins tonight, these titles aren't going anywhere.

Match Number Three:  Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn versus Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane

Dawn and Iyo start things off and they lock up.  Dawn with a forearm and she backs Iyo into the ropes and connects with a forearm.  Iyo with punches and a shotei.  Sane tags in and she snap mares Dawn and they hit a double drop kick.  Sane with a slingshot head scissors to Fyre followed by a shoulder into the corner on both women and a sliding D to Dawn.  Sane goes up top and hits a forearm for a near fall.  Dawn punches Sane and Sane with an Irish whip.  Sane is sent to the apron and connects with a shoulder.  Sane kicks Fyre but Dawn knocks Sane off the apron and Iyo checks on her eye.  Fyre with a suicide dive.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dawn with a forearm to Sane followed by a gourdbuster from Fyre.  Dawn with a double knee drop for a near fall.  Dawn chokes Sane in the ropes and Fyre chokes her when Dawn has some words with the referee.  Fyre tags in and she kicks Sane.  Dawn tries to punch Sane but she gets away and she almost punches Fyre.  Sane almost gets to her corner but Fyre stops her.  Dawn is set to the floor by Sane and Iyo tags in.  Iyo with shoteis to Fyre followed by a flapjack and punches.  Iyo with a drop toe hold to Dawn to send her onto Fyre.  Iyo with a drop kick to Dawn and she is sent to the apron by Fyre but Io kicks Fyre and hits a springboard double drop kick.

Iyo with a running double knee strike to Fyre for a near fall.  Iyo goes for the butterfly back breaker bt Fyre blocks it.  Iyo with forearms and Fyre with a thrust kick.  Fyre gets Iyo on her shoulders but Iyo gets to her feet and she gets a near fall with an O'Connor Roll.  Dawn hits Iyo and Fyre with a rollup for a near fall.  Dawn goes for a lungblower but Sane holds on to Iyo.  Sane goes up top and hits an elbow on Fyre on the floor.  Iyo with a moonsault for the three count.

Winners:  Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane

We take a look at what happened last week between Bron Breakker and Jey Uso.

Cathy Kelley is with Bron Breakker.  

She asks him about what he will need to do to beat Jey.  Bron says it is game day and that means the dogs are barking in Ontario.  It also means there will be a winner and a loser.  This title deserves the right superstar to hold it over their shoulder.  It won't be you Jey.  Someone will get their ass kicked, and it won't be him.  Work your way up the ladder and in a few months, maybe he will give you another chance.

We take a look back at what we saw on Smackdown between Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns.

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