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By Mike Johnson on 2024-07-20 20:18:00

Welcome to my live, ongoing TNA Slammiversary blog.

For those who have asked about rumors of Shawn Michaels being there tonight, we are told that is not correct.

Matthieu B. sent the following...I'm in the attendance of Slammiversary and before the countdown begins, there were a battle royal involving local talent, won by Carl Leduc.

The Verdun Auditorium is lit pretty dark, but it sounds full and was an announced sellout.  The crowd is absolutely live.  TNA needed that.

Tasha Steelz vs. Faby Apache vs. Gisele Shaw vs. Xia Brookside featured a lot of solid wrestling but they can only do so much with seven minutes and four talents involved.  It was nice to see Steelz get the win as she han woefully underutilized of late.

KUSHIDA vs. Rich Swann was solid, especially given there was nothing really at stake.  They noted Jonathan Gresham was the only talent who won't appear but given the level of chaos for travel this weekend, TNA got real lucky.

Masha Slamovich and Alisha Edwards vs. Spitfire was OK, but the finish was super wonky.  The referee was way out of position and there's no way it shouldn't have been a DQ.

Eric Young vs. Hammerstone was a nice bonus match.  The crowd loved Santino Marella.  Young getting the win in Canada wasn't a shock but the crowd loved the HELL out of that.

The opening PPV encounter is Matt Hardy vs. Johnny Dango Curtis.  Curtis coming out with the U.S. Flag to get heat in Canada was cute.    The match was pretty solid good vs. evil early on.  Hardy looked good on the offensive.  Dango cut him off but went to the top.  Hardy caught him with the Twist of Fate off the ropes and scored the pin and then hit several more, getting revenge for his family.  The live crowd was super into this.  The story was Hardy got his revenge.   Solid opening bout.

The System cut a promo bedazzled with the stars and stripes.  More heat in Canada!

The TNA Tag Team Championship is next, ABC challenging Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards.  Ace Austin showed some fire early on.   ABC used their double team moves to keep Myers off balance.  Montreal was super into ABC, especially after Chris Bey hit a nice flip dive out of the ring to the floor on Myers.  Alisha Edwards got involved as did Eddie.  The crowd is chanting "F the System."  The Champs beat down Ace Austin for some time, building the heat.  The crowd was rallying Ace.  Bey got the hot tag and there were some really nice near falls here.  Alisha took a brutal kick when Bey went for a move but Myers pulled Eddie out of the way.  ABC nailed their finishers and scored the pin.  This was a damn good tag bout and was likely the best match on the show thus far.Third up was Jake Something, who had the match of his life against Joe Hendry a few weeks ago vs. Mike Santana, who has worked really hard to establish himself as a singles star in recent months.  Santana came through the crowd, a man of the people.  This was a good, hard-fought bout and the type of match TNA needs on their programming on a regular basis.  They were presented as hard-hitting warriors, each of whom wouldn't give up the fight.    Santana came off as if he had a lot of upside and was one of the rising stars, but don't count out Something.  He's going to be a major star.

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