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By Mike Johnson on 2024-07-20 20:18:00

They are running long with the show.  

The main event featured long entrances for everyone.  Moose was battered by all the challengers at the bell.  Joe Hendry was the most popular of the challengers.  Lots of German suplexes from Josh Alexander Crazy how the focus on Alexander dissipated over the last year.  Hendry launched Nemeth out of the ring, crashing down on Moose.    

Moose eliminated Steve Maclin with a spear as he was preparing to nail Joe Hendry with a move.  Montreal sang "Na Na Na Na Nah Hye hey hey Goodbye."  Montreal brought a lot of energy tonight.  

Kazarian and Moose tried to align but Moose immediately attacked him.  Moose went for a shoulder in the corner on Hendry but Joe moved and Moose nailed the corner. Moose still nailed his top turnbuckles dropkick on Alexander.

Everyone battled on the floor.  Kazarian was sent off the stage through a table.  Is that it for him?

Moose and Hendry battled back and forth in the ring with Hendry finally scoring the pin and eliminating him, so we are guaranteed a new champion.  The crowd is absolutely ape-sh** for Hendry.

Josh Alexander low-blowed him and turned heel, then hit the C4 on Hendry and pinned him.  The live crowd hated that, chanting bullsh**.  Alexander kept brutalizing Hendry.  The referee tried to stop him so Alexander shoved him down.  Nemeth and Alexander battled each other and it was pretty damn fantastic.  Nemeth finally cracked him with a superkick and scored the pin.

Kazarian attacked Nemeth and hit Fade to Black but he kicked out at the last second.    They battled back and forth until Nemeth hit the zig zag and scored the pin.  Nemeth is the new TNA Champion.

Ryan Nemeth and the other TNA Champions came out to celebrate with Nic.

The show closed strong and there was a lot of good wrestling on it, but there was absolutely an expectation of a bigger WWE surprise among fans we heard from, and that didn't happen.  Also surprising no Bound for Glory announcement.  If I could have fixed one thing on the show, it would have been that the lighting wasn't so dark so that TNA could showcase the size of the crowd more.  Montreal's atmoshere made the show much grander and I wish I had been there live to experience it.  This was a real good show with a few matches worth tracking down, especially the main event.

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