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By Mike Johnson on 2024-07-20 20:18:00

Next up was The Rascalz vs. The No Quarter Catch Crew from WWE NXT.    This was a lot of fun as The Rascalz's work ruled.  The Catch Crew looked good but The Rascalz came off a lot more polished and seems to be having a TON of fun out there.    The Hot Fire Flame finisher looked absolutely dynamite.   The TNA vs. WWE motiff worked here.

PCO scares the sh** out of me, per usual.  Really loved his entrance with the coffin.  As a big Universal Monsters fan, I appreciate all those references.  This was all weapons and PCO taking insane bumps.  Sami Callihan got involved, so it appears he and Rich Swann will be a program.  I know the Internet loves to hate on AJ Francis, but his work in TNA and MLW has been really entertaining from a heel standpoint and worlds apart from his stuff as Top Dolla.  This was really for the live house and Montreal loved it.  Steph De Lander asked PCO to marry him, so we have an undead wedding on TNA programming in the future.

The Knockouts Championship was next.  Big time entrances and ring announcements for each.  Rosemary chased off Ash's Concierge with a knife.  That may be pushing the envelope a little too much for my taste.  They worked a real competitive bout.  Ash worked over Grace's back   Grace made a comeback but Ash nailed a Canadian Destroyer.  Ash went for a swanton but Grace pulled her knees up.  They battled back and forth until Grace scored the pin with The Juggernaut Driver.  This was easily the best match of Ash's career.  They gave her a lot here, including a kickout from Grace's muscle buster.

The X-Division Championship is next.    The X-Division Championship bout is next.  Mike Bailey got a massive hometown reaction from Montreal.  They showed his wife, Veda Scott, in the front row.  Foreshadowing?   Massive Speedball chants.  Lots of really great sequences here and for something that was built up for a long time, they delivered.  I didn't love the finish with Earl Hebner coming out at the behest of Mustafa Ali to screw over Bailey because Montreal screwjob finish homages were already over-ripe in 1998, but they were clever here with Hebner being conflicted and playing to the crowd.  Ali tapping to the Sharpshooter was cute as well.  I don't think it was needed but the crowd loved it and that's all that matters.  Bailey's TNA deal is up in October, so we'll see if this is a sign he's staying.

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