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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-01 23:00:00

Your announcers are Michael Cole and Corey Graves.

We see the three men in the Money in the Bank Qualifying Match tonight in the parking lot.

Jey Uso makes his way through the crowd.

Jey welcomes everyone to Raw.   Jey says Money in the Bank is on Saturday and only one man is going to snatch that contract.  Not Carmelo, Andrade, LA Knight, or Chad Gable.  It is going to be him.  

Chad Gable interrupts and he makes his way to the stage.

Chad says enough of that word and he won't repeat it.  Chad tells the Boston idiots that Yeet isn't a word.  He says miracle is a word.  He says his picture is next to the definition.  What he has done the last two weeks is nothing short of miraculous.  He overcame an attack by the Wyatts.  He overcame his family leaving him.  He overcame two more monsters to punch his ticket for Money in the Bank.  Chad says he is going to climb the ladder, get the briefcase, and call himself Master in the Bank.

Jey wants to know what is Chad doing here.  He asks if the Wyatts got him already.

Chad says he isn't scared of them.  He says Jey should be scared.  You stole the fireflies.  Chad says he is an innocent man.  His family left him high and dry.  They should be coming after you, the man who abandoned his family.

Jey says he told them they could have the fireflies.  Do you want to talk about family?  All your family did is what he did.  He got out from under a manipulative scumbag . . . 

Chad attacks Jey but Jey punches Chad many times including the spit filled punch.  Jey goes up top but Chad rolls away.

Chad says it isn't going down like that.

The lights go down and we get the pre-Wyatt sound effects.

Chad looks around and there is smoke in the ring and the crowd is amazed at the sight of smoke.

Chad goes into the crowd and starts to go to the back.  Chad continues to back up and he walks to an exit with a mystical figure.  Chad continues to walk around and he sees the giant rabbit.  Chad tries another exit and it is another of the Wyatts.  Chad goes into the stands and goes up an aisle.  Chad runs into the concourse.

Nikki gives another present to Cole while two members of security nap.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cole opens his present and there is another video tape.  

Match Number One:  Xavier Woods (with Kofi Kingston) versus Karrion Kross (with Paul Ellering, Scarlett, Akam, and Rezar)

Kross offers his hand and Woods thinks about shaking it but he chops Kross instead.  Kross with an Irish whip and a clothesline into the corner.  Kross with a chop in the corner and a wrist clutch belly-to-back suplex.  Kross with kicks and Woods with punches and chops.  Kross chokes Woods in the ropes.  Kofi motivates Woods and Woods with a chop and he drops down to force Kross to the floor.  Woods with a pescado.  Woods with chops on the floor and Kross tries to Irish whip Woods into the ring post and Woods stops short.  Kross avoids running into the post when Woods moves.  Kross power bombs Woods into the ring post.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kross with a rear chin lock.  Woods with punches and Kross punches back.  Woods with a forearm and Kross fires back.  They exchange chops and Woods gains control.  Woods with a rolling elbow and a forearm into the corner.  Woods with punches on the turnbuckles.  Woods with a thrust kick and he tries for a suplex but Kross with a head butt.  Woods with a kick on the apron.  Woods goes up top and he comes off the ropes and is met with a forearm.  Kross tries to pick up Woods but he is dead weight.  Woods with an inside cradle for the three count.

Winner:  Xavier Woods

Kofi and Woods celebrate in the ring and Akam and Rezar attack Kofi and Woods.  Kofi with a drop kick to Rezar and he drops down and Rezar goes to the floor.  Kross with a forearm to Kofi to stop him.  Woods is power bombed into the ringside barrier.Kross with an arm breaker onto Kofi.

A referee tells Kross to release the hold and Kross obliges.

Kross tells Woods to join them.

We take a look at JD McDonagh and Finn Balor winning the tag titles.

Dominik Mysterio and Damian Priest walk in the back and Priest tells Dom he hopes that he is done with his dad tonight.  Priest asks if Dom talked to Rhea and he says he did and everything is good.  Priest says he talked to Rhea and she is pissed.  Dom says he will take care of the Liv thing tonight.

There is loud talking from CLUBHOUSE and Liv is in there with Carltio, JD, and Finn.

Liv says she is leaving because her match is next.  She wishes Dom luck tonight.

Priest wants to know what is going on and tells Finn not to let Liv hang out in CLUBHOUSE.

Finn says that Liv brought them the title match.  He reminds Priest about what Priest said to Seth.

Priest says he didn't say anything wrong.  He is the champion so they need him more.  They needed Rhea when she was champion.  He says he has faith in himself and he will beat Seth at Money in the Bank.  

Finn says he knows that Priest will and as his brother he will have his back.  Finn says he will tell Priest the truth and he says that Priest has changed since he won the title.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the tribute video for Sika.

Cathy Kelley is with Zelina and she asks about Rey's offer for tonight.

Zelina says she isn't interested in chasing Dirty D.  She is interested in chasing the title.  Zelina says she is a champion so everyone who has doubted her will see what a real champion looks like.

Match Number Two:  Liv Morgan versus Zelina Vega for the Raw Women's Championship

Liv sends Vega to the mat and she chuckles.  Vega with an arm drag but Liv blocks an arm drag.  Vega with an arm drag and a slingshot arm drag.  Vega with a kick to the leg and Liv sends her into the turnbuckles.  Liv chokes Vega in the ropes and stretches her.  Liv runs into a boot and Liv with a forearm to Vega on the turnbuckles.  Liv goes for a superplex but Vega escapes and drops Liv on the turnbuckles.  Vega with a Tiger Feint Kick to the legs.  Liv pulls Vega into the ropes.  Liv drop kicks Vega off the apron.  

Dom makes his way to the ring and Liv goes to the floor.  Vega with a springboard arm drag off the apron and Meteora off the apron.

Vega has words for Dom and Rey makes his way to the ring and Dom acts like Chad Gable when he sees people in masks.

We go to commercial.

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