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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-01 23:00:00

We are back and Liv gestures to Dom and hits a suplex.  Liv rolls through for a second one.  She holds on and tries for a third one and hits the Three Amigas.  Liv shimmies at Dom and Dom massages his mustache.  Liv with a Prism Lock.  Zelina rolls through and sends Liv into the turnbuckles.  Vega with a rollup and round kick.  Vega with a springboard kick to Liv in the corner.  Vega with a boot to the back.  Vega lifts up Liv with her foot and then Liv falls to the mat.  Vega goes up top and hits a moonsault for a near fall.  Vega with a kick and she tries for Code Red but Liv blocks it and drops down for a near fall.  Vega with a rollup for a near fall.

Liv with an enzuigiri for a near fall.  Liv chortles and blows a kiss to Dom and Dom is smitten.  Liv puts Vega on the turnbuckles.  They fight on the turnbuckles and Vega with forearms and she sets for a Super Code Red and Liv rolls to the floor.  Liv kicks Vega into the apron and then Liv sends Vega back into the ring.  Dom and Rey watch feet apart and they have some words for each other.  Rey pushes Dom down and Liv with a baseball slide to Rey.

Vega with a 619 to Liv and Vega with a tornado DDT for a near fall.  Vega with another near fall while Dom figure out what to do with a chair.  He passes it to Vega and Vega hits Dom in the head with it.  Liv with ObLIVion for the three count.

Winner:  Liv Morgan (retains championship)

Cathy stops Liv from her pursuit of Dom.

Cathy asks if everything is going to plan.

Liv says she feels like the luckiest girl in the world.  She says the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour is going exactly as she planned it.  She says she dedicates her victory tonight and in the future to Dominik.

Seth Rollins walks in the back as we see Zoey Stark talking to Sonya Deville and Shayna Baszler pulls Zoey away.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring.

Seth welcomes everyone to Raw.  Seth says next week at this time, he will be standing here as World Champion.  Seth says he wants to be real with you because he thinks they know where he is coming from.  Seth says this is a championship city.  You have the Bruins, the Sox, the Pats, and you got the Celtics.   Seth says that you understand the secret that he is going to tell you.  Seth says he needs to win back the World Championship.  He says he cannot settle for second best or anything less than a championship.  If he can't beat Damian Priest at Money in the Bank, then he doesn't get another shot.  If he doesn't win, he has to reevaluate who he is and his legacy.  When the pressure is the highest, that is when he is at his very best.  

At Money in the Bank, when he takes that title that Priest has kept warm, he is not only going to take the title from Priest, he is going to take Priest from THE Judgment Day.  It is not his intention to tear apart THE Judgment Day but we have not seen the best of Priest.

Finn Balor interrupts and he makes his way down the aisle.  Finn says he should be in a good mood tonight, but he is not.  Finn says he is in a bad mood.  Do you want to know why?  Every thing around here seems to be changing.  What it means to be in THE Judgment Day is changing.  Damian Priest is changing.  Finn says he blames Seth.

Seth tells Finn to shut up.  He says Priest is his own man and he makes his own decisions.  Seth says that Finn is jealous because Priest has what Finn couldn't get.  Seth says his beef ain't with Finn, they are with Priest.  If you step in the ring, he will put his fist down your throat.

Damian Priest makes his way to the ring and Seth says this is a trap and do it because you only have one week.

Priest says this isn't a trap and no one else is getting involved in his business.  Priest says this is about them, just the two of them.  You are saying his days as champion are numbered.  You are so wrong because your days of running Raw are over.

Seth says they don't gotta wait until Saturday so let's do this now.

Seth punches Balor and Balor with a forearm to Seth.  Priest pulls Finn off Seth.  Priest has some words for Finn and Seth wtih a super kick to both men followed by one to Finn and Black Out.  Priest with South of Heaven to Rollins.

Ludwig Kaiser says after weeks of hard fought battles and going toe to toe with Bron Breakker, out comes your fraud of a legend.  Sheamus attacks him from behind, trying to take him out.  Sheamus ended up breaking his ribs.  After all of these years of people looking up to you, you showed your true colors.  You are nothing but a coward.  This was supposed to be a chapter in his rise.  It is now his goal to come back and to embarrass and humiliate you.  Kaiser vows to end Sheamus.

Priest helps Finn in the back and he tells Finn that he is glad he is okay and he tells Finn he needs to do this on his own.

Match Number Three:  Dakota Kai versus Ivy Nile versus Zoey Stark in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Kai with an Irish whip to Stark and Stark floats over and she kicks Kai.  Ivy with a clothesline to Zoey for a near fall.  Kai trips Ivy and connects with a kick from the floor.  Zoey with a baseball slide to Kai and Ivy drop kicks Zoey as she comes back into the ring.  Ivy with a back heel kick to Zoey and a scorpion kick to Kai.  Ivy with a running thrust kick to Kai but Kai does the same on her own.  Zoey with a springboard drop kick on Kai for a near fall.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ivy is on the turnbuckles for a double bulldog to Zoey and Kai.  Ivy with a back elbow to Kai and a shoulder tackle.  Ivy with an Irish whip and a running thrust kick in the corner.  Ivy with a German suplex and a head scissors to Zoey followed by a German suplex.  Ivy with a delayed vertical suplex attempt to Kai but Zoey stops her.  Ivy with a German suplex to both at the same time and ivy gets a near fall.  Ivy and Kai with forearms and Zoey with chops.  Zoey blocks a kick and Ivy with an enzuigiri to Kai.  Zoey with a suplex to Ivy for a near fall.  Zoey with a forearm and Kai with a scorpion kick.  Zoey with a rollup and a knee to the head.  Ivy with a round kick to the temple and a German suplex to Zoey for a near fall.  

Ivy runs into a thrust kick and Zoey with a springboard tornado DDT.  Kai with KAIropractor for a near fall. 

Kairi Sane gets on the apron and Kai gets off Ivy's shoulders.  Ivy knocks Sane off the apron.  Kai with a springboard boot to the back.  

Alba Fyre attacks Sane and sends her into the ringside barrier.  Zoey with a kick and Z360 for the three count.

Winner:  Zoey Stark

It is time to see the latest in the Wyatt Sicks home video library.

We see Bo Dallas with Uncle Howdy.

Bo asks how much longer are we going to keep doing this.  What are we doing here?  Howdy asks if Bo honestly believes you brought him to life?  Bo says he was destined to do this.  He is asked if he is special.  Bo says special implies that others are not.  It implies that there are others who are less than and should be forgotten.  They were the ones who were forgotten and abandoned.   He says we made them notice them.  

Howdy asks how does Bo believe that he can bring him to life.  Bo says they weren't chosen.  They were just willing.  Clay in the hands of the potter.  Made to be something beautiful.  They were made to be a family.  They have become a family.  Bo says the false prophets are belittling their family for the fame.  He says it is disgusting and they must pay for their sins.

Howdy asks if Bo thinks this is his responsibility.  He says he is the voice of The Reckoning.  He says he is nobody.  He says he is all of them.  He sets them free.  He says he freed them from the cave.  He says he gave them a family and made them beautiful.  

Howdy disappears and Bo is alone in the room.  He says he set them free.

Howdy returns and Bo leaves.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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