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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-01 23:00:00

We are back and Otis is eating and Chad shows up and he says that the Wyatts are talking about him.  Chad says he needs to go to someone for help.  He knows that he has said some nasty things to him and they were hurtful.  Chad says he knows that Otis hates him.

Otis says he doesn't hate him but Matthey are not going to help him because it is Chad's problem.

Chad says who knows who they are going for next.  It could be Tozawa or Maxxine, or him.  Chad says he will always be there for Otis.

Match Number Four:  Rey Mysterio versus Dominik Mysterio

They lock up and Dom with a wrist lock and Rey with a reversal.  Dom with a drop kick and he poses on the turnbuckles.  Rey with a side head lock and Rey stomps on Dom's head and Rey with a head scissors take down that sends Dom to the floor.  Rey with a head scissors off the apron that sends Dom into the ringside barrier.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rey with an Iris whip and Dom drops Rey on the top rope in an awkward manner.  Dom gets a near fall.  Dom with a boot to Rey.  Dom with punches and a corkscrew back elbow for a near fall.  Dom chokes Rey in the corner.  Dom with a chop and a hard Irish whip that sends Rey sternum first into the turnbuckles.  Dom with a Jericho cover for a near fall.  Dom runs into a back elbow and Rey with a drop toe hold that sends Dom into the turnbuckles.  Rey slams Dom's head into the turnbuckles.  Rey goes up top and he hits a seated splash and a springboard cross body.  Dom with a sunset flip and Rey rolls through because you would expect his son to know not to sunset flip Rey.

Liv Morgan makes her way tot he ring.

Rey with a sunset flip and Dom rolls through and he catapults Rey into the mat and applies a Boston Crab.  Rey gets to the ropes to force a break.  Dom with a suplex and he holds on and hits a second one.  Dom goes for a third one but Rey blocks it and Rey drop kicks Dom into the ropes.  Rey sets for a 619 but Liv pulls Dom to the floor.  Rey drop kicks Dom onto Liv in a position that would make you think something is going on.  Liv won't let Dom get up.  Liv talks to her future father-in-law not to worry.  Rey with a kick and Dom with a suplex for a near fall.  

Liv turns around and is met with a Thesz Press.  Vega sends Liv into the ringside barrier.  Dom drop kicks Rey into the ropes and Dom goes for a 619 and hits it.  Dom goes up top for the frog splash but Vega gets on the apron.  Liv knocks Vega off the apron.  Vega knocks Liv off the apron and that crotches Dom.  Rey with a 619 and a splash for the three count.

Winner:  Rey Mysterio

After the match, Liv tells Dom she will fix it.

Sheamus says last night was 15 years when an impossible dream came true.  He says he got to stand inside a WWE ring and he got to live his dream and prove the doubters wrong.  He has been able to travel around the world and beat people up.  He says he gets a chance to be a two time Mr. Money in the Bank.  He faces two of the hardest hitting people in WWE.  It is going to be a war.  Ilja reminds him of Sheamus fifteen years ago.  Drew is his best mate but sticks his nose in his business.  With friends like him, who needs enemies?  Tonight, he moves one step closer to being a five time World Champion.

Sami Zayn makes his way to the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sami stands on the steps and waves.  He says he feels pretty good.  It feels good to walk back into this arena as the Intercontinental Champion.  When he won the title, he wanted to defend it against anyone and any time.  His next challenge is against Bron Breakker at Money in the Bank.  He is not stupid.  He says he hears the buzz and chatter.  Everyone seems to think that Bron will run right through him.  Sami says he gets it.  You take one look at him and Bron is an athletic freak.  He is breaking guys in half every week.  Sami says he is going to beat Bron Breakker at Money in the Bank.

Sami says he takes nothing away from Bron . . . 

Bron's music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

Bron tells Sami you gained a little of his respect because everyone in the back is afraid of him.  They see him in the back and they turn away.  You came to him and made the challenge.  Bron says that means two things.  You got guts.  You have no idea what you are in for.  The respect goes out the window on Saturday.  He says he will break and decimate Sami on Saturday to become the new Intercontinental Champion.

Sami asks Bron if he knows how many people said they were going to beat him down and break him in half?  Do you know how many times it has happened?  It has happened a thousand times and he has put himself back together.  Sami says he gets back up every single time.  The proof is right here.  You want this?  Sami says he wants Bron to want it.  He says he wants Bron to try his best to take it from him.  If he has to tell Bron who he is, that means you haven't done your homework.  Maybe you are not as smart as you think you are.  Maybe, you're not as good as you think you are.  Sami says he will see Bron at Money in the Bank.

Bron turns around and then he spears Sami.  

Bron sets for a running spear but Sami leap frogs Bron and Bron goes into the ring steps.

Sami sends Bron into the announce table and he punches Bron.  They return to the ring and Sami with an exploder into the turnbuckles followed by a Helluva Kick set up but he runs into a spear.

We are back and Cathy is with Damage CTRL and she asks if Kai's loss affects Iyo's plan for Saturday.

Kai says it doesn't change things.  She says she is sick of people getting in Damage CTRL's way.

Lyra shows up and says that she is going to climb that ladder faster than Iyo.

Kai says that Lyra won't make it to Money in the Bank and they attack Lyra until security pulls them apart.

We take a look back at the end of Smackdown.

Ilja Dragunov says the contract can take you from the dirty ground to the top of the mountain.  He knows about the bottom.  It is his time to breathe the air of a new level.  A career can be short, especially when animals like Bron Breakker are trying to end you.  Tonight he will fight Drew and Sheamus.  He will go to Money in the Bank and he will win or die trying.

We are back and Jey Uso faces Chad Gable next week.  Lyra Valkyria, Kayden Carter, and Katana Chance face Damage CTRL next week.

Michael Cole shows the bracelet that Drew gave him to safeguard during this match.

Match Number Five:  Sheamus versus Drew McIntyre versus Ilja Dragunov in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Drew and Sheamus have words and Drew pushes Ilja away when he wants to get involved.  Drew pushes him away again.  Ilja with a jumping boot to Drew and he kicks him to the floor.  Ilja yells at Drew and Sheamus is impressed.  Ilja with a waist lock and Sheamus with a take down to get Ilja off of him.  Ilja with a boot and Sheamus bounces off the ropes with a clothesline.  Sheamus gets Ilja up but Ilja gets to his feet and he chops Sheamus.  Ilja with a jumping boot to Sheamus followed by chops.  Ilja with a boot in the corner and a face wash.  Ilja comes off the ropes and Sheamus with a uranage back beaker to Ilja and then one to Drew.  Sheamus sends Ilja into the ringside barrier.  Sheamus with an uppercut to Ilja.  Drew with a running forearm to Sheamus and he sends Sheamus over the ringside barrier.  Ilja escapes a slam and he sends Drew into the ring post.  Sheamus grabs Drew and hits him wtih a series of forearms.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ilja kicks Drew and connects with forearms.  Drew backs Ilja into the corner and hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  Drew goes for a second one to Ilja.  Drew runs into boots from Sheamus and Sheamus pulls himself up in the corner.  Sheamus with a clothesline to Drew and everyone is down.  Sheamus and Drew go for clotheslines and Ilja throws chops.  Drew with a forearm to Ilja but Ilja with an enzuigiri.  Ilja iwth one to Sheamus and a running knee to Sheamus.  Ilja goes up top and hits a missile drop kick on Drew.  Ilja with H Bomb off the apron to Sheamus on the floor.  Ilja goes up top and hits a back senton.  Ilja sets for a running H Bomb on Drew but he gets a near fall.  Sheamus pulls Ilja to the floor and sends him into the ringside barrier.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Drew sets for a superplex on Sheamus and Ilja comes behind Drew and hits a German suplex.  Ilja gets a near fall on Drew and then Sheamus.  Ilja with a clothesline to Sheamus and Sheamus stays on his feet.  Ilja with a waist lock and Sheamus with a back elbow.  Ilja with a clothesline.  Ilja runs into a head butt from Drew and Drew sets for a Claymore and Ilja with Torpedo Moscow.  Drew falls to the floor.  Ilja goes up top while Sheamus comes back into the ring.  Ilja sets for Coast to Coast but Sheamus with a jumping knee for a near fall.  Sheamus signals for a Brogue Kick and he hits it on Ilja but Drew pulls Ilja to the floor.

Drew sends Ilja over the ringside barrier.  Drew and Sheamus stare each other down and Drew gets into the ring.  Drew with a punch and Sheamus fires back.  Sheamus with a tilt-a-whirl slam and then he goes for the forearms to the chest against the ropes.  Sheamus sets for a Brogue but Drew moves and gets a near fall with a rollup.  Sheamus with a knee and Drew with a Claymore.  Drew gets the three count.

Winner:  Drew McIntyre

Cathy joins Drew in the ring after the match.

Drew says he told you he was going to win this war and that is what he did.  You ready for some more truth?  He is walking into Money in the Bank and he will be walking out of Toronto World Champion.

We go to credits.

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