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By Mike Johnson on 2018-10-04 17:24:00

Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of Major League Wrestling's Fury Road tonight from The Melrose Ballroom in Queens, NY!


The crowd is in the 500-600 range, so a little down from Battle Riot.

The promotion will announce Wrestlemania weekend plans tonight.

It appears the January Ft. Lauderdale return has been postponed.


Your ring announcer is Stephen DeAngelis.

Joey Ryan vs. Richard Holliday.

Joey did all his usual shenanigans.  Holliday was worked over but hit a back suplex.  He then did jumping jacks to antagonize the crowd.  Ryan was worked over with stomps.  He came back with a spinebuster.   Ryan nailed a back suplex and went to stick a lollipop in Holliday's face.  Holliday went for a backslide but was unsuccessful.  Ryan nailed a superkick and scored the pin.

Your winner, Joey Ryan!

The crowd was really into Ryan.  Solid, good match.

Konnan, who has lost some weight, cut a promo putting over New York City.  He said that MLW Tag Team Champions Pentagon and Fenix wanted to be here tonight, but a certain witch made sure that didn't happen.  Salina de la Renta came out and took credit for ICE sending them back to Mexico.  She said that the fans can boo her all they want but that's what happens when you let Konnan leech off of you.  Konnan said she was leeching off Ricky Martinez.  Martinez got in Konnan's face.  Salina said that if he wanted Martinez to have a match, he could bring someone out.  Konnan said he had someone who could go and out came Puma King.

The team are actually booked in Germany this week.

Puma King vs. Ricky Martinez.

Puma King started out start with a nice dive to the outside and then came off the top with a splash.  He went to rebound off the ropes but Salina grabbed the ropes.  He stepped out of the ring to approach her but Martinez kicked the ropes, which snapped up into his nether-regions.  King came back with a nice superkick for a two count.   They went back and forth with an entertaining bout until Puma nailed a top rope powerbomb and immediately captured him with a La Magistral.

Your winner, Puma King!

Simon Gotch Open Challenge

Fallah Bahh answered the five minute prize fight challenge.    He completely overpowered Gotch and had him on the defensive in the early portions of the match.  Bahh whipped him hard into the buckles and he bounced off.  Bahh chopped him hard across the back, and then across the chest.   He chopped Gotch hard, sending him through the ropes to the apron.  Bahh nailed a big legdrop with one minute left.  Gotch finally fired back and nailed several chops and strikes.  Bahh fired back with strikes of his own, driving Gotch back into the corner.  Gotch grabbed something but the referee took it away.  While the referee had his back turned, Gotch threw salt in Bahh's eyes and pinned him.

Your winner, Simon Gotch!

The Smash N Dash Connection, Barrington Hughes & Shane Strickland vs. The debuting Samoan Island Tribe, Lance Anoa'i and Samu

A pretty entertaining bout.  Strickland was worked over by the Samoans and was almost pinned several times by Lance.  Barrington Hughes tried to get in the ring but was nailed with several Lance superkicks.   Lance came off with a splash but Shane rolled out of the way.  Hughes rallied the crowd and made the hot tag.  He nailed several big rights,  He went for a headbutt but that backfired on him.  Strickland came off the top with a dropkick on Lance and Samu.  He began chopping Lance and worked him over.   Lance got caught in between Hughes and Strickland, pinballing back and forth for punches.  Strickland nailed a superkick and Hughes nailed a big splash for the pin.

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Coverage continues on Page 2!

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