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By Mike Johnson on 2018-10-04 17:24:00

The Hart Foundation vs. Rich Swann & ACH  & Marko Stunt.

Lots of good, athletic wrestling here.   They built to Marko Stunt doing big moves on Hart, who tagged out to Smith.  Stunt failed badly at trying to slam him and was yanked up with ease into a torture rack.  Hart hit a great moonsault off the top to the floor on Team Swann.  Davey Boy just ravaged Stunt.  Just killed him.  Hart then hit an insane moonsault on him.  Hart just demolished him with a suplex that flipped Stunt inside out.  Pillman tagged in and covered him but Stunt kicked out.  They continued working him over until Swann tagged in and whipped out all sorts of insane aerial offense.   Team Swann hit dives.  Stunt went for a moonsault but Teddy caught him and slammed him into the ringpost.  

Hart and Smith hit a double decker Canadian Piledriver on Stunt.  THAT WAS INSANE.  Hart then hit a big spinning dive off the top but Swann broke it up.  They all continued to battle until a big Tower of Doom spot led to the Harts finally pinning Swann.

Your winners, The Hart Foundation!

Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal: Jimmy Havoc vs. Sami Callihan.

They said all stipulations are in effect.  Well, where's the steel cage? 

Havoc nailed a rana that set Callihan to the floor.  He followed him and went under the ring, pulling out a chain and a staple gun.  Callihan cut him off and nailed several shots.  Havoc came back with a chop across the back.  Havoc ran around the ringside area and nailed a big thumb to the eye.  Havoc chased him into the ring.  Callihan went for a sunset flip but was stapled in the groin.  Callihan grabbed it and stapled Havoc's groin.

Callihan went for a chain but the crowd distracted him.  Havoc used a big piece of paper to give him a papercut, then raked a Joey Ryan 8x10 across Callihan's face.  He then ripped it across Callihan's lip.  Then, he squeezed lemon into the wound.  He charged but Callihan kicked him off.  Fans chanted for salt and someone had salt and gave it to Havoc.  He salted Callihan  Havoc pulled a bodybag out from under the ring and then an urn.   Havoc went to use it as a weapon but Sami kicked it in his face with ashes (allegedly) flying everywhere.  Callihan nailed a big piledriver for a two count.  He put Havoc in the bodybag and then hit the piledriver again, scoring the pin.

Your winner, Sami Callihan!

They announced that Lucha star Rush would debut this Fall for the promotion.

MLW Champion Low Ki with Salina de la Renta vs. Daga with Konnan.

They went back and forth with a methodical, physical style.  They lit each other up with chops.  Ki dropped him with double chops but Daga came back with a dropkick that sent him to the floor.  Daga and Ki battled.  Dago went to whip Ki into the barricade, but the whip was reversed and Daga hit the barricade.   Ki charged and assaulted him with a big, stiff kick into the barricade. Ki locked on a sleeper but Daga dropped down on his back to break it.  Ki nailed kicks and chops but Daga absorbed them and fired back.  Daga worked over Ki and nailed a standing moonsault for a two count.  Daga went for another kick after sending Ki into the ropes but Ki held onto the ropes.

Daga suplexed Ki and rove him down into his knee.  Ricky Martinez, sporting a broken nose, came to ringside and challenged Konnan.  Ki drilled Daga in the ear, which he sold as if he was battling vertigo.  Ki nailed him and came off the top with a double stomp for the pin.

Your winner, Low Ki!

Low Ki was asked his thoughts on Lawlor cashing in his title shot on 2/2.  Ki said Lawlor was a UFC washout who was a wannabe pro wrestler.  He said he was a joke.  He said Pentagon and Fenix were jokes too.  He said that whether you want to admit it or not, you will respect his reign as champion.

PCO vs. LA Park with Salina de la Renta.

They did lots of spots early playing off the idea they were both powerful monsters.  PCO ate a hard chop but it only enraged him and he chokeslammed Park.  PCO nailed a moonsault for a two count.  PCO hit a dive to the outside.  Both were almost counted out but rolled back at the last minute and fought.  They fought back to the floor and then back to the ring.  They slugged it out in the ring.  Park sent PCO to the floor and hit a big tope.  Park began beating PCO with a chair.  PCO was tossed back to the floor.  Park began whipping him with production cables from the TV cameras.  Park then took off his belt and began whipping PCO with it.   He chopped the hell out of PCO.   Park missed a cannonball in the corner.   PCO came back with a powerbomb .  He nailed a running knee and covered Park for a two count.  PCO went for a senton off the top onto the apron but Park moved and PCO took all of it.  Park hit a great flying bodypress off the top to the floor.  They returned to the ring, where Park speared PCO for the pin.  Lots of chaos and brawling.  

Your winner, LA Park!

After the bout, Park cut a promo challenging MLW Tag Team Champions Pentagon and Fenix to a title shot for himself and his son.

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