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By Mike Johnson on 2018-10-04 17:24:00

Marko Stunt vs. Myron Reed

Stunt got a nice reaction from the crowd.    They had some nice action early on, mixed with some Stunt comedy.  Reed nailed a sitting Thesz Press off the ropes for a two count.   Stunt reversed a whip and came off with a leaping takedown.  He escaped a belly to back suplex, landing on his feet and nailed a springboard splash.  Stunt attempted to suplex Reed but it was reversed and Reed scored a two count.  Stunt came back with several kicks to the chest.  Reed came back with a charge down the entrance ramp into a leaping RKO into the ring.  Somehow, that was only a two count.  Stunt whipped out a great Canadian Destroyer for a two count.  He went for another move but Reed turned it into a sunset flip and scored the pin.  That seemed to delayed the crowd, which was really into Stunt.

Your winner, Myron Reed!

MLW announced they would be running Thursday 4/4 and Friday 4/5 right here at the Melrose Ballroom.  The first night will be a TV taping and the second will be headlined by a 40 Man Battle Riot.

MLW Middleweight Champion MJF with Aria Blake vs. Jimmy Yuta vs. Jason Cade.

Lots of fast paced action from the onset and the crowd really loved it.  Yuta did topes on Cade and MJF.  He slammed Cade and went to kick MJF.  MJF caught the kick but Cade leapt and nailed Yuta.  MJF and Cade began double teaming Yuta, working him over with a double back elbow.  Cade accidentally punched MJF and they began arguing, allowing Yuta to nail them both.  He hit several big moves on them, culminating with a missile dropkick off the top on each.  He did the same with Cade, powerbombing him down.  He then hit a Torture Race bomb on MJF, slamming him down onto Cade.   They all battled each other, exchanging punches.  They all started whipping out superkicks on each other.  They did an inventive spot where Yuta had an abdominal stretch on one, then locked an anklelock onm the other at the same time.  Cade nailed MJF but was rolled up by Yuta and pinned.

Jason Cade has been eliminated.

Aria Blake distracted the referee as Yuta had MJF pinned.  Cade low blowed him.  MJF covered him and scored the pin.

Your winner and still MLW Middleweight Champion, MJF!

Sammy Guevara vs. El Hijo de LA Park with Salina de la Renta.

They started out fast with a nice tope to the outside by Park on Sammy.  Sammy came back with a crazy tope that saw him flip in mid-air and drive his feet into Park.  Nutty.  Park came off the top with a kick and then hit a nice leaping rana.   Guevera showed some awesome athletic skills as he mounted a comeback.  He came of the top with a big bodypress for a two count.  He drilled Park with several stiff chops in the corner.   Park kicked him off during a charge into the corner and nailed a Canadian Destroyer.   They went back and forth with some great action.   Park hit a Spanish Fly.  Guevera hit an inverted GTS that sent Park to the outside and nailed another dive.  He missed a shooting star press and was killed with a nasty piledriver for the pin.

Your winner, El Hijo del LA Park!

Tommy Dreamer vs. Brody King.

They battled back and forth.  King went for a dive to the outside but Dreamer nailed him. They brawled on the floor.   King took control and stomped Dreamer over and over in the corner.  Dreamer made a comeback but was nailed with a lariat.  King nailed a back senton splash.   He worked over Dreamer and nailed a big splash.   Dreamer kicked off a King charge.  They battled back and forth until Dreamer nailed a RKO for a two count.  King caught Dreamer with a sideslam for a two count.  Dreamer came back with a DDT. King finally scored the pin on Dreamer.  A really hard fought match with Dreamer taking some real punishment to try and give King the rub.

Your winner, Brody King!

King is going to be a player.  It's a just a matter of who signs him first.

We are now at intermission.

They ran a vignette where Jimmy Havoc spun the wheel and made the deal.  It ended up on Spinner's Choice.  He decided he wanted all the stipulations.  They did a split screen to show Callihan wasn't happy.  I can't believe they didn't have the wheel in front of the audience live!

Backstage, Shane Strickland was interviewed about his match against Tom Lawlor;.  He questioned what Lawlor has done for MLW at all and said he has not made a mark in the industry.  He declared MLW will always be his house.y

Tom Lawlor vs. Shane Strickland.

Some really, really good back and forth action before they faced off.  Lawlor cornered him and nailed several right hands.    Strickland fought his way out and snapped Lawlor's arm over the ropes.  Strickland followed him to the floor and drilled Lawlor into the barricade.  He tied his arm up in the ringpost and yanked it.  Strickland continued working Lawlor over until being elevated over the top to the apron outside.  Strickland fought him off and locked him in a submission while riding Lawlor's back.  Lawlor pulled himself to the ropes and bit them to force break it.  

Lawlor attempted a leg submission but Strickland kicked him off.    Strickland nailed a leaping cutter.  Strickland ascended to the top but was caught with a chop.  Lawlor nailed a superplex and rolled through to cinch in a Dragon Sleeper.  Strickland's arm dropped twice but he came to life before his arm could drop a third time.  He nailed a suplex on Lawlor.  Both men were out but fought to their feet, exchanging chops and strikes.  Lawlor took control and nailed a sitdown Falcon Arrow.

They battled back and forth with stiff shots and kicks.  Strickland nailed a reverse rana.  Lawlor nailed a spinning DVDR.  He locked on a sleeper.  Salina de la Renta came out and distracted the referee, who demanded she return to the back.  Low Ki ran out from the crowd and slipped into the crowd, hitting a reverse heel kick on Lawlor.  Strickland came off the ropes with a double stomp for a two count.

Lawlor came back and locked a choke on Strickland, who fought to free himself but finally tapped.  Excellent match.  Best thing on the show thus far.

Your winner, Tom Lawlor!

Lawlor was interviewed after the match and announced he was going to face Low Ki at MLW Super Fight on 2/2.  

Coverage continues on Page 3!

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