Carter said that on the talent conference call, Abyss or someone said, "It really feels like a fresh start" and Carter said that has resonated with her so much. She said don't have opportunities all the time to have a fresh start. She said that because they have done something in the past doesn't mean they have to do it going forward. They can break the mold and try something new and that's the focus of what they have going on right now.
Borash said there was a lot of rumors of speculation. He asked about differences in TV Tapings and new talents. Carter said she can't give anything away but she wouldn't be surprised if we hearing things once a week that are "substantive." She said some things may just be tweaks but there will be some "real meat" to the changes.
Carter said she loved this year including the talents that returned to the company. She said when talents leave, it's never goodbye but until next time. Carter said that she has loved seeing the returns and also loves the "young roster that we have right now." Looking back, she feels it's freshest group of young talents they've ever had and gives John Gaburick credit for that. She also credited SpikeTV for allowing them to take a step back to go forward and giving a lot of "real estate, a lot of television time to kids who had never been seen before." Carter said they have the best attitudes and their workrate and have come in with "such a confidence" to get a top spot. She said she doesn't ever remember them having that sort of success with talent in such a short time.
Jeremy Borash asked Carter about the future of Kurt Angle, noting that Angle said he was staying with TNA. Carter said, "He did? I guess I'll consider that a signed deal then" and laughed. She then said, "It's done. Kurt's back." Carter talked about Angle for a bit and said that she wants Kurt to retire in TNA. He was "our first massive signing and what he's meant to this company, I can't put into words." Carter said he's carried the load and she wants to see him on the other side of the company when he hangs up the boots. Carter said she wants to see him do different things and represent the company on different levels. She said Angle has been working hard to get back in the ring and his head is on straight and this could be the year of Angle and he deserves it.
Borash brought up Jeff Hardy. Carter talked gushingly about Jeff's wife and daughter. She said she is "so fortunate" to have Hardy at this stage of his life and at this level to be part of the team.
Continued on Page 3.
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