Punk stated that he told McMahon that he doesn't love "this anymore" and that he was, "hurt, sick and confused." He told Vince that he doesn't know what they are doing as a business anymore. He said that Vince says it's a team effort, but it's an individual effort by Punk to find what's necessary to even come here [to work].
Punk said he was concussed and hurt and all Vince cared about is what segment Punk is in, how soon he can put his tights on and when he can go pee in this cup and, "I don't want to do it anymore."
Punk said that he spoke openly about bringing back Dave Bautista as a babyface and asked how they could not see what a bad idea that was. Punk said that Baustista visited him at home in Chicago recently and they talked about all of this and Bautista agreed, with Punk warning the websites not to try and stir trouble between the two. He said he is friends with Bautista and is just giving a recanting of what happened.
Triple H told him, "Dave just took the piss test" to which Punk replied, "Did you?" and "He had nothing to say."
Punk said that when he signed his deal with WWE [Money in the Bank 2011] that he told Vince McMahon that if he didn't live up to what he said he could be for the company, that if he was a fraud and didn't deliver. that Vince should fire him.
Punk said that he sold more shirts than John Cena until he was asked to turn heel and Vince said he owed him one. He worked with "guys who were dangerous" and Vince said he owed him one and all Punk wanted was the main event of Wrestlemania. Punk said that if Vince doesn't see him at that level, then he needs to fire Punk because then he will "go somewhere else and I will get more f***ing over because I know I can." Punk said he told Vince that he had shackled Punk and creatively stifled him and he no longer wanted to be there.
Continued on Page 10.
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