On the WWE 2K15 videogame, Punk said it was, "Dumb of them to advertise me for the videogame." He said 2K Sports Tweeted at him asking, "Do I have your attention now?" Punk said, "Well, 2K Sports, do I have your attention now? Thanks for the big fat f***ing check."
Cabana asked if there was a complete split. Punk said it took awhile. They wanted to issue a joint statement and Punk told them No. He said that they wanted something that they agreed not to disparage the other. Punk said, via his lawyer, that they were the ones that walked into his hometown on Raw and said he was a quitter [Note from Mike: Stephanie McMahon said that in a promo in response tof hometown fans chanting Punk's name, live on Raw], so if they were willing to go back to Chicago on Raw and say that they lied and apologized and that he was fired on his wedding day and see how the fans in Chicago react, then he would consider signing such a document.
Punk said he wasn't trying to go on an anti-WWE tirade and that if people think that's what he was doing on Cabana's show, it was really him telling his story. He said that if there are bitter parts, that's part of "f***ing life" and he's working through it and trying to get over it.
Punk said that WWE kept saying to his lawyer that they "knew" Punk was going to TNA and would perform on an anti-WWE platform. Punk's lawyers told them Punk wasn't going to TNA and that Punk, "Absolutely despises professional wrestling and wants nothing to do with it and will never wrestle again." Punk said that WWE kept trying to bully so they could feel like they actually won something.
Punk said that there is no working relationship with WWE and there never will be ever again.
On his merchandise that is now being sold, WWE wanted to be able to sell off old existing merchandise that had been produced via Shopzone that he is allowing them to see. He joked that if someone wants texting gloves in Indonesia, now they can get them and Punk will get royalties for that.
Punk said the wedding day "thing" is pretty ridiculous.
Punk said that WWE was terrified that after ten years of Punk being an independent contractor, he was going to take them to court and "ruin" the way they do business.
He said he would like to see a union created to take care of the guys and the girls that way he knows WWE is serious about protecting them since they are independent contractors who aren't allowed to go work anywhere else. Punk compared that to the claim that UFC isn't a competitor to WWE, "but you can't go work there for a year after we fire you on your wedding day."
Coverage concludes on Page 15.
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