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By Mike Johnson on 2012-06-30 11:04:00

Devon Storm vs. Sabu

Big pop for Sabu.   They started out fast.  Crowbar nailed a back elbow and began choking Sabu with his tuban.   They went to the outside, where they battled back and forth.  A chair was tossed into the ring.

Back in the ring, Storm worked over Sabu with kicks in the corner.  He whipped Sabu into the ropes.  Sabu ducked a clothesline and nailed a springboard leg lariat, then a legdrop.   He set up Storm for Air Sabu but Storm escaped to the floor.  Sabu dove over the top to the floor on Storm.

Sabu nailed a slingshot somersault legdrop for a two count.  He locked in a Camel Clutch.  He flung a chair at Storm's head in the corner.  They battled in the corner where Storm choked at Sabu.  He came off the top with a dropkick.   Crowbar nailed a Russian legsweep for a two count.

Storm locked in a submission.  Storm suplexed Sabu.  They battled back to the floor.  Storm worked over Sabu and grabbed a piece of the guard rail.   He placed the railing across the ropes and a chair.  He placed Sabu across the rail and nailed a quebrada onto it.  He covered Sabu for a two count.

They battled in the corner.  Sabu whipped Storm into the corner but he went up and over and caught Sabu with an overhead throw suplex.   Storm charged with a chair but Sabu kicked him off.  He charged Storm but was nailed hard in the face.  Sabu battled back and drilled Storm with Air Sabu off the chair in the corner.

Storm cut off Sabu.  He went for a high cross bodyblock into the ropes.  Sabu went through the ropes.  They battled on the outside.   They battled over a chair.  Sabu won and flung it at Storm's face.   Sabu hit Air Sabu on the floor against the rail, sending Storm into the crowd.  Sabu dove off a chair, hit a springboard and dove into the crowd on Storm.

Sabu went for an Asai Moonsault to the outside but Storm grabbed his leg and slammed him facefirst into the apron.   Storm slid a table into the ring but was cut off by Sabu.  Sabu set up the table but was caught with a sitdown slam by Storm.  He placed Storm face first on the table and went for an Arabian Facebuster through a table.  Sabu slipped and told the fans "one second" then jumped back up and nailed the Facebuster.  Sabu finally covered Storm but he kicked up.

Sabu rained down with punches on Storm.  Storm fought back and came off the top with a splash for a two count.   He went back to the top but was cut off and nailed with a springboard into a rana off the top.   Sabu came off the top with the Arabian Facebuster for the pin.

Your winner, Sabu!

Sabu offered his hand to Storm.  Storm looked at him and took it and they hugged.  Storm then nailed Sabu and worked him over with a chair.  Storm stood over him and mocked him and the fans.  Storm walked out but sat on the apron jawing with a fan.  Sabu dropkicked him off the apron.  They brawled to the back.

A hell of a war of crazy spots and stunts.  Real damn entertaining.  It probably went a little too long considering how much mileage is on Sabu's odometer but when he nails his stuff, damn it's awesome.  This was three in a row here for great performances from Storm as well.   Good stuff.

BLK OUT vs. The Gangstas

The Gangstas came out with a slew of weapons and the plunder began as they were brawling.   Jack broke a pool cue over someone.   BLK OUT was tossed into the floor, where the war continued.

They brawled into the crowd.  Jack threw Ruckus hard through a row of chairs.   They brawled into a corner of the venue where The Gangstas set up a table,  Jack dove off the side of the bleachers and put someone through a table.

They dragged BLK OUT back to the ring where Jack came off the top with a chair and pinned them.

Your winners, The Gangstas!

New Jack took the mic and said they are giving a rebirth to what they started.  He said a bunch of people wrong.  Jack said they never forgot where they started and it was right here in Philly.  He said they ripped the roof off the Bingo Hall and 20 years later, they are doing it again.  He said that they have nothing but love for all the true extreme fans.


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