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By Mike Johnson on 2012-06-30 11:04:00
We are live at Extreme Rising in Philadelphia, PA at the National Guard Armory. 

The show opened with a local hardcore band Eat the Turnbuckles playing.  They did all sorts of wrestling based antics with barbed wire, chairs, guitars and one guy even came off the top of a van onto a table.  The crowd wasn't happy about them. 

Stephen DeAngelis came to the ring.  He introduced Robby Mireno.  He got booed in his own hometown.  He tried to tell them that he stood up for Philly last night in NYC but the crowd still razzed him, so he heeled them.  Ah, Philadelphia.

Joel Gertner made his way to the ring.   The place chanted for him.  

Papadon vs. Perry Saturn

The fans were all over him so Papadon demanded that DeAngelis make it clear that he's not gay.  Papadon then demanded he be announced as the greatest unsigned talent in the wrestling world today.

Saturn got a huge pop and immediately went into the bleacher and walked across the entire length.  There was a huge "Perry" chant.   Saturn literally went around to every corner of the building before getting into the ring.   Saturn received a big "Welcome Back" chant.   Saturn took the mic and said, "E C F***ing W."  That of course led to a huge ECW chant.  

They locked up and Papadon backed off and went to the floor.   The ever polite Philly crowd chanted, "You suck d***."  Saturn went to the floor but Don slipped back in before he could get him.   Saturn asked for a mic.   He said that he hasn't been here in a long time but it appears everyone knows Papadon is a huge c**sucker.  The mic died so it didn't get much of a response.

They finally locked up and they went back and forth until Saturn drills him with a clothesline and then another Cactus Clothesline over the top to the floor.  He beats the hell out of Papadon on the floor and tosses him back into the ring.

Jersey Shore from Raven's flock last time here hits the ring and attacks Saturn.  They double on him until Gary Wolfe's music hits and Wolfe made the save.  Wolfe battled Shore to the floor.  The crowd chanted for "Pitbull."  

Saturn whipped Papadon into the ropes and as he bounced back towards Saturn, Saturn hit the legsweep from Total Elimination for the pin.

Your winner, Perry Saturn!

The match was more of a spectacle for Saturn's homecoming than a competitive bout.  There was a lot of glad-handing to the crowd, but they loved seeing Saturn.  They didn't do much in the ring, but what they did got a reaction and worked.  Saturn obviously can't go like he used to but they structured it right as a way to spotlight him.  Papadon looked great tonight and as I've written in the past, he's got it and deserves a shot in a major way  I was really happy to see him get booked here.  The run-in was a nice way to get Wolfe on the show and he got a nice pop coming out.

The FBI vs. Los Dramaticos

They did some really good wrestling to kick off the bout.  The Dramaticos worked over Mamaluke early.  Guido tagged in and he went back and forth with the larger Dramatico.  Mamaluke held the ropes open for the Dramatico to hit the floor.  Guido went to the floor.  Mamaluke went for a dive through the ropes but was caught and turned into a tornado DDT on the floor.  The smaller Dramatico hit a moonsault to the floor on all involved.

Back in the ring, the smaller Dramatico worked over Mamaluk.  He went for a top rope rana but Guido held onto Tony to prevent it.  That allowed the FBI to take over and work over the smaller Dramatico.  Mamaluke held him in place as Guido scored with kicks to the arm and the legs.

Guido whipped the Dramatico into the ropes but he nailed a sunset flip.  Guido rolled through and dropkicked him for a two count.  Mamaluke and Guido took turns working him over.   The Dramatico ducked a Mamaluke kick and made the hot tag to the larger Dramatico.

The Dramaticos worked on Mamaluke and went for the Spanish Fly but Guido nailed one with a Russian Legsweep.   Mamaluke grabbed a forward choke standing on the ropes with the other but was suplexed into the ring from that position.

Guido was left in the ring and the Dramaticos worked him over with a series of backdrops.  They turned their attention back to Mamaluke and nailed the Spanish Fly off the top for a two count.  The move received an ECW chant.

One of the Dramaticos went for an Electric Chair but Guido tripped him from outside.  Mamaluke landed on top and hooked the legs for the pin.

Your winners, The FBI!

Solid back and forth match with some good action.

CW Anderson vs. Balls Mahoney (with The Blue Meanie)

They locked up and Anderson focused on Mahoney's arm.  Balls made it to the ropes to break it and went for his chair but John Finnegan grabbed it away.

They locked up and Mahoney's arm was worked over again.  He fought back and Anderson went to the floor.  Mahoney followed and brawled with Anderson, nailing him with a beer and whipping him into the railing.  Mahoney took a sign from a fan and nailed Anderson with it.  There was a road sign underneath.

Meanie and Balls pinballed Anderson back and forth with punches as the crowd chanted "Blue" and "Balls."  I cracked up at that.   Back in the ring, Mahoney peppered Anderson with a series of punches in the corner then whipped him into the opposite corner.  He charged but Anderson evaded and Mahoney hit his shoulder on the ringpost.

Anderson rammed Mahoney shoulder-first into the ringpost.   He placed the road sign on Balls' shoulder and stomped it.   He locked on an armbar and yanked at Balls' arm.  He began beating Balls with shots across the back but Balls made a comeback.  Anderson superkicked him and covered him for a two count.

Anderson continued working on Mahoney's arm and covered him for a two count.   Mahoney caught him out of nowhere with a sitdown spinebuster for a two count.  Anderson caught him with a spinebuster for a two count.  He kicked Balls and wedged a chair in the corner.

Anderson tried to whip Balls into the corner but it was reversed.  Anderson stopped himself before hitting the chair and rammed Balls into it.  Meanie hit the ring looking to nail Anderson with a chair but it was superkicked in his face.

"Enter Sandman" hit and out came the Sandman to a huge pop.  He headed right to the ring and got in Anderson's face.  They went nose to nose.  Anderson slapped him so Sandman kicked him and nailed him across the back with the cane, then hit the White Russian Legsweep.

Mahoney and Anderson went back and forth.  Mahoney drilled him with a right and Meanie nailed Anderson with the chair.  Mahoney covered him for the pin.

Your winner, Balls Mahoney!

Sandman took the mic and said he was going to get a little drunk now and asked if there was anyone who wanted to get in the ring with him and drink a beer.  They got a few guys and girls to do it before Sandman thanked the crowd and said, "we gotta get the f*** outta here."

Entertaining stuff here.  Anderson looked great and vicious as a heel.   I like the Mahoney-Meanie tandem. Sandman's antics never get old with me.  


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