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By Mike Johnson on 2010-12-17 10:10:00


Ring of Honor Final Battle 2007 Results from NYC:

by Mike Johnson

*Bobby Dempsey, who was super over, pinned Mitch Franklin.

*Jigsaw and Ruckus defeated Bobby Fish and Matt Cross in a fun opener.

*Larry Sweeney, who unsuccessfully tried to get out of the match, pinned Claudio Castagnoli after Daniel Puder laid out Sweeney's bad leg. Tank Toland tried to finish the job but was nailed with Ricola Bomb.

*Jack Evans pinned the Necro Butcher in a No DQ Match. Mercedes Martinez debuted, attacking Lacey, which allowed Evans to roll up Butcher. Really fun match including Evans hitting a sunset flip powerbomb off the apron to the floor and Butcher giving Evans a backbreaker across two back to back chairs facing away from each other. Martinez is the newest member of the Vulture Squad.

*In an excellent back and forth wrestling match, Naomichi Marufuji pinned Davey Richards with sliced bread #2. Richards hit an incredible dive out of the ring, taking out Marufuji and landing in the third row. Awesome stuff.

*Dave Prazak and Lenny Leonard filmed an opening for a ROH Videowire.

*In a No DQ Tables Are Legal Match, The Hangmen Three defeated Kevin Steen & El Generico & Delirious when Adam Pearce hit a piledriver off a table placed in the top turnbuckle through a tabke on Delirious. Luke Williams hit the ring and did the Bushwhackers battering ram with Delirious and did the march around the ring with all the babyfaces. Pelle Primeau returned from injuries sustained at the hands of the Hangmen Three to hit a top rope Frankensteiner through a table on Shane Hagadorn. The Hangmen drilled Steen and Generico with spike piledrivers after the match.

*Rocky Romero defeated Ernie Osyris via tapout.

*ROH champion Nigel McGuinness came out and cut a promo saying he doesn't remember his match last night and teased forfeiting the belt. He then said he was keeping the belt because of the fans who supported him and understand his sacrifices and in spite of the fans who don't understand.

*Erick Stevens pinned Roderick Strong to win the FIP championship.

*In a Four Way to determine the top contender to the ROH title, Bryan Danielson defeated Austin Aries via submission in a bout that also featured Takeshi Morishima and Chris Hero.  Eliminations saw All three pin Morishima.  Aries pinned Hero.  Awesome bout.

*The Age of The Fall, Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs defeated ROH Tag Team champions The Briscoes to win the belts in an excellent match.

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