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By Mike Johnson on 2010-12-17 10:10:00


Ring of Honor ran their final event of 2005 over the weekend, drawing an estimated 700-800 fans to Edison, New Jersey based on reports we've received.

The show was headlined by Pro Wrestling NOAH Global Honored Crown Junior Heavyweight champion KENTA defeating Low Ki in a match that was described to me as something on the level of Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi but lacking the hot NYC atmosphere. From an in-ring standpoint, it was said to be completely physically brutal and among one of the best Low Ki matches ever, which covers a whole lot of ground.

ROH claimed they set their all-time merchandise record at the event and one source claimed it was the best overall one night of business in company history.

There were a number of injuries coming out of the show. Homicide is still in bad shape from the torn AC in his shoulder. He needs surgery and probably a good 3-6 months out of the ring, but if you know anything about his nature, he's going to gut through it and keep working. He's unbelievably tough for doing that. Steve Corino's knee blew out during his match with Alex Shelley and he is scheduled to have it examined this week. Corino also received a black eye courtesy a kick from Homicide during an angle where Homicide sought to avenge his loss and injury in New York by pouring Draino down Corino and Colt Cabana's throats. I was told it didn't seem like the angle got over live, although I thought it sounded good when I heard about it. ROH champion Bryan Danielson also suffered a knee injury, although I don't believe he'll be missing any dates.

There was a lot of talk before and after the show about AJ Styles pulling out of the event, but working for Vince Russo the night before in Georgia. Styles suffered a really bad torn up lip while facing Samoa Joe at TNA's Turning Point PPV two weekends back and shouldn't have been in the ring while his lip (which required stitches) healed. He pulled off ROH but worked for Russo since it was only five minutes from his home in Georgia and had previously missed an event promoted by Russo. ROH felt that they had a suitable replacement in Steve Corino and didn't want to put Styles in a situation where if he worked hard and physical, he could cause further damage to his lip. Styles also pulled out on a PWG event in California the same weekend.

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