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By Matt ten-Hoeve on 2025-03-14 19:31:00

TNA X-Division Champion Moose with Alisha Edwards vs. Jeff Hardy - Ladder Match

They face off in the center of the ring to start. They both then scramble for a ladder. Hardy is able to get a ladder set up quickly and he starts to climb it. Moose struggles with his ladder and has to go cut Hardy off. Hardy is able to send Moose to the outside. He then leaps onto Moose from the apron. Moose recovers and kicks Hardy. Moose goes for a suplex on the floor, but Hardy blocks it. Moose hits a pump kick and goes for a suplex again, but Hardy reverses it into a suplex of his own.

Hardy goes for a Twist of Fate, but Moose pushes him off into the steel steps. Moose sets up a ladder - bridging it on the apron and a chair. He grabs Hardy, but Jeff is able to fight out of Moose’s grasp. Hardy then grabs a ladder from under the ring and it’s the painted ladder from last year’s Full Metal Mayhem Match. He places it onto Moose, who is laying on the floor. Hardy jumps from the apron onto the ladder and Moose.

Hardy gets into the ring and sets up a ladder in the corner. He then stands the huge, painted ladder under the belt. He begins to climb, but gets hit by a chair from Moose. Moose then powerbombs Hardy. Moose grabs a ladder and bridges it between the turnbuckles and the painted ladder. He then hits Hardy with a chair. Moose picks up Hardy and powerbombs him onto the bridged ladder.

Moose pulls a table out from underneath the ring and slides it into the ring. He sets it up in the corner. Moose goes for another powerbomb, but Hardy lifts him over the top rope to the floor. Hardy hits a dive on Moose and then rolls back into the ring. Hardy begins to climb the painted ladder again. Moose gets into the ring and cuts Hardy off. Moose gets onto the bridged ladder as Hardy gets his fingertips on the belt. Moose is able to grab Hardy, but Hardy repositions himself and hits a Twist of Fate. 

Moose rolls to the outside. Hardy climbs to the top rope, but Moose gathers himself and clips Hardy. Hardy falls to the top turnbuckle. Moose starts to clear the ring of the ladders, hitting a cameraman in the process. Moose heads back over to Hardy and rips his shirt. Moose then climbs to the top rope and hits a superplex. Moose tries to float through for another move, but Hardy hits a Twist of Fate. Moose recovers immediately and hits a Spear. Both men are slow to get up.

They exchange strikes in the middle of the ring. Moose hits a pump kick, but Hardy recovers and hits a back body drop - sending Moose over the top rope onto the bridged ladder that was on the apron and chair. Hardy pulls another table out from underneath the ring. He sets it up on the floor and then throws a chair at a downed Moose. Hardy sends Moose into the ring post and then lays him onto the table. Hardy hits Moose with a chair and climbs to the top rope. Hardy hits a Swanton Bomb on Moose through the table.

Hardy hits Moose with a chair again and then slides a ladder into the ring. He sets it up underneath the belt and begins to climb. Just as Hardy gets close to the title, Alisha Edwards comes into the ring and hits Hardy with Kendra the Kendo Stick. Hardy comes off of the ladder and hits Alisha with a Twist of Fate. Moose gets into the ring and Spears Hardy through the table that was set up in the corner of the ring. Moose then sets the ladder back up and climbs it. He reaches the title and is able to pull it down for the win!

Winner and STILL TNA X-Division Champion: Moose

Mike Santana approaches Santino Marella in the back. Santana is not happy about getting robbed of a win against Mustafa Ali. Marella saw what happened in the match and offers Santana a rematch. On iMPACT! this Thursday, it’ll be Mike Santana vs. Mustafa Ali with The Great Hands and Tasha Steelz banned from ringside.

Also announced for Thursday’s iMPACT! - Chavo Guerrero Jr. will make an appearance.

A video is shown where El Paso makes March 14th “TNA Wrestling Day.”

First Class comes out to the top of the ramp for the First Class Penthouse. They promote their new shirts, but can’t agree on what promo code to use to save 15%. They are here to promote their new record label, though - First Class Records. They’re holding auditions with audience members. But wait…no one in El Paso, including the young kids, deserve a chance. 

The Aztec Warriors interrupt First Class. Octagon Jr. gives First Class the business in Spanish, but First Class doesn’t understand. Laredo Kid clears things up. He says that First Class are cheaters and assholes. AJ Francis tries to attack the Aztec Warriors, but they duck his attempt. KC Navarro holds Francis back as referees keep the two teams away from each other.

A video package airs for the 10-Man Tag Team Steel Cage Match.

Steel Cage Match: TNA Champion Joe Hendry & Matt Hardy & Elijah & Leon Slater & Nic Nemeth vs. The System & The Colons

Eddie Edwards and Elijah will start things off for their teams. Elijah enters on a horse named Tay Tay and sings a song before getting into the ring.

With both men inside the cage, Eddie Edwards goes for a strike that Elijah blocks. Elijah gets in some chops and then hits a back body drop. Elijah shakes off a couple punches and hits a leaping strike. Elijah grabs an arm and cranks it. He climbs to the top rope while holding Edwards’ arm and hits Walk with Elijah. Edwards hits Elijah with a thumb to the eye and takes control. Edwards hits a chop and tries to send Elijah into the cage. Elijah blocks it and hits a boot to the face. Elijah sends Edwards into the side of the cage.

Brian Myers enters the match.

Elijah tries to fight off Myers, but Myers pushes him off and hits a Spear from the second rope. Myers rains down strikes on Elijah. Edwards hits a running strike on Elijah and then hits System Overload on Elijah with Myers.

Nic Nemeth enters the match.

Nemeth is able to get control early. He hits Myers with a kick. He hits Edwards with a Splash. He then drops both Myers and Edwards. Elijah recovers and starts to help, but…

Orlando Colon enters the match.

Orlando immediately hits a series of suplexes on Nemeth. Elijah lifts Orlando, but he wiggles out and hits a Backstabber on Elijah. Elijah is tossed into the side of the cage.

Leon Slater enters the match.

Edwards is on the top rope. He knocks Nemeth off of the top rope, but eats a top rope hurricanrana from the fresh Slater.

Eddie Colon enters the match.

Eddie sweeps Slater off of his feet and then slingshots Slater into the side of the cage. Elijah whips Eddie into the corner, but eats a boot. Eddie then hits a flying dropkick on Elijah.

Matt Hardy enters the match.

Hardy takes down Myers. He hits a Side Effect on Edwards. He Deletes Edwards in the corner. Slater and Hardy hit the Plot Twist on Eddie. 

JDC enters the match.

JDC brings a chair into the cage. Slater ducks the chair, but JDC is able to send him into the side of the cage. JDC then throws Slater into the side of the cage again. JDC holds Slater and Myers hits him with a chair. Myers hits Slater with the chair again.

Joe Hendry enters the match.

Myers holds the cage door shut so that Hendry can’t enter. Hendry pushes on it, though, flinging Myers away. Hendry hits a couple of Fallaway Slams and kip ups. He lifts Edwards to the top rope and joins him. Hendry hits a Super Fallaway Slam on Edwards and kips up. 

Myers hits Hendry with a low blow and JDC rains down punches on Hendry. Edwards holds Hendry, who eats a double superkick. The Colons hit a double team lungblower on Hendry. Nemeth finds some energy and takes out some of The System and The Colons, but Edwards hits a Blue Thunder Bomb on him for a two count.

Ryan Nemeth runs down to ringside to cheer on his biiiiig brrrotherrrrrr.

Slater leaps up to the top rope, but gets clipped by Edwards. JDC and Edwards climb to the top rope to double team Slater. They lift him to the top of the cage and set up for a double superplex. Slater fights out of it, though, and stands at the top of the cage. Slater then hits a Swanton 450 from the top of the cage onto Myers and The Colons.

Slater covers Myers, but the referee was distracted by Ryan Nemeth. Slater kicks Orlando and his pin is broken up by Eddie. Hendry hits a Standing Ovation on Myers and sends Edwards into the corner. Hendry sets up a chair in the middle of the ring so that Elijah can jump off of it and hits a leaping knee on Edwards. Elijah then hits an atomic drop on Edwards on the chair. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on JDC. He then uses the chair to hit another Twist of Fate on JDC. Hardy covers JDC and gets the win!

Winners: Joe Hendry, Matt Hardy, Nic Nemeth, Elijah, and Leon Slater

The winners celebrate in the ring together. Joe Hendry, Elijah, and Leon Slater leave the ring. Nic Nemeth stays in the ring with Matt Hardy and continues to celebrate. Ryan Nemeth gets in the ring and locks the cage door. 

Nic Nemeth hugs Matt Hardy and then attacks him! Ryan Nemeth joins the attack. Elijah, Slater, and Hendry try to get into the ring, but the Nemeths fight them off. The Nemeths continue to beat up Matt Hardy and Hardy is busted open. The Nemeths continue to beat up Matt while keeping Elijah, Slater, and Hendry out of the ring as the show fades to black.

Thank you for following along with’s live coverage of TNA Sacrifice 2025. What did you think of the show? Let me know at See you next time!

You can order the show at this link.

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