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By Matt ten-Hoeve on 2025-03-14 19:31:00

With the impromptu match out of the way, TNA Sacrifice officially starts off with a video package that highlights tonight’s competitors.

Krystall Poppin performs Tessa Blanchard’s theme song during Blanchard’s entrance.

Tessa Blanchard vs. Lei Ying Lee

They circle and lock up. Tessa Blanchard pulls Lei Ying Lee’s hair and forces her into the corner. Blanchard kicks at Lee and whips her into the opposite corner. Blanchard rushes at Lee, who covers up. Blanchard slaps Lee. Lee doesn’t appreciate the slap and stalks Blanchard. Blanchard goes for another slap, which is blocked. Lee clubs at Blanchard’s collarbone and hits a German Suplex on Blanchard. 

Lee charges at Blanchard in the corner and rains down punches on her. Lee hits an overhead throw on Blanchard for a two count. Lee tries to hit a running strike on Blanchard, but Blanchard begs off. Lee stops, allowing Blanchard to toss Lee to the outside. Lee reaches into the ring and pulls Blanchard to the outside. Lee gets in a punch. Blanchard runs back into the ring. Lee tries to follow in and Blanchard hits a back elbow. Blanchard then pulls Lee into the ropes throat-first. Lee falls to the floor and Blanchard follows her out.

Blanchard works Lee over outside of the ring and then tosses her back into the ring. Blanchard immediately goes for a cover and gets a two count. Blanchard punches Lee and then drags her face across the top rope. Blanchard sends Lee to the outside and then taunts the crowd. Blanchard goes to the outside and clubs down on Lee’s back and neck. Lee is tossed back into the ring and eats a big right hand after blocking an Irish Whip.

Lee gets a surprise roll up on Blanchard, but Tessa kicks out and hits a basement dropkick for a two count. Blanchard slaps on a chinlock. Lee fights out and hits a jawbreaker. Blanchard recovers and hits a superkick. Lee is able to get in a knee and some kicks, though. Lee hits a fisherman suplex and a dropkick against the bottom rope. Lee lifts Blanchard and spins her around before slamming her down for a two count.

Lee tries to use the ropes for a suplex, but Blanchard blocks it and hits a spinning splash for a two count. Blanchard strikes at Lee, but Lee powers up and catches Blanchard in a leg lock. Blanchard reaches the ropes to break up the submission. Blanchard fakes a knee injury and is able to strike Lee in the process.

Blanchard lifts Lee onto the ropes. Lee strikes off Blanchard at first. Blanchard then joins her on the ropes and Lee hits a twisting superplex for a very close two count. Lee lifts Blanchard. Blanchard rakes Lee’s face and hits a cutter. Blanchard climbs to the top rope and hits Magnum for the win!

Winner: Tessa Blanchard

Gia Miller is with Matt Hardy, Elijah, Nic Nemeth, Joe Hendry, Leon Slater, and Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy says that he is the master of the Ladder Match and will be winning the TNA X-Division Championship tonight. Nic Nemeth is excited to be back. Tonight’s Cage Match isn’t about survival - it’s about proving who is the best of the best. Elijah says that they are not just walking into a fight…they are walking into a war. The System and The Colons will be walking with Elijah. Leon Slater is ready for things to be wild and crazy. Matt Hardy says that The System and The Colons will be DELETED! Joe Hendry says that there will be no escape for The System and The Colons. Everyone will be chanting “We Believe!”

Gia Miller gets cleared of the interview and is excited for the match. Ryan Nemeth jumps into the frame and Miller reminds him that he’s not in the match. Ryan makes fun of Miller’s bangs and leaves.

NXT's Wes Lee & Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont vs. The Rascalz & Ace Austin

It is announced that this match will now be competed under Lucha Rules.

Zachary Wentz and Wes Lee are in the ring at first. Trey Miguel hops in and Lee slides out. Wentz and Miguel exit and Ace Austin comes in. Tyriek Igwe comes in, but Lee decides to start. Austin and Lee start fast. Austin slides out of the ring and brings Lee with him. That allows Tyson Dupont and Miguel to get into the ring. Miguel tries a 619 variation, but it’s caught. Dupont lifts Miguel and they both go over the top rope.

Wentz and Igwe come into the ring. Wentz hits a twisting crossbody for a two count. Igwe rolls out of the ring. Rascalz and Austin try to hit a triple dive. Austin is able to hit Lee, but The Rascalz are caught by Dupont and Igwe. Austin fights off Dupont and Igwe, but Lee is able to get the best of Austin. Lee rolls Austin into the ring. Igwe and Dupont double team Austin. Dupont clubs down on Austin and then tags in Igwe. They double team Austin for a two count.

Lee comes in and continues to work over Austin. He hits a dropkick to Austin’s back and tries a running moonsault, but Austin moves. Austin rolls out of the ring. Lee knocks The Rascalz off of the apron, so they can’t come in. Austin rolls back in and Lee tags in Igwe. Igwe hits a big running strike for a two count. Igwe locks on an abdominal stretch and clubs down on Austin. Austin fights out of it, but is whipped to the corner. 

Dupont comes in, but Austin is able to fight off Igwe and Dupont. Lee comes in and tries to stop Austin from tagging. Lee fights him off and The Rascalz come in. They double team Lee with a tribute to Chris Bey and running strikes. Miguel hits a spinebuster and The Rascalz hit Feed ‘Em to the Lions for a two count.

Igwe drags Wentz out of the ring. Lee elbows Miguel and tags in Igwe. Igwe holds Miguel for Lee to hit a double stomp to Miguel’s head. Dupont and Igwe hit a double chokeslam on Miguel for a two count. Miguel is able to fight off Dupont and Igwe. He hits Meteora on Igwe and a cutter on Dupont. Lee hits Meteora on Miguel. 

Austin grabs Lee and suplexes him over the top rope. Austin then kicks Igwe from the apron. Wentz kicks Dupont from the apron. Austin and Wentz stereo kick Lee from the apron. Miguel hits a diving DDT on Lee on the outside. Lee is tossed into the ring and is surrounded by The Rascalz and Austin.

Lee smack talks his opponents and gets hit by The Fold. Austin and Miguel hit a double dive on Dupont and Tyriek. Wentz hits a Spiral Tap on Lee for the win!

Winners: The Rascalz and Ace Austin

Gia Miller is in the back with Steve Maclin. Maclin knows that tonight is the right time to tag ‘em and bag ‘em.

Eric Young joins the commentary table. When he says he has someone’s back, he has their back no matter what.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Steve Maclin

They circle and lock up. Frankie Kazarian grabs a side headlock and is sent to the ropes. Steve Maclin hits a back elbow. He then clubs at Kazarian’s back in the corner. Maclin then hits a basement clothesline for a two count. Kazarian recovers and hits a Backstabber and a springboard leg drop for one count.

Kazarian kicks and punches Maclin and goes for a suplex. Maclin blocks it, but gets clubbed in the back. Kazarian then hits a fisherman’s suplex for a two count. Kazarian works Maclin over in the ropes and then smack talks him. Maclin fights back with a couple of clotheslines. He hits a Thesz Press and rains down punches. Maclin hits an Olympic Slam and a running clothesline to Kazarian’s back in the corner.

Kazarian is put into the Tree of Woe. Maclin hits Crosshairs for a two count. Maclin tries to hit KIA, but Kazarian slips out and goes to the apron. Maclin goes after him, but Kazarian yanks him down over the ropes. Kazarian then hits a DDT over the top rope for a two count. Kazarian goes for the Chicken Wing, but Maclin slips out. Maclin tries for the KIA, but Kazarian reverses and slaps on an arm stretch submission.

Maclin kicks his way out of the hold and is able to avoid Kazarian’s strikes from the apron. Maclin knocks Kazarian to the floor and hits a dive. Maclin sends Kazarian back into the ring and climbs to the top rope. Kazarian knocks him down and tries Fade to Black. Maclin slips out and almost rolls up Kazarian for the win. Kazarian ducks a knee and tries the Chicken Wing again. Maclin slips out and hits a Busaiku Knee for a two count.

Kazarian tries the Chicken Wing again, but Maclin reverses it into a roll up. Kazarian kicks out, but Maclin transitions to an arm bar. Kazarian reverses it into a Chicken Wing. Maclin stands out of it and goes through the ropes with Kazarian on his back. Kazarian holds onto the Chicken Wing on the floor. The referee breaks the hold. The referee and doctor check on Maclin. As they do so, Eric Young hits Kazarian with brass knuckles. Maclin didn’t see what Young did. Maclin recovers and hits KIA for the win!

Winner: Steve Maclin

Gia Miller is in the back with Spitfire. Jody Threat can’t wait to smash The Elegance Brand. Dani Luna doesn’t think the odds are against them in tonight’s handicap match. The plan is to make The Personal Concierge their personal punching bag.

A commercial airs for Queen of the Ring.

The Personal Concierge is in the ring. He’s not happy about competing tonight, but feels lucky to have two partners who have his back. The Personal Concierge then introduces Ash and Heather by Elegance.

TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions Spitfire vs. Ash and Heather by Elegance & their Personal Concierge - Handicap Match

Ash by Elegance and Dani Luna start things off. They lock up and Ash quickly goes behind. Luna grabs an arm, though, and cranks it. Luna takes Ash down with an arm bar. Luna almost gets a pin, but then goes back to working the arm. Ash reverses and tags in Heather. Heather comes in with a double axe handle to Luna’s arm. Heather takes in The Personal Concierge. He gets up on the second rope, but it’s too high. He jumps off the bottom rope onto Luna’s arm and tries a wrist lock. Luna quickly gets out of it and Heather tags in.

Heather tries to use her quickness, but Luna catches her and hits a backbreaker. Heather fights off Luna, but Luna is able to tag in Jody Threat. Spitfire double teams Heather for a two count. Luna tags back in and hits a powerslam on Heather. She then slams Threat onto Heather and gets a two count. Heather wiggles out of another slam. She tries to Irish Whip Luna, but Luna blocks it. Heather hits a jawbreaker. Luna shakes it off and climbs the ropes. The Personal Concierge distracts Luna, allowing Heather to knock her to the outside.

The Personal Concierge dances at Luna. Ash throws Luna into the ring, allowing Hether to club down on her. Ash tags in and stomps on Luna in the corner. The Personal Concierge tags in and kicks at Luna. He does a little dance and goes for another kick. Luna catches it and backs him up. Heather distracts the referee and Ash runs in and attacks Luna. Luna is backed into the corner and Ash tags back in. She hits a cartwheel splash and Heather hits a running kick. Ash gets a two count.

The Personal Concierge tags back in and is immediately kicked off of Luna. Ash tags back in and launches Luna into Heather for a lungblower. Heather becomes legal and slaps a chinlock onto Luna. Luna fights out of it and hits a suplex on Heather. Threat tags in. Ash tags in.

Threat comes in hot and hits a flurry of strikes on both Ash and Heather. Ash tries to strike Threat, but she moves and Ash hits Heather. Threat kicks both Elegances into the ropes. The Personal Concierge tries to put a sleeper on Threat, but she throws him off. Threat hits a German Suplex on Ash. Threat launches Heather overhead. The Elegance Brand rolls to the outside. Threat hits a dive onto Ash and Heather.

Threat rolls Ash into the ring. She picks Ash up and spins her around before hitting a Blue Thunder Bomb. Threat makes the cover, but The Personal Concierge breaks it up. He dances again, but then gets hit by the Pressure Drop by Spitfire. Heather drags Luna out of the ring as Ash attacks Threat from behind. Ash holds Threat as Heather hits a double stomp onto her from the top rope. Ash makes the cover and The Elegance Brand wins!

Winners and NEW TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions: Ash and Heather by Elegance

As The Elegance Brand celebrates in the ring, the lights go out. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson come out to the top of the ramp and wave at The Elegance Brand.

A video package airs for the Mike Santana vs. Mustafa Ali match.

More on Page 3!

You can order the show at this link.

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