Sam Laterna is backstage and QT Marshall and Brian Christian show up and ask her to come with them. He takes her to Sheldon Jean to interview him. QT answers for him and asks Jean to join them. Jean asks what is in it for QT, since he knows who QT is. QT asks what he wants out of the industry and he asks what is in it for him. QT says he wants to help young talent and he can do that. Jean shakes QT’s hand.
Mike Bennett vs. Alex Zayne
Bennett says he will stop Zayne’s high-flying style. They lock up and Bennett forces them into the ropes and Bennett tries a chop, but Zayne dodges it. They lock up again and go to the corner when Zayne breaks clean. Bennett gets a big kick and they run the ropes with Bennett getting a shoulder tackle. They run the ropes again and Zayne gets the shoulder tackle.
Zayne gets a charge into the corner and then a flying head scissors. He gets a springboard knee strike onto Bennett’s back and then a corkscrew shooting star press and Bennett rolls to the floor. Bennett limps at ringside, and the Ref stops Zayne’s dive. Zayne plays along for a bit but then dives onto Bennett. Zayne gets chops on the floor. Bennet turns the tables, but Zayne gets a slingshot on the floor into a tejaris on the floor.
They return to the ring and ref pulls the ref in front of him and then gets a dragon screw in the ropes on Zayne. Bennett goes to the floor and delivers another dragon screw. Bennett keeps working Zayne over on the floor with chops. Zayne is finally rolled into the ring and Bennett keeps working over the leg, wrapping it around the ringpost. Bennett keeps on top of Zayne with chops. Bennett gets a Michinoku driver for two.
Zayne takes a series of blows as he is powering up and then lays in blows on Bennett and drops him with a spinning lariat. Zayne gets a somersault leg drop but can’t follow up. Bennett gets a big forearm to Zayne’s back and they both go to the top. Bennett pushes him off and Zayne lands on his feet and gets a frankensteiner out of the corner for two. Bennet tries for another dragon screw, but Zayne blocks it and Bennett gets a basement drop-kick and then a brain buster for two.
Bennett calls for a pile driver. Zayne turns it into a back body drop and gets a rollup for two. Zayne gets a Baja Blast and then goes to the top and Bennett grabs the ref. The ref is knocked into the turnbuckle and Zayne drops to the mat. Bennett gets a cradle pile driver for the pin and the win.
Winner: Mike Bennett
Sam is with Tom Latimer and he is proud to be in Windsor representing the NWA. He knows Bishop wants to win but he’s not going to lose the title tonight.
MLP Canadian Women's Championship Tournament Quarter-Final: Gisele Shaw vs. Laynie Luck.
Veda leaves commentary and D’Lo Brown joins
They lock up and move to arm bars and headlocks. Luck gets a big kick when they start to lock up again and then gets a drop toe hold and misses a dive from the middle rope. Shaw gets a drop-kick and follows with chops. They run the ropes and Shaw gets a big kick. Show gets a diving elbow into Luck on the ropes, and Shaw follows with a slingshot tornado for a two count.
Shaw and Luck trade blows until they fight in the corner. Luck grabs the hair and slams Shaw into the turnbuckle and argues with the ref. Luck gets a suplex and kips up. Shaw fights from underneath and then gets a rollup for one. Luck gets a big blow to the face and doesn’t follow up. Luck runs Shaw into the corner and lays in shoulder trusts. She then hits a snap mare and puts a Cobra Clutch on Shaw.
Shaw fights to her feet, but Luck drops Shaw back down. Luck gets a front neckbreaker and stomps down Shaw in the corner. Luck misses a kick in the corner and Shaw tries an attack, but Luck gets a codebreaker in the ropes and then a double stomp on Shaw on the apron. Shaw is on the floor and again Luck doesn’t floor up.
Shaw gets in the ring at 7 and Luck stomps her down in the middle of the ring. Luck grabs a half nelson and Shaw fights free and nails Luck with a spear. Both women are down and struggle to their feet. When they get to their feet, Shaw gets a series of clotheslines and then a series of strikes. Shaw gets a pump kick into a spinebuster for two. Shaw lays in chops and after they both try for a hold, but work out of them. They exchange rollups for two. Luck gets an insigiri and a Death Valley driver for two.
Shaw gets a series of running uppercuts in the corner. Luck blocks a backslide and hits a meteora for two. Luck goes to the top and Shaw gets a leaping kick and a curb stomp for the second turnbuckle for two. Luck is able to grab a single leg crab when Shaw charges at her. Luck then turns it into an STF.
Shaw fights her way free and gets a shotgun drop-kick. She puts Luck on the top and tries for a hurricanrana and Luck blocks it and pulls her up. Luck gets a headbutt into a cutter from the second rope for two, but Shaw gets a foot on the rope. They both try for big moves and Shaw gets a back breaker into the face first slam, but Shaw can’t follow up. Shaw crawls to the corner and gets a running knee for the pin and the win.
Winner and moving on Gisele Shaw.
We get a rundown for tomorrow’s card, and if it is as good as this one, it’s a must-watch.
NWA Champion Thom Latimer vs. Bishop Dyer aka the former Baron Corbin.
Latimer goes for a kick when the lock-up and Dyer gets a shoulder tackle and Latimer goes to the floor to regroup. They run the ropes and Dyer gets another shoulder tackle and then starts working over Latimer in the corner. Latimer gets a series of blows and stomps him down in the corner. Dyer catches Latimer when he tries for a splash. Dyer gets a chokeslam grab, but Latimer escapes. Dyer gets a side slam for two.
Latimer gets a series of blows, but Dyer slams him into the turnbuckle and tosses him to the floor. Dyer tries for a charge on the floor, but Latimer dodges and Dyer goes into the steel steps. Latimer rolls him into the ring for a one count. Latimer gets a series of stomps and then covers for two. Latimer gets a neck breaker and covers for two again. Latimer lays in blows and Dyer starts firing back. Latimer grabs a sleeper hold and Dyer drops to his knees. Dyer flights to his feet and escapes, but Latimer locks the sleeper on again. Dyer drops to the mat.
Dyer’s hand does not drop and he works to his feet. Dyer punches his way free and reverses the hold. Latimer backs them into the corner and fights free with elbows. He gets a running lariat and hits a side slam. Dyer is able to get a spinning slam and both men are down. They get to their feet and throw hands. Latimer gets a double chop to the throat and when he charges, Dyer gets an ura nage into the corner. Dyer hits a Death Valley Driver.
Dyer gets a brain buster for two. Latimer is able to hit a spear for two. Latimer misses a moonsault and Dyer is able to get a front slam for two. Dyer gets a series of forearms and beats Latimer down in the corner. Latimer gets a spin kick and a DDT for two. Latimer tries for a pile driver and Dyer gets a back body drop instead. He follows with a spine buster and then a choke slam, but Latimer rolls out of the ring.
Dyer goes to the corner and then Latimer snaps his head on the bottom rope. Dyer rolls to the floor and Latimer rams his head with the steel steps. Dyer is rolled into the ring. Latimer goes to the top and Dyer knocks him to the floor and runs him into the ring post repeatedly. Dyer gets a back slam on the ramp. Dyer rolls Latimer into the ring and then as Dyer is dragging him, Latimer pokes him in the eyes and rolls up Dyer with his feet on the ropes for the pin and the win.
Winner and still NWA World Champion: Thom Latimer
Excellent hoss fight to end the show. A solid three hours of meat and potatoes wrestling and I recommend buying it. To order the show, click here. will return with Live coverage of MLPW Mayhem Night Two tomorrow!
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