It is Friday and it’s the first night for Maple Leaf Pro’s second set of shows, Mayhem. The shows are being held at St. Clair College in Windsor, ON.
To order the show, click here.
Our commentary team is Mauro Ranallo and Veda Scott.
Don Callis will not appear due to a family emergency. Ranallo sends his best to Callis' family.
The Jet Setters (KUSHIDA and Kevin Knight) vs Blake Christian and QT Marshall
Knight and Marshall start the match, locking up and QT gets a hip toss and then celebrates. They lock up again with Marshall getting a side headlock and then they run the ropes. Knight gets a pair of arm drags and Marshall tags out. Knight gets an arm drag on Christian and then tags in Kushida. They run the ropes and they trade quick takedowns and missed kicks.
They lock up again and after escaping an arm bar, Knight tags in and the Jet Setters get a two-man takedown. Christian tags in Marshall who is sent to the floor Christian is tossed into Marshall on the floor. Christian tags in again and after some double-teaming, Kushida stays tagged in. Kushida gets a big blow, knocking Christian to the floor. Kushida locks in a calf slicer.
Christian gets free with an eye rake and when whipped to the ropes, Marshall grabs his foot which allows Christian to attack. Marshall and Christian work over Kushida with quick tags, cutting the ring in half. Kushida is able to take down Marshall and Knight tags in to clean house.
Knight suplexes Christian into Marshall, and then covers Marshall for two. Christina gets a Pele kick, but Knight bounces back with a double kick to Marshall and Christian. Christian breaks up the pin and then the tag team siren goes off, and all four men are fighting in the ring. Once things are under control, Kushida gets the hoverboard lock on Christian, broken up by Marshall. Knight takes Christian out of the ring.
Kushida gets an arm bar on Marshall and Christian breaks it up for Marshall to cover for two. Knight tags in and each man takes out the last person in the ring until everyone is down. Everyone gets to their feet to throw hands and the sequence ends with Christian stunning Knight and going to the top. Knight puts Christian on Marshall’s shoulders and drop-kicks him off.
Knight holds Christian for Kushida to hit a crossbody for the pin and the win.
Winners: The Jet Setters
Billy Gunn & Bhupinder Gujjar & Psycho Mike Rollins & El Reverso vs. Champion's Grail Champion Rohan Raja & Johnny Swinger & Raj Singh & Rohit Raju.
Johnny Swinger grabs a mic before the match, and is now Johnny “The Swingman” Parici in honor of his uncle Tony Parici.
And yes, an 8-man tag gets the famed bullet points.
Gujjer and Singh throw hands to start the match
They go through big power moves before running the ropes and the Gujjar gets a high drop-kick.
Reverso tags in and works Singh over in the corner.
Raju tags in and gets a PK on Reverso into a two count
Swingers tags in and his stomp gets stopped by Reverso
Mike tags in and works an arm bar while staring at the hard cam.
Mike builds to a body slam but Raju tags out to Raja
Gunn tags in and gives a crotch shop and gets a series of kicks.
The tag team siren goes off, and all 8 men are fighting in the ring until only Gunn’s team is left for a scissoring, but they are tripped, and the fight goes to the floor.
In the ring, Gunn holds Raja so that Mike can tag in for the body slam, but Raja escapes.
Mike is worked over in Raja’s corner with quick tags.
Swinger tries to body slam Mike, but Mike is able to slam him instead.
EVERYONE gets a body slam from Mike and Gunn tags in
Everyone takes out the last person into the ring
Reverso leaps into a cutter from Raja, who covers for the pin and the win.
Winners: Champion Rohan Raja & Johnny Swinger & Raj Singh & Rohit Raju.
We are told about the two pre-show matches:
MLP Canadian Women's Championship Tournament Quarter-Final: Taylor Rising vs. Beaa Moss. - Taylor Rising wins and moves on
MLP Canadian Women's Championship Tournament Quarter-Final: Serena Deeb vs. Aurora Teeves. - Serena Deeb wins and moves
And now the next match:
MLP Canadian Women's Championship Tournament Quarter-Final: Zoe Sager (WWE ID Program wrestler) vs. Kylie Rae (WWE ID Program wrestler)
Zoe refuses to shake hands.
They lock up and go to the corner and break, locking up again. Zoe gets a side headlock and Rea reverses it into an arm bar and they trade arm bars back and forth. Rae gets a side headlock takeover into a two count. They go to waistlocks and headlocks back and forth. They go to the corner where they break clean.
Zoe gets a spinning toe hold and starts working over the leg. Rae is able to reverse into a two count, and hits a TKO on Zoe for two. They trade waistlocks and Rea gets a rollup and Zoe reverses and Rae gets a Smile to the Finish (and STF). Zoe rolls her for two. Rae gets a superkick and another two count.
Zoe gets a Dragon Screw on the injured leg. Zoe gets a big kick in the corner and then a running knee in the corner. Zoe gets a second rope moonsault for two. Zoe goes back to work on the leg and then a reversed figure four. Rae fights her way out of it with blows to Zoe’s head. Rae kicks Zoe across the ring. Zoe goes for a Dragon Screw and Rae drops down for the pin and the win.
Winner and moving on: Kylie Rae
To order the show, click here.
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