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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-10-08 22:00:00

We are back and Oba stretches Tony over his knee.  Tony with elbows to try to get free from Oba.  Oba sets for a power bomb but Tony counters with a back body drop.  Someone passes Tony the crowbar and the referee doesn't notice it.  Tony gives it back to Lorenzo.  Tony wtih forearms to Oba.  Tony goes for a spinebuster but Oba with a forearm to stop him.  Both men go over the top rope to the floor.  Tony gets to the apron and Oba with a jumping chop to the chest.  Oba goes face to face with The Famly and he pushes Luca and Lorenzo down and Rizzo goes down as well.  Tony with a double leg take down and punches.  Tony sends Oba into the guardrails and ring steps.  Tony with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on the ramp.

Tony with a spear in the ring and he gets a near fall.  Oba with an uppercut and he hits a running uppercut in the corner.  Tony with a clothesline but Oba with a flying boot and a choke slam for a near fall.  Oba with short arm clotheslines to Tony.  Tony ducks a clothesline and hits  German suplex and he holds on for a second one.  Tony holds on to the waist lock and Oba with elbows to the back of the head and Oba with a toss back breaker but Oba falls to the mat.

Oba with a running uppercut into the corner and he puts Tony on the turnbuckles.  Tony punches Oba and sends him to the mat.  Tony comes off the turnbuckles and is met with an uppercut.  Tony goes to the floor and Oba follows.  Oba adjusts the announce table.  Oba goes for a power bomb but Tony lands on his feet and he gives Oba a spinebuster through the table.  Tony and Oba return to the ring and Tony with a spinebuster for a near fall.  Tony counters a choke slam with a sunset flip for the three count.

Winner:  Tony D'Angelo (new champion)

We take a look back at Lola Vice and Jaida Parker fighting in LOCKER ROOM after their match.

Lola tells Ava she wants Jaida and Ava says Jaida wants her.  Ava says she will work it out.

Nikkita Lyons shows up and she says she is grateful to be back.  Nikkita says she needs to talk to Ava and Lola needs to do something else.

Lola tells Nikkita that she better be careful or she will put her back on the shelf.

Ava says she knows who Nikkita's first opponent will be.

Kelani, Jade, and Bianca walk in the back and Kelani thanks them for having her back.

Lash and Jakara say they want a shot at the tag titles.

Jade says they do not run from a challenge.  Bianca tells them to come to them so do it on Smackdown.

Match Number Three:  Austin Theory and Grayson Waller versus Axiom and Nathan Frazer for the NXT Tag Team Championship

Axiom and Theory start things off and Axiom with a side head look and Theory with a shoulder tackle.  Theory pie faces Axiom and Axiom responds with a chop.  Axiom with a drop kick and Frazer tags in.  Axiom with an Octopus and Frazer hits a rapid fire running boot to the head.  Frazer with a chop and then he floats over on an Irish whpi.  Frazer with arm drags into an arm bar.  Theory with a double thrust to the throat.  Theory pulls Frazer up from the mat and he lands on his feet like Seth Rollins and hits a kick.  Frazer takes care of Theory and Frazer with a kick to Waller and Axiom with a tornado DDT.  Theory goes to the turnbuckles and Axiom with a kick.  

Waller holds on to Theory when Axiom goes for a Spanish Fly.  Theory with a clothesline to Axiom after he crotches Axiom on the top rope and we go to commercial.

We are back and Axiom with a head scissors to Waller.  Theory pulls Frazer off the apron to prevent the tag.  Waller punches Axiom and Theory tags in and they hit a double forearm for a near fall.  Frazer with a forearm to Waller while Theory puts Axiom on the turnbuckles.  Theory sets for a superplex and Axiom blocks it.  Axiom with forearms and he kicks Theory to the mat.  Axiom with a splash and Frazer tags in and hits a springboard drop kick.  Frazer flips over Theory and hits a flying forearm.  Frazer goes for a suplex and Theory lands on his feet.  Frazer with a springboard moonsault into a reverse DDT and he gets a near fall.  

Frazer with a pescado onto Waller and Axiom wants the tag.  Frazer goes for a shooting star press but Theory gets his knees up and Theory gets a near fall.  Frazer with an enzuigiri and Waller pulls Axiom off the apron.  Theory with Ataxia for a near fall.  Waller tags in and they go for a double belly-to-back suplex but Frazer lands o his feet and Axiom tags in.  Axiom with a missile drop kick while Frazer hits a leg sweep and Axiom gets a near fall.  Frazer goes for a pescado but Theory with a forearm.  Axiom with a forearm to Waller and Axiom with a rear naked choke.  Frazer with a guillotine on Theory and Theory drops Frazer onto Axiom to break up the hold.

Frazer kicks Waller and then Axiom gets a near fall.  Waller and Theory almost collide.  Axiom with Golden Ratio to Theory and Axiom with a Destroyer to Waller.  Frazer tags in and they set for Axiom to hit Spanish Fly.  Frazer with a Phoenix Splash for the three count.

Winners:  Nathan Frazer and Axiom (retain championship)

We go to commercial.

Ridge Holland is with Sarah.  Ridge says he would run through them all and that is what he did.  That is the price they paid for their mediocrity.

Riley Osborne attacks Ridge and officials separate them.

Sexyy Red is in the ring to perform.

She is interrupted by Ethan Page.

Red says that Ethan has an attitude problem.

Page says her performance is canceled.  That is what happens when you interrupt him on Raw.  Things have fallen apart in a week.  Wes Lee thinks he is the number one contender?  Ava is trying to ruin his life.  Je'Von Evans believes he should be facing Randy Orton but Ethan should be defending his title against Randy Orton.

Je'Von Evans makes his way to the ring.

Page says he doesn't give a damn that Evans is facing Randy Orton.  

Evans punches Page when Page goes after him and Evans sends Page over the top rope to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Delta video.  

Next week, The Halloween Havoc wheel returns.  Tony D'Angelo has a championship celebration.  Lola Vice faces Nikkita Lyons.  Stephanie Vaquer faces Wren Sinclair.

Match Number Four:  Je'Von Evans versus Randy Orton

Orton has some words for Evans before locking up.  Orton with a side head lock.  Orton side steps a drop kick.  They lock up and Orton with a wrist lock.  Orton with an Iris whip and Evans goes to the apron and slingshots back in and avoids Orton.  They lock up and Orton with a side head lock.  Evans goes for the springboard cutter and Orton moves out of the way like he is from Samoa.  Orton pats Evans on the top fo the head on a break.  Orton blocks a kick but Evans connects with a kick and a drop kick.  Orton goes to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Evans is sent to the floor and Orton follows.  Randy sets for a back drop driver onto the announce table and Evans lands on the announce table and he leaps over Orton to the apron and he kicks Randy.  Evans with a suicide dive but Orton catches him and Orton gives him a back drop driver onto the announce table.  Orton with another back drop driver.  Orton goes for three and Evans bounces on the table.  Orton with one more back drop driver to Evans.  

Orton sends Evans back into the ring and Orton with a hard Irish whip.  Evans slides under the ropes on an Irish whip and Evans with a springboard clothesline.  Evans with chops.  Orton with an Irish whip and Evans floats over and hits a rebound round kick.  Orton catches Evans when he tries for a springboard cutter.  Orton with a power slam for a near fall.  Orton sends Evans to the apron and he sets for the IEDDT and hits it.  Orton looks around and sets for the RKO by twisting to the mat.  Evans with a super kick and Orton goes down.  Evans hits the double jump cutter for a near fall.  Evans goes for another double jump twisting senton and Orton avoids it and then Orton with an RKO for the three count.

Winner:  Randy Orton

After the match, Orton helps Evans up and he raises Evans' hand.  

Ava is in the back with Ethan Page and Wes Lee.  She says if Ethan wants a title match, he has to earn it.  She says Wes does too.  The winner of the match next week will face Trick at Halloween Havoc.  Ava decides to add Je'Von Evans to the match.

We go to credits.

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