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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-10-08 22:00:00

Your announcers are Booker T and Vic Joseph.

We see the wrestlers arriving at the building.

We look at highlights from last week's show.

NXT Men's Champion Trick Williams makes his way to the ring.

Trick says they are in St. Louis and Sexyy Red is in the back.  He says NXT is reaching new heights.  They are in new cities and on a new network.  He says he is Tricky Two Times and he is your champion.  He says he knows there are sharks in the locker room looking for him.

Wes Lee is in the balcony and he says people don't want to hear him celebrating for two hours when he wasn't the only one with a significant victory.  Now he is going to become a Triple Crown Champion by beating Trick.  

Trick says he knows Wes' type.  The type to stab someone in the back and pretend you are friends.  He says he has dealt with that before.

Wes says that Trick is the face of NXT right now, but he says Trick ain't it.  Wes says he will be the one to take the title from him and he will leave his ass in the dust like his partner did.

Jey Uso's music plays and he makes his way to the ring.  

Jey says he is in your city.  

Trick appreciates Jey coming out after his big victory last night.  He knows Jey is tired but they look great and they will whoop that trick if anyone comes for their titles.

Jey and Trick do dueling gestures and then they hug.

Match Number One:  Kelani Jordan, Jade Cargill, and Bianca Belair versus Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, and Jazmyn Nyx

Kelani gets distracted by Nyx and Fallon and Jacy work over Jordan.  Nyx with a forearm but Jordan with a Tiger Feint arm drag and a drop kick.  Bianca with a drop kick and Jade with a jumping kick.  Jade, Kelani, and Bianca with slams at the same time.

Oba Femi is in BACK doing some STRETCHING.

Jordan with a slam and splash to Nyx for a near fall.  Bianca tags in and she slams Nyx.  Bianca with a shoulder tackle to Fallon but Fallon with an Irish whip and Bianca floats over and goes across the ring to taunt Fallon and flip over her before hitting a shoulder.  Bianca with punches to Fallon.  Jacy grabs Bianca's hair and Bianca takes care of Jacy.  Bianca with a suplex to Fallon and she hits a handspring moonsault for a near fall.  Jade tags in and they hit a double slam off a hip toss set up.  Jordan tags in and Jade presses Jordan over her head and she drops Jordan onto Fallon for a near fall.  Fallon with a double thrust to the throat followed by a punch.  Fallon with a head lock and Nyx tags in and Fallon grabs the leg while Nyx hits a bulldog.  Jordan is sent to the floor and Jacy with a cannonball off the apron.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Nyx keeps Jordan from making the tag.  Nyx with an Irish whip and kicks in the corner.  Fallon tags n and Nyx with a leg sweep and a flying hair take down by Fallon.  Jacy with a back senton for a near fall. Jacy sends Jordan into the turnbuckles and she follows with kicks.  Jacy misses a cannonball in the corner but she stops Jordan.  Jordan with a jumping spin kick.

We see Tony D'Angelo and Friends in BACK.

Jacy runs into a knee in the corner and Jordan fights out of the corner.  Jordan lands on her feet on a belly-to-back suplex.  Nyx and Jade tag in and Jade with forearms to everyone.  Jade with a spinebuster to Jacy and a slam to Fallon.  Jade with a fallaway slam to Nyx.  Jade with splashes to Nyx and Jacy in the corner.  Jade with a choke slam to Nyx and Bianca tags in.  Bianca is sent onto Nyx but Fallon breaks up the cover.  Jade with a super kick to Fallon.  Jacy with a kick.  Jordan with an X Factor and she hits a 7-10 moonsault to the floor.  Nyx with a Pele Kick to Bianca for a near fall.  Bianca blocks a kick and she sends Nyx to the mat face first.  Jade tags in and they hit an assisted DDT and wheelbarrow suplex combination.  Jordan tags in and hits a split legged moonsault for the three count.

Winners:  Kelani Jordan, Jade Cargill, and Bianca Belair

Frazer and Axiom are in LOCKER ROOM and Randy Orton asks them about how fast Je'Von Evans is.  Axiom says he might be the fastest guy in NXT and Frazer is angry at what Axiom said.  

Randy says there is nothing wrong being a hot head and you need to find the place where you are comfortable.

Frazer says he is taking it and running with it.

Sarah is with Giulia and she asks what does she expect to hear from Roxanne and Cora.

There is a knock on the door and someone says hello to an old friend.  Giulia says they have it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and NXT Women's Champion Roxanne Perez makes her way to the ring.

Perez says she thought last week would be the week that it happens.  The international chosen one was going to become the NXT Women's Champion, but nope, you are disappointed again and she still has the title.  Maybe you will believe what she has been saying since April.  She says you are all so predictable and you will prop someone else up and she will be drinking the tears of your new flavors of the month.  Roxanne says she doesn't have to drink alone any more.  A new friendship is starting to fire up.

Cora Jade makes her way to the ring.

Cora says for the past nine months she has been at home listening to how this was the deepest division in NXT but her name was never mentioned.  Cora says that really really really pissed her off.  When she came back, she wanted to make sure everyone paid for forgetting about her.  No one saw her costing Giulia last week not even Roxanne.  She was a girl looking to be part of NXT, now she is going to make NXT.  Roxanne deserves to be NXT Champion.  This is the version she knew Roxanne could always be.  Their friendship has been mended and that is bad for the deepest division in WWE.

Roxanne says she wishes she listened to Cora years ago and you wanted her to look out for herself.  She knows this title is what shattered their friendship but it will bring them back together.

Giulia's music plays and she makes her way to the ring.

Cora holds the ropes open for Giulia and invites her into the ring.

Stephanie Vaquer comes out to stand next to Giulia.

They go to the ring and Vaquer and Giulia take care of Perez and Cora.  

Guilia and Stephanie pick up the title belt at the same time.

No Quarter Catch Crew is in the back and Wren says she will show Stephanie Vaquer what NXT is about.  

They walk in the back and Lexis King is watching his loss to Oro Mensah.

King asks Charlie about getting a match against Oro where they can't cheat.  Charlie talks about the Admiral Lord Mount Evans match.  He says it is a gentleman's battle.

Match Number Two:  Tony D'Angelo versus Oba Femi for the Men's North American Title

Oba gets Tony to flinch but Tony with punches to Oba.  Oba misses a chop and Tony with more punches.  Tony with an Irish whip but Oba with a clothesline out of the corner.  Oba with a knee to the midsection and a slam.  Oba with an elbow drop for a near fall.  Oba with a side head lock and Tony tries to send him off the ropes and Oba holds on.  Tony gets  near fall on a rollup.  Oba with a side head lock take down.  Tony with a shoulder tackle and he clotheslines Oba over the top rope to the floor.  Tony with a kick to stop a chop from Oba.  Oba catches Tony off the apron and choke slams him on the apron.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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